Jon Fleischman doesn’t want you to know that Linda Ackerman is a carpetbagger from Irvine

Well, that didn’t take long. After our friends at the FFFF blog found a video showing Linda and Dick Ackerman in their privated, gated abode in Irvine, the guy who shot that video, Jon Fleischman, pulled it off YouTube. So I put it back.

I think that the voters in the 72nd Assembly District need to know that Linda Ackerman is a CARPETBAGGER FROM IRVINE. And Fleischman, as a CRP Vice Chair, should not be taking sides in the battle between Republicans Chris Norby and Linda Ackerman. He should allow the video to air so we can all see for ourselves the truth about the Ackermans.

I told Fleischman after he asked me to take it down that I will respond after he sends me a written request via U.S. mail. And after I discuss this with the ACLU. The truth needs to be told!

Here is Jon’s email to me today asking me to remove the video:


This little piggy is trying to suppress the truth about Linda Ackerman…

Good morning, Art.

I was on the Red County/OC Blog website this morning and saw the FlashReport 2007 Holiday Video that I had made and put on my FlashReport You Tube Video site was imbedded in a post by Allan Bartlett.

When I clicked through on it to the You Tube site, I was astonished to see that apparently you had literally taken my content, without permission, from my YouTube page and placed it on your own page.

With all due respect, I know that you are a strong advocate of property rights. That video is my property, which I placed on my site and made it available for a time for people to see, link, or imbed.

Please remove my video from your YouTube site and anywhere else you have placed it immediately.

Please confirm receipt of this letter.

Jon Fleischman
Publisher, The FlashReport

And here is my response to Jon:


Please send me your written request to XXX , and I will be happy to consider it after I discuss this with my friends at the ACLU.

As a free speech advocate I think it is important for folks to see what a carpetbagger Linda Ackerman is. I am sure you also find carpetbagging to be a reprehensible practice.

And I am sure that as CRP Vice Chair you are not taking sides in this election by trying to remove this video from the public’s view, thereby helping Ackerman to fool the voters in the 72nd A.D.

You had this video up for ages. Why pray tell are you now trying to cover it up? Shouldn’t the voters know that Ackerman is a carpetbagger from a gated community in Irvine? Why I would think that you would want an open and honest election?

In the age of the Internet you can’t stop the truth from getting out Jon. After watching Carona implode you ought to know that by now.

UPDATE: Do you want to know who Linda Ackerman REALLY is?  Click here to read “Who is Linda Ackerman?”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.