Here’s a video clip with two starkly contrasting views of the hush money scheme Fullerton’s Redevelopment lawyer Jeff Oderman cooked up to payoff the County in order to prevent a lawsuit against the city’s crooked Redevelopment expansion proposal.
Shawn Nelson rightly identifies the $4,000,000 upfront General Fund payout and later phony lease-back arrangements for what they are: a gimmick and a scam. Dick Jones just can’t let it go at that and interjects his windy summation, again, since he had already had his chance to bloviate over the City’s shenanigans earlier.
Well, Friends, you decide; “brilliance” or “scam.”
dude. i hate redevelopment as much as any libertRian should but i dont think you know what your talking about. there is a difference between having an opinion that a redevelopment plan is bad and calling a strategy to do something a “scam” .
i bet you couldnt explain the proposal in detail if you had to. oderman is probably one of the preeminent RDA lawyers in the state. i bet you are not. disagree if you will but dont spout off with lame analysis
Well First, how about the detail that the city is leasing the County Animal Shelter for $4 million dollars? Now you probably think this is for completely legit reasons right? The city has all these Humane society members looking for a place to volunteer.
They essentially admit this is a scam because the city then leases the animal shelter back to the county for a dollar per year. Think they went to all this trouble because this is all legit?
How about the detail that the city is bleeding money and is having to revise its budget almost monthly because of failure to meet expected revenue?
If this is not a scam then why doesnt the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency (the agency at issue) just pay off the county the expected gap in revenue? Because it is actually illegal, therefore, necessitating this nonsense.