UPDATE: Jon Fleischman lied when he wrote that past Clerk-Recorder Gary Granville approved of Laura Cunningham as a candidate to replace him. According to sources who were close to Granville, he was offended by the idea of the unqualified Cunningham running and he told Tom Fuentes he would not support her. Instead, Granville ran again. He later died in office and was replaced by career politician Tom Daly.
Nothing pleases former Mike Carona P.R. flack Jon Fleischman more than hacking for his red-faced pals. With that in mind, Fleischman today gushed over the candidacy of his fellow political consultant, Laura “Mrs. Jerbal” Cunningham, who is running for O.C. Clerk-Recorder, over at his lame “Flash Report” blog.
Of course Fleischman got scooped on this story – by me, when I posted about this back on Sep. 22.
All of Fleischman’s crooked pals are jumping on board Mrs. Jerbal’s campaigns. He wrote that “Laura has already racked up some significant endorsements, such as OC Supervisors Bill Campbell and Pat Bates, District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, former Supervisor and current Assemblyman Jim Silva, as well as a number of local elected officials. John Lewis and Matt Holder, who have run a number of successful county-wide races, have agreed to serve as her consultants.”
That would be the same John Lewis who got a bailiff, Mike Carona, elected to the post of Orange County Sheriff – even though Carona had ZERO experience in real crimefighting. He was essentially a court security guard. Similarly, Mrs. Jerbal is a political consultant. She is NOT an administrator and she has no clue what goes on in the Clerk-Recorder’s office. Her campaign is a complete farce!
Is Mrs. Jerbal qualified to be our next Clerk-Recorder?
Why are all these Republicans so unwilling to get behind leading Republican candidate Hugh Nguyen? He worked for previous Clerk-Recorder Gary Granville for 12 years. After Granville died and career politician Tom Daly took over the Clerk-Recorder’s office, Nguyen was recruited to be the Assistant County Clerk. Now he is ready to return to his old department and carry on the good work of Mr. Granville.
So why not support Nguyen? Why get behind the utterly unqualified Mrs. Jerbal? It just makes me sick!
Hey Art, Don’t you have any photos of Mrs. Jerbal? I don’t think i’ve ever seen one???
What a joke. I can’t believe the Republican party will get behind Laura Cunningham, she has no experience. No wonder the Republican party is all mess up. It’s who you know and it doesn’t matter if you are qualified are not.
I’m so ashamed of my Republican party. We need to stand up and tell Laura she is not qualified to for this job.
No wonder no one wants to join the Republican party. Scott Baugh I have been a member for a long time and I believe its your job to tell people not to run for election if they are not qualified.
It’s a damm joke!!!
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Why would Scotty tell Laura not to run when she was his left hand girl for years at the Central Committee?
I don’t care if she is his left hand, right hand or whatever hand. The bottom line is she is not qualified to do this job.
As a Republican I would rather vote for Hugh Nguyen or Renee Ramirez because at least they have the experience to do the job. Just because you know people in the party it doesn’t mean you run for office.
The Republican Party is a joke. The Party is making stupid moves like this. I know Laura but I don’t think she is qualified to do the job. Her husband is a blogger and we are going to support his wife.
Sad to say the republican party really does not care who is qualified and who is not. It’s all about who is friends with who. Hugh does have the expierence to run the clerk recorder and not only that, he wants to come back to the clerk recorder and continue Gary’s legacy. This position should be one that people interview for. Hugh has the expierence and management skills that the rest dont. I agree that the Republican Party should step up to the plate and do whats best. Laura speaks about wanting to run years ago and then stepping back because Gary decided to run again?? There are a few of us who really know why Gary ran again. He wasnt willing to give up his post to just anyone. Im sure Tom Fuentes can recall exactly how things happened.
It’s hard to take seriously accusations of “spinelessness” or claims about who is qualified and who isn’t from people who are afraid to put their names to their accusations.
But what else should we expect on this blog?
What are you talking about? I always put my name on my posts, unlike your boy Jerbal who had to be outed by the OC Weekly. He even used to praise himself (Jerbal would say that Matt had a great post, and vice versa). It was very odd to say the least.
The fact is, Mrs. Jerbal is utterly unqualified to be Clerk-Recorder. If she is such a great administrator why did the OC GOP toss her out when she was their Exec. Director?
And why are you taking pot shots at anon commenters when YOU are an anon commenter too? Your hypocrisy is Jerbalesque, to say the least.
What I want to know is how did a guy who looks like Jerbal snag a foxy lady like Laura! Even with the whiskers she is pretty hot. I still won’t vote for her for Recorder because she is not qualified but she can come run around my Habitrail any time she wants!!!
According to Jon F:
“She brings leadership skills, political savvy and organizational and operational experience from both business and government. Given her breadth of political experience and connections, Laura will make a formidable candidate.”
What leadership skills? I am curious to know how many people and what kind of budgets she has overseen. Which business enterprise has she had experience that is close to the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS involved in the CR office? Where in Government for that matter?
Why do her political connections have anything to do with that office?
Answer these questions and she may earn the right to run, otherwise she should stay home.
its not what she knows but who she knows. Politicians are all the same its all about favriotes,friends favors, and what they can get out of it…in the future…
I have friends that knows John Dumitru and Laura Cunningham. We can’t believe the are thinking about running for the Clerk Recorder. They just don’t have experience to do the job.
We don’t want to hurt there feeling, but I hope they will think twice before they decide to run.
People I talked to think this is a big joke!!!!