Mission Viejo blog rips Red County blog and their local red-faced allies

Mission Viejo blog rips Red County

A Mission Viejo blog is going after Councilman Frank Ury and his lame allies at the Red County blog – here are a few excerpts from their post:

Councilman Frank Ury alternately supports and opposes Councilman Lance MacLean, depending on his usefulness. When MacLean ran for reelection in 2006, Ury campaigned for candidates who tried to unseat all three incumbents (Lance MacLean, Trish Kelley and John Paul Ledesma). Ury now wants MacLean to remain on the council, and Ury’s friends who write a county blog made an odd prediction that the recall won’t qualify for the ballot.

During his first two years in office (2004-2006), Ury sat at one end or the other on the dais and couldn’t get a second for his motions. That changed after his slate of candidates lost in 2006. Behind the scenes, Ury evidently persuaded both Lance MacLean and Trish Kelley to get over his attempt to destroy them. A strange alliance developed, forming the current majority of MacLean, Ury and Kelley (MUK). Ury, who pretends to be a far-right Republican and fiscal conservative, has become a big spender, voting with two social engineers who also tried to raise city taxes with Measure K. Do the ignoramuses in the county GOP not know that Ury has no discernable ideology other than self-advancement? A politician who understands Ury emailed this blog, “It would be hilarious to watch Ury throw McLean overboard as the recall moves forward.”

A central figure among Ury’s political ties is his longtime friend, John Lewis, a lobbyist from Orange. Lewis pulled strings to funnel out-of-town money into Ury’s 2004 campaign. Lewis is tied to a county blog, Red County, which presents itself as a conservative Republican operation. The organization is a front for lobbyists and hacks who are currently promoting a Democrat, Tom Daly, for County Supervisor Chris Norby’s seat. After a series of publicly noticed gaffes revealing its true nature, the discredited Red County organization became known as Red-faced County.

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"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.