Many more in Mexico want to come here

Mexican immigrants

The Pew Research Center is described as a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world through public opinion polling.

In a report released September 23 Pew reports on a 2009 survey of 1,000 adults in Mexico done between May 26 and June 2, 2009. The report said the sample of 1,000 is representative of the country’s adult population, and the margin of sampling error for the results is plus or minus three percentage points. The findings include that “Mexicans are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with their country” with 81% describing crime, 75% the economy, 73% illegal drugs and 68% corrupt political leaders as very big problems.

1 of every 3 Mexicans, which Pew describes as a “substantial minority” would migrate to the United States if they had the opportunity, and half of that group (1 out of every 6 Mexicans) would come if they could even without authorization. According to this report, “Four-in-ten Mexicans say they know someone who left for the U.S. but returned because they could not find a job, although even more (47%) report knowing someone who returned because they were turned back by the border patrol.” The entire report can be read at

This report provides much to think about. One of those things is that of Mexico’s estimated population of 109 million about 33 million would like to come here and of that about 16 million would come here “without authorization” if they could.

If nothing else this information provides some sense of just what might happen with an open border to Mexico and why significant numbers of Mexicans would leave their country if they could. It also informs why the border is often such a busy place.

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.