Meg Whitman announces her campaign and starts spending big on advertising


“Republican Meg Whitman on Tuesday underscored the advantage of wealth in the 2010 race for governor, launching paid advertisements for her campaign nine months before GOP voters will determine their nominee,” according to the L.A. Times.

Whitman launched her campaign in Fullerton yesterday.  You can see footage from that appearance in the video above.

Whitman has a lot of money and has shown she is willing to spend it.  I would bet that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner will be a distant second in the primary.  Poizner has surrounded himself with right-wing hacks during his campaign.  So far Whitman appears to be taking a more moderate course.

Meg Whitman in Fullerton

Whitman is talking about education, jobs and curbing environmental regulations.  That is a winning platform.

As one might expect, the red-faced crowd wasn’t too happy.  Red County blogger Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham took Whitman to task in a post on the Flash Report for not sounding more like Poizner, on taxes.  It is a good thing Jerbal that she does not sound like Poizner!  That dude is DOA – he is trailing even Tom Campbell in the polls!  Poizner has NO chance of winning the primary…and sounding too conservative will doom Whitman just like it has doomed Poizner.

Memo to Jerbal – we are living in a BLUE state!  Your Red County blog is a floating red dot in a sea of blue.  Your approach to politics no longer works here in California.  Get that through your head.  Whitman’s handlers know this and she is not going to take advice from you!

Of course Jerbal’s pal Jon Fleischman, who used to be the P.R. shill for disgraced ex-Sheriff Mike Carona, also took Whitman to task, over at the Flash Report.  Fleischman was upset because, in his estimate, she was already running for Governor.  Well, technically, Whitman had an exploratory committee and now she is fully engaged in this race.  I didn’t know she had to get permission from Fleischman to announce her campaign for Governor.  Fleischman is, like Jerbal, another Poizner supporter.

With pals like Jerbal and Fleischman, Poizner is TOAST!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.