Thanks for the gift that keeps giving…


In the midst of the left and the Press getting all wee-wee’d up about a little outburst, Rep. Joe Wilson has racked up more than $1 million dollars in contributions. The Republicans have gained a 7 point lead in the generic ballot thanks to Democrats and state run media concentrating on  nonsense like this instead of actually doing their job.  Why would the left give so much free advertising to a candidate who called them out? After all, he was just telling the truth.

On July 30 of this year, a House committee voted against a Republican amendment offered by Rep. Nathan Deal that would have required health care providers to use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program to prevent illegal aliens from receiving government health care services. All Republicans and five Democrats voted for it, but 29 Democrats voted against it, killing the amendment.

On the same day, the committee voted 30-29 against an amendment offered by Republican Joe Pitts explicitly stating that government health care would not cover abortions. Zealous abortion supporter Henry Waxman — a walking, breathing argument for abortion if ever there was one — originally voted in favor of the Pitts amendment because that allowed him, in a sleazy parliamentary trick, to bring the amendment up for reconsideration later. Which he did — as soon as he had enough Democrats in the hearing room to safely reject it.

About Terry Crowley