The Republican health care reform plan

Last night I attended the Saddleback  Republican Assembly meeting in Mission Viejo to see and listen to an old friend.

Dr. Mike Kennedy, former member of the Mission Viejo Planning Commission, was the guest speaker addressing the controversial topic of nationalized health care in which he referred to “The Republican Plan” along with his own thoughts on the challenges related to the issue of providing health care for all Americans.

Dr. Kennedy’s credentials include being founder of Mission Hospital’s Trauma Center, USC professor, Physician and author.

Following text is from his blog in which he referenced a Republican alternative that is gaining support from many Blue Dog Democrats. The Bill is HR 3400.

The Republican Plan

“September 17th, 2009  Today, the left is panicking that the Blue Dogs may abandon Obamacare as a bad job and join the House Republicans in supporting HR 3400. What does it do ?

Let’s go through them one by one.

 1. Makes individual health insurance premiums tax deductible.
2. It has a refundable tax credit for low income purchasers.
3. Makes block grants to states for reinsurance pools for pre-existing conditions. That sounds like the 2004 Kerry proposal.
4. Supports employer sponsored plans.
5. Provides “Portals” to assist in buying insurance.
6. Makes employer insurance defined benefit so the employee owns it, like 401Ks, I think
7. Creates pools for insurance and allows interstate purchase of health insurance.
8. Medicaid and SCHIP are given the option of vouchers.
9. States must cover 90% of those below 200% of poverty level before eligibility can be expanded.
10. Involves specialty societies in quality improvement.
11. Improves primary care and “continuity of care” reimbursement.
12. Allows discounts for wellness programs.
14. The usual “waste, fraud and abuse” rhetoric.

It will be interesting to see where this goes. The House leadership has already produced a response but there seems to be some disagreement on the actual provisions of the bill, as would be expected.”

Gilbert comment. During his 60 minute presentation along with Q & A Mike stated that the French Plan contains several concepts that he  personally favors. Stay tuned.

I will cover his personal remarks in a future post.

About Larry Gilbert