Our Friend Allan Bartlett who happens to be an OC GOP Central Committee member reports that an anonymous flier was passed out at last night’s meeting attacking Chris Norby – for the bogus sexual harassment suit (filed by a County employee fired for misfeasance), and for allegedly saying bad things about Mexicans.
Bartlett says Mrs. Dick Ackerman (who is going to run against Norby for the 72nd Assy seat) denied any knowledge of the flier, but he’s not buying that, and neither are we. She already let the cat out of the bag that others will be doing her dirty work for her- most likely her old man who has a natural flair for it. So be it.
Linda brings nothing to the game–period.
Her husband was/is a phony and a fraud. DICK proved that during the Foothill fire. While Todd Spitzer was rolling out hoses for the firemen and bringing them food and water–DICK was launging around with the special interest peddlers in Sacramento. DICK did show up four days later for the photo opps. with the Gov. Linda will provide the same non service–what is her model–DICK.
No thanks Ackerman gang–we need real people not gad flies and glad handers to represent the 72nd.
I am sure Linda Hackerman did not put the fliers out. She would have had someone else do it for her.
They should dust the fliers for Jon Dumitru’s fingerprints.
These sort of attacks are ridiculous, but perhaps we should have been there distributing fliers about Hackerman being a carpetbagger – and how her hubby Dick raised taxes and wasted public money while in the legislature?
Allan Bartlett actually gave her the benefit of the doubt.
What a swine she is to put out that info. She can expect some interest in her personal affairs very soon. Her dopey egg head husband was sitting in the GOP Central meeting laughing as people showed him the flyers. These people are scum.