Mission Viejo councilwoman Kelley’s anti recall email a flop

Since July 22nd I have been sitting on a widely  distributed email by Mission Viejo council member Trish Kelley. Now that the recall petition signatures have been submitted and verified I feel that this is the appropriate time to share sections of it with our Juice readers and elected county officials.

The subject line of Trish’s email reads “Information about MacLean Recall.”

Her letter opens stating::

“I have heard from many individuals who have had questions about the Recall effort against Lance MacLean. Some of you have said that signature gatherers have been persistent and seemed to be pressuring people to sign the petition, and others have reported that the workers had given misinformation when asking voters to sign, or that the workers did not know why they were asking voters to sign.”
It is important to refer to the opening sentence in her second paragraph which begins stating “I wanted to let you know that I am supporting Lance.”

She continues stating “Some of you have asked if it is possible to have your signature revoked from the petition because you were given false information or did not have all the facts before you signed.

You may simply email Karen Hamman, the City Clerk at:

khamman@cityofmissionviejo.org and state that you signed the petition and wish to have your signature removed from the petition. You must include your address. Or you may send a written letter to:
Karen Hamman, City Clerk,
City of Mission Viejo
200 Civic Center
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Fax: (949) 581-0983

Any method, email, fax, or regular mail will be accepted. The withdrawals must be sent to the City Clerk prior to petitions being returned by the recall folks.

Please note that such withdrawals are confidential between the voter and the registrar of voters, and that no email or contact list will be created by the City Clerk.

Please feel free to forward this message on to your Mission Viejo contact list, in the event that they were misled into signing the petition.”

Her letter closes by twice encouraging the voters to comply with her desire. “Please forward this to all your Mission Viejo contacts and ask them to do the same. It is easy for individuals to revoke their signatures.

Thanks! Trish”

Gilbert comments. Let’s now look at the effectiveness of Trish Kelley’s anti-recall efforts with her widespread data base of supporters to switch voters who signed the petitions, each of which contains the correct legal terminology as approved by our City Clerk, along with multiple allegations.

Of the 12,871 signatures that were checked by the ROV only 16 were revoked. Six additional people sent in “rescind requests,” but two were not registered voters, and the other four signatures were NOT among the 12,871 signatures that were checked.

From what I have heard Trish Kelley was not present when the petitions were being signed. Therefore her charges are third party hearsay at best. She wrote with statements as being factual yet she does not support her angst by naming anyone who felt pressured.

Even with all of her friends and contacts being encouraged to forward her email Trish was only able to basically reverse one out of every thousand registered voters who support the recall going forward. These results were not very impressive. Certainly this outcome will not be included in a listing of Trish’s accomplishments as a member of our city council.

Note: As one of the 50 plus signers of the original application to recall councilman MacLean it is important for me to disclose that participation. Let me also point out that I served as Trish Kelley’s campaign manager in her successful 2002 city council election where we trounced both the high profile mayor and mayor pro-tem.

About Larry Gilbert