Trying to stem the tide of bloodletting in Obamacare, the President gets before a joint session of Congress and outlines several noble goals, none of which are in any of the different bills being considered. What is being considered are such ideas as “you will have to keep the health care you dont like” and reform that no longer will “save us money” (I thought health care reform was critical to deficit reduction, but that argument is long since thrown out) but has become “won’t add a dime to the deficit”. Then, on the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland, the Obama administration decides to re-create the Munich Conference and abandon our Polish and Czech allies, leaving them without the protection of a missile defense shield from a rogue nation.
In the face of opposition to this craziness and complete lack of leadership and intelligent guidance in a critical period, we have a failed ex-President show up to serve the time honored “Race is what it’s about.” Unfortunately, we cannot ever completely ever do away with people like this. 65% of the American people know opposition to Obama has nothing to do with race, but we will always have a small, whacked out, minority of people who wear tin foil hats, think America shouldn’t exist because it was born in an era when slavery was the norm, or that the government may have had something to do with the 9-11 attacks.
Here’s the reality of race.
Recently, California voters changed the state’s constitution to abolish same-sex marriage. Obama publicly opposed this change. Yet opposition to same-sex marriage by black voters — the very ones who voted for the President — helped to strike down same-sex marriage. Black voters differentiated their general support for the President from their opposition to him on the issue of same-sex marriage.
Similarly, most Republicans who voted against the President in November 2008 support his decision to increase our troop commitment in Afghanistan. Republicans, not unlike the black voters in California, differentiated their opposition to the election of the President from their support for his decision on an issue — the war against Islamofascists in Afghanistan — with which they agree.
In 2006, a black man, then-Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, ran for U.S. Senate as a Republican. Then-Sen. Barack Obama campaigned against him and in favor of his white Democratic opponent. Obama told an audience at the historically black Bowie State University: “Listen, I think it’s great that the Republican Party has discovered black people. But here’s the thing. … You don’t vote for somebody because of what they look like. You vote for somebody because of what they stand for.” Did this make Obama a “racist” against his own people by opposing a fellow black?
In the last poll where Americans were asked “Is Elvis still alive?”, 11% answered “yes” or “not sure”. No matter what happens, or what we do, we can never do away with the funny people. You know the ones… they dress a little strange, talk to themselves when nobody is usually looking, and say things that make no sense.
It’s a sad state of the country when that group has grown to 20% of the country, and includes a former President.
No less than Pat Buchanan criticized the idea of a missile defense system in Poland.
The Poles may have liked the idea, but it was overwhelmingly opposed among European allies. That’s what’s known as bad foreign policy. Obama (and Defense Secretary Gates) are right to abandon an idea designed to do nothing more than antagonize Russia.
What a laugh, the OJ’s resident crackpot looking everywhere but in the mirror for the crazy.
Republicans often try to find minorities to run for office, but those candidates are not allowed to stand for what they believe in.
Did you note that Joseph Cao voted to rebuke Joe Wilson? I did. Good for Cao but this vote is going to piss off the red mob!
And yes, many of those who oppose Obama do so because he is a black man. They should not be mad at him. They should be mad at GWB for screwing up so bad that the most liberal Senator became our President!
As for Obama’s missile defense strategy, I think it is correct. Nice to see us trying diplomacy instead of bombs, but his proposal does protect against Iraq’s short and medium range missiles.
Am I wrong or did Bush actually said “Either you’re with us or you’re against us” but Obama never said, “either you’re with us or you’re a racist”
Having said that, it is pretty obvious that many of those protesters hate Obama because he’s black. Not all of course, but a large number… and sadly, their fear is purposely fueled by that vile animal Limbaugh.
Lam are these the same “racists” that supported Condi Rice, JC Watts, Clerance Thomas, and just elected michael Steele to lead them. You are a weak minded bigot. (It is a cartoon)
Thanks Mark, but the whack-a-doos are a small group of know nothings. They are mostly the so-called “social progressives” without standards and completely hypocritical. They are the ones who judge people by race, as if everyone of a particular color thinks the same way.
actually I think the dog did it. there were two small holes near the fence and an empty potato chip bag. If you looked close you could smell the colors.