“Authorities are searching for a health care-reform activist who they said bit off part of a 65-year-old man’s pinky during a scuffle at a MoveOn.org rally in Thousand Oaks, a city northwest of downtown Los Angeles,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
You can see in the video above an interview with Bill Rice, the guy whose finger got bit off.
Conservative talk radio is having a field day with this one. Folks, just because one nut bit off a poor guy’s finger does NOT mean that all Obamacare supporters are Mike Tyson-esque cannibals. However, I do think that both sides need to cool it at their protests.
The next local rally is coming up tomorrow, September 5, in Huntington Beach, at PCH and Main St., between 3 and 5 pm.
A flier distributed by Obamacare supporters suggests that, protesters “Wear white tops, dress comfortably, candles for the evening rally, sunscreen for day. Register online.”
Contact: patgoodman@yahoo.com, 714-847-6617.
My suggestion to the local conservatives who are going to show up to counter-protest is to NOT stick your fingers in the mouths of the Obamacare supporters…
Pinky shouldn’t have been near the man’s mouth.
Good thing the old coot had Medicare. Oh wait, that’s government-run healthcare, isn’t it.