The Democrats are down to John MacMurray in the race for the 72nd A.D.
Progressive OC blogger Joe Shaw broke the story last night, on Facebook, that Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva will not be running for the 72nd Assembly District seat vacated by Mike Duvall after all.
Total Buzz confirmed this today: “Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk has dropped out of the race to fill the Assembly seat vacated by disgraced Mike Duvall, leaving teacher John MacMurray as the only declared Democrat so far for the Nov. 17 election.”
Apparently Quirk-Silva’s ex-husband is very ill and she is worried about how this will affect her four children. Our prayers go out to this family.
Attention Demorats – your only candidate in this race is John MacMurray – so do what you can to help him. Click here to see his campaign website.
Wow..funny how those family members always seem to get sick in time to help some politico save face. It’s the old, I want to spend more time with my family excuse. If the guy really is sick our thoughts and prayers are with him BUT…I’ve heard this song before.
I wonder how our chubby lil “executive director” melahat will suport her chosen Repoublican candidate? Lord knows she isnt going to help john macmurray and she will make sure Frank barbaro and the DPOC wont help him either.
maybe we should see who janet Nguyen is suporting so we know who melahat will suport.
Quirk-Silva would have been a great person for the position. I live in Fullerton and hear that the stories are true, someone that is close to the ill family member confirmed.