The Pew Research Center is described as a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world through public opinion polling.
In a report released September 23 Pew reports on a 2009 survey of 1,000 adults in Mexico done between May 26 and June 2, 2009. The report said the sample of 1,000 is representative of the country’s adult population, and the margin of sampling error for the results is plus or minus three percentage points. The findings include that “Mexicans are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with their country” with 81% describing crime, 75% the economy, 73% illegal drugs and 68% corrupt political leaders as very big problems.
1 of every 3 Mexicans, which Pew describes as a “substantial minority” would migrate to the United States if they had the opportunity, and half of that group (1 out of every 6 Mexicans) would come if they could even without authorization. According to this report, “Four-in-ten Mexicans say they know someone who left for the U.S. but returned because they could not find a job, although even more (47%) report knowing someone who returned because they were turned back by the border patrol.” The entire report can be read at
This report provides much to think about. One of those things is that of Mexico’s estimated population of 109 million about 33 million would like to come here and of that about 16 million would come here “without authorization” if they could.
If nothing else this information provides some sense of just what might happen with an open border to Mexico and why significant numbers of Mexicans would leave their country if they could. It also informs why the border is often such a busy place.
I teach their children.
I tell them every year, that if I were in their place, I would cross the border too!
Hey, it’s not like it’s all that wrong. Is it any worse than the manner in which the USA took Alta California, New Mexico, Southern Arizona, and Texas away from Mexico years ago? Perhaps the Mexican strategy of reclaiming their former lands “one family at a time” without declaring war is brilliant.
great we got a reconquista teacher brainwashing the kids on how we stole the land . where do you teach at berkley ?
Relax, reread, and reflect on my post.
I said that I would make the same choice my students’ parents made to come to the USA. I said that that decision is no worse morally “than the manner in which the USA took…” the land(s) that used to be under Mexican control.
No brainwashing, just factual statements that the students are allowed to accept or reject.
She/he.. teaches at Wilson, in Orange Unified, with a API of less than 5. She/he could not careless about the kids that want to take this land “one family at a time”. And what are they going to do with it, “Wilson teacher”, when you are an example of the quality that is teaching them and most likely the kids will continue to walk out of classroom’s such as yours with a poor command of the basic’s. Maybe they can be your future gardeners??.
Thank you for the backup to a post i made to Dr.l.
So you see Dr.L, i and my neighour are right. In a large majority of the Hispanics from Mexico not learning English and the influx to this land has very much a political vibe.
And really, if Calfornia was still part of Mexico, Mexicans and other latin third world people would be pouring in to the next US state. Mexico and its leaders are a disaster and are corrupt to the core!.
I suggest teacher not only should you start teaching the kids the basics in education. Teach them common sense!.
Ms. Quinn,
I’ve read many of your posts.
You’re very passionate about your opinions.
Please consider that your uninformed judgments of others and their opinions lessen the relevance of your comments.
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically… Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – MLK
Thank you,
i am very passionate about Education of children also. And i might be a little more testy than usual, because i recieved the scores of the Hispanic kids in OUSD. I agree in high school/college critical thinking is very important. But, would you not agree, the early years of education,the basics is what matters. kids are not learning the basics.
I do agree with Mr. Ortega, it is both the parents and the schools that makes a difference,in whether the children do well or not. I think teachers should focus on teaching the basic’s not making friends with their students.
If indeed i did made a mistake in judging you to be a wilson teacher, from Orange Unified, then i am quite sorry if i offended you, but if you are a teacher, teaching at Wilson Elem. then i do not!.
Wilson Elem. is just one in many within Orange County that reflects very badly on the teacher profession.
Please understand that you are the kids only hope,if indeed they have parents that could not give a shite about the kids education. Math and English needs to be the focal point.
Do not wastetime talking about Mexicos failure to provide for its people, because they are here now, and not in Mexico!. We need, engineers, Doctors, not political acitivist for the hispanic cause!.
Ms. Quinn,
Yes, parents and school [in that order] ensure educational success for children.
Yes, you err in judging me.
I teach at Wilson Elementary in Santa Ana Unified. Our “port-of-entry” school serves a student population that is 99% Hispanic, 90% ESL, 92% free meals, and 100% low-income. Our school site is 37 years old with the majority of the rooms “underground” without any windows, poor ventilation, and lacking many features newer schools take for granted. Our school doesn’t even have a parking lot, so our staff has to “fight” our residential neighbors for on-street parking spots. The staff at our school teaches the basics and has high expectations for students to perform even though they lack support at home. Because of our staff’s professionalism and dedication to the students our school has improved in API and AYP every year in spite of the many challenges we face. In fact, this year our school had the highest increase in API of all SAUSD schools (86 points).
So please consider spending more time researching and reflecting on your posts instead of ranting and judging.
“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.” -Ross Perot
Wrong city, right school. What is your score now??. Is it a 2?. It would take about 40 yrs to reach a 10.
Please read the Pacific institute of educational research on the “California School System”.
API of 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. I have done my home work, i know all about the QEIA, HPSG, reclassification, Title one, API, scores of nearly ever school in Orange, Santa Ana. I am working on schools in Anaheim and Garden Grove. I know more about the American eduational system, than most Americans.
I teach at Wilson Elementary in Santa Ana Unified. Our “port-of-entry” school serves a student population that is 99% Hispanic, 90% ESL, 92% free meals, and 100% low-income. Our school site is 37 years old with the majority of the rooms “underground” without any windows, poor ventilation, and lacking many features newer schools take for granted. Our school doesn’t even have a parking lot, so our staff has to “fight” our residential neighbors for on-street parking spots.
You are one of the highest paid teachers in the nation. The teaching profession in public education are failing the children. I could not care less if the parents are a bunch of idiot gang members, it is your job to teach. I will not give you one ounce of leave way. If the parents are not supporting their childrens education demand to close the school down until they do, raise hell, speak up. Dont just take a paycheck and walk away. You are not a day care center, or a nanny, you are an educator and are paid well to educate. If the school has a API of 2, its on your back. The fact the kids cannot speak English does present a problem, but it can be overcome and it has in many nations. A state audit report of 2005, stated, “districts are not reclassifying the kids fast enough, because they will lose federal and state grants”, Hispanic failure makes alot of money for the districts, Santa Ana district taking in most of the federal and state grants. Santa Ana school district is corrupt plain and simple with all school’s failing in Santa Ana, this district needs to be investigated by the DA office.
I know you guys have a lot on your plate with working in an all hispanic area, madeup of the illegal uneducated poor of third world latin countries. But you picked the job, not i and you need to fix the problems. If these kids come out uneducated you and i will be paying for them for the rest of our lives and thy will be paying the price of living in poverty and ignorance for the rest of theirs. Its a win win situation for all communitiesm that these kids do well. If the federal Government fails to stop the poor flooding in to this state, then we need to make sure the kids do not continue the cycle of poverty. And its up to the teachers to do that!.
A bad work man, always blames his tools,
said by someone who works for a living!.
I would like you and every teacher to get this book: Steve Perry, priciple of Capitol prep magnet school author of the book “Man up”.
This is an educator, 100% of his students go to college!.
Ms. Quinn,
You’re so egotistical that I don’t think you can fathom your own ignorance.
Do yourself and our community a favor and take some classes in grammar and debate.
I grant you that l e e w a y.
“Your ignorance cramps my conversation.” – Bob Hope
I have long expoused the same view.
I believe Michelle and The Great One to be hypocrites, for if thier future was a dusty desert town with no chance of a future, WHY WOULD’NT you want to come north.
Their simplistic, homogenic views are a lie designed to protect thier own, selfish sort. These are the LKEAST Christain of postions. But, thats OK it gives the good people of the world someone to point to and ask “Do you really want to end up like that”?
Michelle is a ig mouth who ought to try doing something for her community instead of destroying it. The Great One, says it all with his name. Humble? I don’t think so.
Wilson teacher,
Don’t waste your time trying to rationally engage Michelle Quinn (many have tried and failed), she is irrational.
Just examine her statement about you; “…it is your job to teach. I will not give you one ounce of leave [sic] way.” She expects you and your students to compete with teachers and students in Irvine and elsewhere, that have very few of the challenges (poverty, language barriers, transience) and lots of advantages ( pre-school, educated parents, stability, private lessons and rich cultural experiences) yet, if you call Ms. Quinn out on her abysmal spelling and grammar, she cries foul and bemoans her poor education and opportunities, she just can’t compete.
She is an irrational, hypocritical ignoramus at best, at worst, an egocentric, nasty, finger-pointing, half-wit racist blowhard. If you follow this blog for long, the truth will out.
“…thank you for your support.”
– two elderly gentlemen characters, Frank Bartles and Ed Jaymes
Yes i do agree that i am a bit egotistical. But that does not make me wrong, now does it?.
And your quite right, in saying that i can’t spell and have awful grammar, but teaching English is not what i do for a living.
If what i did for a living had the results of your school, i would be out of a job!.
believe Michelle and The Great One to be hypocrites, for if thier future was a dusty desert town with no chance of a future, WHY WOULD’NT you want to come north.
My town was not a dusty desert town, but it had a few mortors flying over it!. That’s why i came here. I am an immigrant!.
Their simplistic, homogenic views are a lie designed to protect thier own, selfish sort. These are the LKEAST Christain of postions. But, thats OK it gives the good people of the world someone to point to and ask “Do you really want to end up like that”?
Really, what the hell are you talking about?. I don’t want to be the “Good People”, there are loads of good people teaching in “Wilson”, but they are not getting the job done!.
Michelle is a ig mouth who ought to try doing something for her community instead of destroying it. The Great One, says it all with his name. Humble? I don’t think so.
I am doing something, because, “i have a big mouth”, life is too short to make nice with people, when the lives of so many kids are being distroyed by a bunch of “good people”, picking up their pay check and watching a kid graduate, with grammar/spelling worse than mine.
Kids who graduate from California schools should be the best of the best. To send a child to private school it is around 6,000 a year. A pubic school in Santa Ana adverages around 11,000. California schools rank 47/48 in the nation. California teachers got a D+ rating from the: National Council on Teacher Quality, 2008.
Its not my satistics, go look it up yourself.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
A good man, might not care about a kids education, this Ass whole does!.
She expects you and your students to compete with teachers and students in Irvine and elsewhere, that have very few of the challenges (poverty, language barriers, transience) and lots of advantages ( pre-school, educated parents, stability, private lessons and rich cultural experiences)
I do expect a school district that makes more money than the Irvine district to do the same, if not better. And please don’t give me the provery, language, ect… excuses, because that is all they are, excuse’s, for bad teaching quality and lack of parental support, that is not addressed by anyone. I suppose no one wants to be called a, “racist”, if you bring the subject up of “parental support”.
So you just keep staying under the radar, picking up your nice pay check and pensions. And if what you state is right, that you can not teach,”poor, spanish speaking kids”, close the schools, what is the use of going in every day to school, when you know that the outcome is not going to be a good one”. with an attitude like that, no wonder the kids are doing so poorly. What do you tell the kids everyday, “its ok if your best is your worst, because your poor and your english sucks?”.
It only take one thing to turn that whole school system around, “kids first, teachers and parents second”.
Talking about names:
if you call Ms. Quinn out on her abysmal spelling and grammar, she cries foul and bemoans her poor education and opportunities, she just can’t compete.
She is an irrational, hypocritical ignoramus at best, at worst, an egocentric, nasty, finger-pointing, half-wit racist blowhard. If you follow this blog for long, the truth will out.
I seamed to be competeing quite well, dont you think??. Infact i have competed in the world very well, using my brains, and my “big Mouth”. And yes my magnetic personality:)
All those lovely names you called me, makes you look so “classy”. Bet your a laugh a minute!.
I can just see my grave stone:
“Here lies, the lovely Michelle Quinn, who could not for the life of her spell. But she did manage to make it never the less”.
Its too late for me to sit in a elementary class, being taught by a great teacher, but not too late for many!.
Of course you have her/him support, its like when Calfornia teachers are out enforce protesting the loss of their jobs, what they fail to prostest is that only 45% graduate in this state from public schools. If i had the power, all of you would be fired and rehired only after the evaluation of how well you did in your last position!.
So i bet her/him is either a california teacher or a union worker.
Just a wild guess!.
Wilson Teacher,
anonster was right huh?
On a previous, post copied below, Michelle blamed a culture she believes Hispanics posses that is responsible for predominantly Hispanic schools failing.
Now she blames you and those in your profession. In other posts she blames whoever she is in conflict with in that post that contradict her belief of Hispanics.
anonster has her pegged right. Below is what she really believes. Notice she says “I told him i had my own idea’s why, but i wanted to hear it from the horses mouth.”
She is saying she wanted her beliefs confirmed by a Mexican. Michelle is a joke as you know. Her value in continued conversation is only to understand the mind set of those like her in order to overcome them.
“Michelle Quinn
September 25th, 2009 at 6:55 pm
I had the most brilliant conversation with my new neighbour who is Mexican. I asked him, can you tell me the honest truth, why hispanics are doing so bad in schools. I told him i had my own idea’s why, but i wanted to hear it from the horses mouth. He did not mess around with words and said, “The parents don’t care about Education, Mexicans value manual work over anything else”, and then i ask him, “why do Mexican’s refuse to learn English”, he said, “Mexicans believe that they would lose their soul (Alma in spanish”, if they came to the oppressors land and learned the language”. They really do believe this is their land and they have every right to be here, legal or not. They also believe that with the large influx eventually it will be their land and the people that are here, will need to adapt to their culture.
We talked about the fact that Mexico, just celebrated “The Saint Patricks”, the Irish fella’s that died in the American/Mexican war. I really had the best conversation with him. I said to him, “ya know i am causing alot of pissed off Mexican’s, because i give them alot of shite”. He said don’t worry they hate me more than they hate you, they believe a Mexican who has an American accent and an education is their worst nightmare!.
He told me alot of great stuff, that i would have never have known, had i not asked a real Mexican fella, willing and not afraid to tell the truth.
So, do we need to close the border?. or do we need to make the Mexican’s understand that the land that was stolen from them might well be their saving grace!.
Man i feel like Cary Bradshore, writing about, “Mexican in the city.”
duplejohn and the angry commi anoster .you have no idea where i got that name from . it has nothing to do with me . its a tribute to the great one mark levin a guy knowing from your post that you cant stand conservatives . your too busy burning the flag and bad Mouthing this country . for duple . hey teach the kids not make them activist for your cause .
Ahh Doc, i was wondering when you were going to jump in to have a dig at me. LOVE IT!. So here go’s!.
On a previous, post copied below, Michelle blamed a culture she believes Hispanics posses that is responsible for predominantly Hispanic schools failing.
If you mean’t i believe that parents do not want and feel they have no need to learn English and do not support their children’s Education in enough #, then your right.
Do i believe apart from living in an all spanish speaking area, going in to businesses that are all spanish speaking, and being a house wife in a spanish speaking area, that their is a political reason for not speaking English, as my neighbour pointed out. Yeah your right i did write the below comment. You just failed to add the rest.
Now she blames you and those in your profession. In other posts she blames whoever she is in conflict with in that post that contradict her belief of Hispanics.
Who else Dr. is responsible for a child’s education??. Teachers and parents are the first line of defense, who else should i blame, i would be glad to go after them too!.
What is my belief about hispanic’s?, and what is your’s? i would love to here your explanation regarding the failure of so many schools in Santa Ana. Who should we blame: the corporations, the president, the taxpayer, the mexican government, who Doc, who??
anonster has her pegged right. Below is what she really believes. Notice she says “I told him i had my own idea’s why, but i wanted to hear it from the horses mouth.”
She is pegged me for what, really what are you talking about, your the hispanic Al Sharpten!. I do really believe that hispanic can’t be that stupit, i believe that not learning English must be a choice!. If i went to live in Mexico, i would be kicking ass with Rosetta stone, to learn Spanish, there is no “press one” for English in Mexico. It is common sense.
Some hispanic’s have been here more than 10 yrs, and no very little English, WHY?? you tell me!. Enlighten me with your reason for the lack of assimulation to the English Language!.
She is saying she wanted her beliefs confirmed by a Mexican. Michelle is a joke as you know. Her value in continued conversation is only to understand the mind set of those like her in order to overcome them.
The only joke is you Dr.l, you ran for a College Board, did you not?. But yet you show very little concern about a huge # of students, approx, 54,000 students being in a district that has all failing schools. “Wise up Al Shapten of the Hispanics”, You have not the guts or the strengh of character to speak the truth, i do!. I bet your kids either go to a charter school’s or a private school, i am sure as hell you would not be sending them to Wilson Elementary. And if you say you would, you are lying.
Just like Al Sharpen, who made his money by keeping the poor, poor!.
I dont trust Al Sharpten as far as i can throw him and i feel the same about you. Your all smoke and mirrors!.
And yes, it was nice to talk to a hispanic man, willing to tell the truth, we need more like him, in a position to make a difference.
Bob Hunter said:
“What does’nt come up can never go down”.
Truer words have never been spoken when talking about Michelle and TGO.
Man i feel like Cary Bradshore, writing about, “Mexican in the city.”
Ya hav to admitt, the above is pretty funny:)
Yes, i am all about “common Sense”. For the life of me, even people who are Doctors,teachers, union workers, public servants seam to have none!.
People like Dr.L seam to think we can be battered to death by retoric that makes no sense… like coming to a foregin country living there for years and not being able to speak a word of the language of that country, because you are poor!.
Does not make sense, does it??. or does it??.
Cary Bradshore:)
Michelle…your rhetoric has become so so so tired. isn’t there somewhere else where you can be expending all of your misguided and foolish energy?? I’m not a big reconquista guy, but you’re pushing me in that direction!! If we could truly pull off a reconquista…we could send you to a special ” interment camp for Irish immigrants with abhorrent grammar and spelling that nonetheless insist on posting nonsense ad nauseam on OJ blog.”
I think we should all stop engaging MQ. She feeds off it. presenting her with thoughtful, logical, rational, and intelligent thoughts is like offering pearls to swine. Engaging her is all too much like pissing into the wind.
we can only be left to hope and pray that she will see the world some day with the blinders off. But alas, i’m a just a silly enabler of the lazy, poor, pathetic, blah, blah, blah!!
Michelle…your rhetoric has become so so so tired. isn’t there somewhere else where you can be expending all of your misguided and foolish energy?? I’m not a big reconquista guy, but you’re pushing me in that direction!! If we could truly pull off a reconquista…we could send you to a special ” interment camp for Irish immigrants with abhorrent grammar and spelling that nonetheless insist on posting nonsense ad nauseam on OJ blog.”
If your that easily pushed into the Reconquista direction using “common sense”, then please by all mean’s go!.
we can only be left to hope and pray that she will see the world some day with the blinders off. But alas, i’m a just a silly enabler of the lazy, poor, pathetic, blah, blah, blah!!
I will never see the world as you do, because the fact is that, you’re full of poo!.
I really hope you lot are not all teachers, because, really, your are not that smart!.
And i am being nice:)
At any time, you are welcome to stop me posting on this blogg, but then it will be just a bunch of lovely smarties, spouting the same old shite.
feel free to censor me, let’s really get intouch with are commi self!.
Its late, you guys make me laugh. Do you think i would have been one of the popular kids in your schools??.
You ARE a major joke,
“Some hispanic’s have been here more than 10 yrs, and no very little English, WHY?? you tell me!. Enlighten me with your reason for the lack of assimulation to the English Language!.”
You tell me Michelle. You have immigrated from Ireland longer than 10 years and you still know very little English. Why is that?
“I do really believe that hispanic can’t be that stupit, i believe that not learning English must be a choice!”
I do really believe that you, Michelle Quinn, can’t be that stupid, I believe you not learning proper English must be a choice. If you are right then I am right.
Your assumptions as stated on post michelle Quinn
September 27th, 2009 at 8:39 pm are all wrong:
– Hispanics choose not to speak English.
– Hispanics have a political reason for not learning English
– Hispanics choose not to pursue an education
– Hispanics refuse to assimilate
– Hispanic parents do not support their children’s education
You are basing all your false perceptions of Hispanics on first generation undocumented poor immigrants, hardly a objective scientific model to form a conclussion about Hispanics.
Please re-read the follwing research.
Barrow (2005) finds increases in average personal and household incomes for Mexican Americans in the 21st century. U.S. born Mexican Americans earn more and are represented more in the middle- and upper-class segments more than recently arriving Mexican immigrants. It should be noted, however, that Mexican Americans are not well represented in the professions. Most of the immigrants from Mexico come from the lower classes with lineage of family employed in lower skilled jobs. Thus, the kind of Mexican that arrives in the United States doesn’t have a history of being involved in professions. Recently, some professionals from Mexico have been migrating, but to make the transition from one country to another it involves a lot of re-training and re-adjusting to conform to US standards—i.e. professional licensing is required.[citation needed] According to James P. Smith of the Research and Development Corporation, the children and grandchildren of Latino immigrants tend to lessen educational and income gaps with native whites. Immigrant Latino men make about half of what native whites do, while second generation US-born Latinos make about 78 percent of the salaries of their native white counterparts.[57]
Adaptation of Mexican food tailor for the mainstream America marketHuntington (2005) argues that the sheer number, concentration, linguistic homogeneity, and other characteristics of Latin American immigrants will erode the dominance of English as a nationally unifying language, weaken the country’s dominant cultural values, and promote ethnic allegiances over a primary identification as an American. Testing these hypotheses with data from the U.S. Census and national and Los Angeles opinion surveys, Citrin et al. (2007) show that Hispanics (in general but not Mexicans specifically) acquire English and lose Spanish rapidly beginning with the second generation, and appear to be no more or less religious or committed to the work ethic than native-born non-Mexican American whites.
South et al. (2005) examine Hispanic spatial assimilation and inter-neighborhood geographic mobility. Their longitudinal analysis of seven hundred Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban immigrants followed from 1990 to 1995 finds broad support for hypotheses derived from the classical account of assimilation into American society. High income, English-language use, and embeddedness in American social contexts increased Latin American immigrants’ geographic mobility into multi-ethnic neighborhoods. US citizenship and years spent in the United States were positively associated with geographic mobility into different neighborhoods, and coethnic contact was inversely associated with this form of mobility, but these associations operated largely through other predictors. Prior experiences of ethnic discrimination increased and residence in public housing decreased the likelihood that Latino immigrants would move from their original neighborhoods, while residing in metropolitan areas with large Latino populations led to geographic moves into “less Anglo” census tracts.[58]
You tell me Michelle. You have immigrated from Ireland longer than 10 years and you still know very little English. Why is that?
I dont know Dr.L. Maybe if i had of been born here, with brown skin, like yourself i could have been lucky enough to get in to an Ivy league school, just because of my skin colour. But i was born underserved and vunerable somewhere else without the perks of being underserved and vunerable. And thanks for the concern, but i speak and write English enough, that i don’t use your tax dollars to support me!. So if you really think that constantly blabbing on about my bad spelling will some how defeat my convictions, “NOT”, But i will take a class on writing, when i get the chance. Just for fun!. Do you think i can go to college using the “dream Act?”. Its free right!.
you, Michelle Quinn, can’t be that stupid, I believe you not learning proper English must be a choice. If you are right then I am right.
It is a choice, i can pickup a book at any time, get a dvd and learn my consonant,ect..Anytime i want. I just choose to bug you with my bad spelling, because even with my bad spelling, compared to you, i look smart. Believe me its a real ego booster:)
Your just a latina, that has for too long used your skin colour to get you palaces, i myself have suceeded by working hard and making the right choices in life. You have figured out like OOOOOO so many, that if you cry foul long enough, it will pay off, with all sorts of nice entitlements like a “fast track to college”.
All you do is give me study after study, just give me what you think!.
Why are schools failing in SA and who’s fault is it??. Why is there a lack of support from hispanic parents in SA concerning their kids education?.
written by: Wilson Teacher.
our school teaches the basics and has high expectations for students to perform even though they lack support at home.
So stop your spinning and answer the question’s!.
Come on Doc, the truth will set you free:)
Woman of the house.
Yur blarney has become stale. Mind your tongue and show some respect to other views rather than yur own. A fine line exists between prattle and point. You have made yours and you won’t be changing any minds so while entertaining your welcome is becoming worn.
Michelle Quinn
September 26th, 2009 at 10:30 am
Bull shite, do you really think i would listen to you. You cant even bring yourself to tell the truth about what hispanics realy feel. And it makes total sense to me, that people that have been here for years who still can not speak English, do so because they dont want to!.
What i offer is lets come to an understand based on the fact that Mexicans are distroying their chance of success, based on a old chip on the shoulder.
Its the truth,plain and simple, and my neighbour is far from ignorant, he has a masters degree, he got it using his brain, not his colour, unlike you Dr!.
“I dont know Dr.L. Maybe if i had of been born here, with brown skin, like yourself i could have been lucky enough to get in to an Ivy league school, just because of my skin colour. But i was born underserved and vunerable somewhere else without the perks of being underserved and vunerable. And thanks for the concern, but i speak and write English enough, that i don’t use your tax dollars to support me!. So if you really think that constantly blabbing on about my bad spelling will some how defeat my convictions, “NOT”, But i will take a class on writing, when i get the chance. Just for fun!. Do you think i can go to college using the “dream Act?”. Its free right!.”
So, which is it Michelle. Can Hispanics get an education like your neighbor or not?
At the time of affirmitive action women were included. Why don’t you criticise women in general that have attended college based on their gender. Many women took advantage of the program.
You were dumb not to educate yourself at that level through affirmitive action as many women did.. You did however take advantage of adult education nursing school. Public funds were used by you at this level. Shame on you Michelle.
“All you do is give me study after study, just give me what you think!.
Why are schools failing in SA and who’s fault is it??. Why is there a lack of support from hispanic parents in SA concerning their kids education?.”
I have given you what I think. The studies are to support what I comment. There is no spin. I produce sudies you only provide your opinion. Give studies supporting your beliefs listed below.
Your assumptions as stated on post michelle Quinn
September 27th, 2009 at 8:39 pm are all wrong:
– Hispanics choose not to speak English.
– Hispanics have a political reason for not learning English
– Hispanics choose not to pursue an education
– Hispanics refuse to assimilate
– Hispanic parents do not support their children’s education
You are basing all your false perceptions of Hispanics on first generation undocumented poor immigrants, hardly a objective scientific model to form a conclussion about Hispanics.
In a post on 9/15 by Sean Mill proposing to bring Homeboy Industries to Santa Ana, at least one person suggested before doing that there needed to be data that showed the program worked. Anon responded that rather than the proponents coming up with data instead the person asking for the data was, by asking for that proof, a skeptic and should provide the data to prove his/her skepticism. I think the same circular logic has appeared again.
Yes, of course under the living conditions in Mexico, people want to leave.
Micro-loans for small home businesses and farms, legalize drugs and end the drug war that is destroying Mexico and the US. Work to improve the conditions in Mexico and South America with solutions that help everyone.
Problems in education come quite often from continuing to do the same thing even as conditions change. What worked for children 50 years ago does not work today. Our schools need to get creative and take some lessions from the many places in the US and abroad that are having success.
So, which is it Michelle. Can Hispanics get an education like your neighbor or not?
Yes, they can, if the parents were involved and the teacher’s teach. My neighbour was
the first of many generation,s to graduate from college.
Any one can go to college if they work hard enough. It is a choice we all have to either fail or suceed, but it takes grit and determination.
Again i don’t want other people’s opinions, i want your’s!. What do you think the Wilson teacher mean’t by “lack of support in the home?”. Why are all the schools failing in Santa Ana. These are simple quesiton’s, so give me your best quess!.
You were dumb not to educate yourself at that level through affirmitive action as many women did.. You did however take advantage of adult education nursing school. Public funds were used by you at this level. Shame on you Michelle.
Doctor, first i would rather jump off a cliff, than lower myself in having to ask for Affirmative Action help. That is why Affirmative Action is no longer used, it was “WRONG”, and i Know the difference between right and wrong.Do you ever wonder what kid, who worked for his grades, lost his space, because you filled a quota??.
What Adult Nursing School are you talking about that is free???.
Now answer my question’s??.
“So, which is it Michelle. Can Hispanics get an education like your neighbor or not?
Yes, they can, if the parents were involved and the teacher’s teach.”
Thank you for that!!
“Again i don’t want other people’s opinions, i want your’s!. What do you think the Wilson teacher mean’t by “lack of support in the home?”. Why are all the schools failing in Santa Ana. These are simple quesiton’s, so give me your best quess!.”
Lack of support means lack of support. That is what she meant. That is a simple question with a simple answer.
All schools in Santa Ana are not failing. Why some or the majority fall behind the norm? this is not a simple question in the sense that failure is due to a set of complex social issues driven by pressures and hardships associated with poverty. I previously wrote this, you made fun of it and ignored it.
Education problems in the Hispanic community( mostly first and second generation):
-High drop out rate
-Below norm college attendance
-Below norm testing
-Below norm parent participation in their child’s education
-Gang participation
-Low English language proficiency
-Personal responsibility
These are symptoms of the disease – poverty. The disease does not discriminate. All those affected with it will develope the same symptoms.
The solution long term is to eliminate the disease. Short term unsustainable success comes by attacking the disease at the symptom level.
As the USA eliminates the middle class a third world economic situation will occurr -poverty. The symptoms will expand. All third world countries are affected and damaged by the same symptoms.
Economic development and maintance of all communities (the ASA) is for everyone’s best interest.
Education problems in the Hispanic community( mostly first and second generation):
-Below norm parent participation in their child’s education
Of course the parents often do not understand English- programs for parents to learn English and providing information in Spainish go a long way towards getting them involved. Getting the parents more involved helps solve a lot of the other problems