Should Barbara Boxer be worried about her Republican opponents? I don’t think Chuck DeVore is a threat, but businesswoman Carly Fiorina might be.
The Dems have already launched an attack on Fiorina (see the video above). I will be the first to say she is not perfect, but Boxer is awful. Somebody has to take her out!
Don’t believe me? Watch the video below where Boxer degrades a Brigadier General, for no reason:
Boxer even voted to de-fund ACORN recently, according to a blog post by Chris Reed, even though ACORN has supported her for years. That sure sounds like a move to cut her losses!
Can Fiorina beat Boxer? Beats me, but I would sure love to see Boxer lose to SOMEONE, and it won't be DeVore. I am not sure he could even win a seat on the Irvine City Council!
well art at least we found one subject we can agree on . boxer is a disater and needs to go . i like devore but anyone is better than this god awfull person .