During the President’s speech to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Addison Graves “Joe” Wilson (R-SC), yelled out to the President of the United States “You Lie!” At the time, President Obama was explaining that health care reform would not cover illegal aliens. While some Republicans booed, Joe Wilson took things a step further. Such incivility and boorishness; such inexplicably disrespectful and rude behavior tells us all that we need to know about Mr. Wilson and much about the party that he belongs to. The tatters of the GOP are knee jerk reactionaraies as we have seen even in ANTICIPATION of the President’s message to school children yesterday. Rude and Clueless.
The president has promised to call out liars and address those who stand in the way of reforms. I guess he’s finally had enough, too. Good!
Good for Rep. Wilson for yelling out the truth. Obama spent the whole hour spewing partisan lies.
He was lying — a lie of omission. The POS Healthcare bill doesn’t do “SAVE” like 70 or so other gov’t programs that check the legal status of whoever’s sucking money out of us. Good for Wilson — a Reep with balls (who wants on Hannity).
I thought good for him, someone with the ball’s to tell the truth. It is a lie.
I have already told you Red, about how Caloptima, which is a federal and state program has its own program that not only covers illegal Aliens, but rewards employers who hire illegal Aliens by paying for their health care cost with taxpayer money. The progam is call “Healthy Kids program”. What has happened to Caloptima and Healthy Families, is that this resource that was to help struggling American Families, stopped enrolling White and Black Americans and focused on Hispanics, because most of the hispanic’s are poor because they neither speak the language or have the legal right to work here. American famliles who need Government help can not get it because the hugh influx of poor Illegal Aliens.
You stated that i often talk about race. In the health care debate, the poor happen to be mostly hispanic’s that will crowd public care and the working class families, lower middle class, will be left to fend for themselves. This is what is happening in Orange County. If you make this a national issue, it will distroy healthcare in this country for Americans.
The poor have more needs and those needs will be met at the cost of the needs of the working class American.
And the working class American will pay for the poor!
This is the result for Orange county Caloptima and National Healthcare in Europe!.
Whether you agree with him or not he is the President of the United States. If you can’t respect the man, at least respect the office.
Imagine these folks had someone called out Dubyah on all his lies while he was speaking to Congress. The right would have gone bonkers.
Sen. John McCain called Wilson’s actions “classless” and demanded that he apologize immediately.
Wilson is yet another embarassment. Anyone who supports his actions are as classless as he is.
Why am I not surprised that Quinn would support him?
The president needs to respect the American people enough to not insult their intelligence!.
And if you must know. i highly support his idea on education. Charter schools. I think he has some really good idea,s on education. On Health Care he is off, really off.
I think the office of the United States is being called in to Question by the American People, because they really are unsure who the Federal Government represents anymore. It seams that they are more interested in tending to foregin population’s, while using the American people as the wallet. And punishing the worker, while aiding the loser. This is causing a great mistrust of the American Government.
I thought Pres. Bush was the worst when it came to coddling welfare Queens and loser parents. He made the public School system into a free for all for the stupid unions, that rewarded bad teachers and funded corrupt districts.
All i can say, “frustration makes ya lose the cool”.
I would be very interested in discussing the TRILLION DOLLAR Iraq debacle with you.
I’ll buy you lunch, and three of your friends.
i dont belive that was the right time to do that i cant stand nobama and his programs are going to ruin this country unless we take some of his power away from him by taking back the house or senate .
Funny none of this “frustration” boiled over when Bush was lying to America and starting an unnecessary war without properly funding it.
Whose interests was he serving. If anyone criticized Bush the right questioned their patriotism.
We have troops in harms way and someone verbally attacked the Commander-in-Chief tonight. Does that sound familiar?
They should have Wilson rendered to Guantanamo for traitorous behavior.
Any of you others that are compelled to attack the Commander-in-Chief Obama need to be put on notice, we are watching and will be forced to report your un-American activity.
Why do you all hate our freedom? You should all be ashamed.
Kudos to “the great one” for getting it. If the right wants to defeat Obama and his policies the way to do it is by having meaningful debate on the issues and truthfully presenting their case to the American people.
Disrespecting the President of the United States during a speech to Congress should be beneath the dignity of a member of the House or Senate, no matter who the President is.
This was not a town hall meeting in some back woods South Carolina village stacked full of “birthers” and “nutters”. This was the halls of Congress filled with folks alleged to be the leaders of our nation.
If a member of Congress can’t act with some sort of respect and dignity, how can we expect anyone else to?
What an awful example Rep. Wilson set for the people of this nation, especially the children. What will we tell the children? Tell them it is okay to disrespect people because they disagree with them?
Anyone who condones what Wilson did is disrespecting our nation. Barack Obama is the President for all Americans, not just Democrats. Republicans, Democrats and Independents should all unite in disgust over the disrespect show our leader.
Where was this dickhead when Bush was lying about aluminum tubes and mushroom clouds in Iraq?
#9 Sean, you have a short memory.
During Bushs 2005 State of the Union speech when he talked about Social Security going broke, Democrats booed and hissed. Pundits at the time said Democrats acted more like the House of Commons.
Quote from Ted Koppel: they did something that, apparently, no one at this table has ever heard before. They booed. [ABC, Nightline, 2/2/05]
Democrats have a long way to go before they can open their mouths about the behavior of anyone else.
The good news, at least someone is fighting and not rolling over for this garbage.
Obama was, and is, a liar. Deal with the truth, truther nutters.
I finally get it, the republicans would support heath care reform if 4 things were changed.
1) If the changes included a prohibition on private insurance selling insurance to undocumented persons and the children of the same are denied any care, even if they were born here.
2)If the changes included a prohibition on private insurance selling an policy that paid out anything for abortions.
3) That the donut hole that republicans created and the no-bid contracts with medicare that repubilcans created stay as they are.
4) That fraud, duplication of tests and other items that do not contribute to the health of seniors are not cut from Medicare.
All of these seem to me to even conflict with the supposted Republican values of competition, personal choice and reducing fraud in government.
I guess if you beleive in the new Republican principles of interfering with personal choice, limiting competition and supporting fraud, then you could say that Obama’s statement that no funding is being provided to cover undicumented persons could be misleading.
BTW- I like watching the House of Commons.
Yes, I need to use spell check
Apparently you agree that it was inappropriate for the Democrats to hiss and boo. If you do, why can you also not evaluate Wilson’s crude action in the same prima facia fashion.
This is the kind of stuff that exposes you as a non-objective, partisan hack.
Both sides have vocally booed the presidents. Democratic Party booed Bush vocally. I think in the future if the president of either side is telling whoppers, it would be better for them to be playing with their blackberries and twitter or facebook the bs from the leaders of our nation.
The heller amendment was defeated and the loophole is still there and thats why Wilson yelled at him.
You are right Bush screwed up the war!.
You can not win a gorilla war, even i know that. You can not tell who is friend from foe. Its not like a war that is fought on the battle field. So you can not fight with civility.
We see Iraq and Iran as being a civil nation such as ours, they are not. In Iraq they murdered women on a soccer field, for things you and i would call personal freedom. In Iran they hung a 16 year old girl from a crane, while 100 men watched, she was raped by a taxi driver, who was twice her age. in Saudi, women cannot drive, work and have been murdered in honor killings. The middle east is an area that is full of people who should be living in the middle ages.
So what do you do with such people. I would have banned all contact with saudi, Iraq, Iran ect.. No business dealing’s, no travel to and from the countries. Taken all saudi assets in America. ect… develope Mexicos,American,canada’s oil capabilites, invest in clean energy like the French.
You can not win a war with people that would take a child and strap a bomb to them. You just wait and watch them kill themselves as they are doing in Iran!.
All the one country that is a civil nation to protect its self from monkies, allow Israel to bomb the shit out of anyone that treatens them and help them if they need it. But stay out of their way and let them do the job of MEN!.
I heard a great saying once; “when Palestian women love their children more than they hate Israel, then there will be peace”.
This was not a town hall meeting in some back woods South Carolina village stacked full of “birthers” and “nutters”. This was the halls of Congress filled with folks alleged to be the leaders of our nation.
God, i really can’t stand white people who hate their own.
So if your white your a birther and a nutter.
but if your brown your the underserved and the vunerable??
Sean Mills did you hate your Parents??
Or do you hate your colour??
Wise up. I love that i am a birther, but at least i pay for the ones that i birth.
And you guys wonder why i am always talking about race, i feel like i need to defend mine and my nation full of birthers and nutters!
Once i defended my Religion, now i defend people who are pasty!.
Keep your money, cause i love to bet people that i will win the debate!.
And you better be rich:)
90% of the time i do win, except when its about cooking!.
🙂 thanks for the offer though.
Seriously, after last night I wish we could have a house of commons Q&A in the US! Shy of Clinton, or Reagan answering it would last about 2 questions…. I think it would be a great way for us to expose the idiots who represent us in the government… President Obama whay do you say to XYZ?…..Uh…Um….Uh…just give me a minute to wait for the teleprompter….uh…. Or Mr Bush, where are the WMD’s??? Uh….er ….well you see…. uh Don’t mess with Texas! Next question!
Don’t even limit it there, I would live to see maxine waters, or sheila Jackson start asking questions! And then we could expand it to Pelosi, just to see her stand there…. not answer questions…….Laser beam death rays at the questioner! Governor Arnold! What abou the budget, and cutting taxes? Uh….Well…son on and soo forth, you see I am the gubernator….I vurk for da people, and so on…
On second thought mabye not…..ignorance may be bliss
You should have seen What Daniel Hannan MEP said to G. Brown, “priceless”.
I never thought i would say i love a English Man, but, “GOD HE IS GOOD”. and i love his Patrick Stewart accent!.
One thing i loved about the British Soilders, they have great accents:)
Sorry, day dreaming!!
Baby awake,bye!.
I hate no one, though I do pity the ignorant. And yes I have a LOT of pity for you.
My comment mention no color. Not white, not black, not brown. Why must you inject race into this argument?
Health care is a universal issue that effects all races. Unfortunately there is no cure for chronic ignorance so I guess you’re stuck with it.
I just hope and pray that you don’t pass it on to others, like say your children.
There is no excuse for Wilson’s display of poor behavior. Wilson is entitled to his opinion, however it was “not appropriate” to engage in disruptive behavior while the President was addressing Congress and the nation.
What Sean said!!
Joe Wilson represents the party he hails from: a bunch of lying hypocrites who whore after everything from corporate $ to paramours in South America. They are a bunch of degenerates whose base find them admirable. There is only one rational functioning party left in our country. So sad the GOP has been reduced to their current lowly condition.I’m sick of their foolishness.
Joe Wilson’s opponent has raised 300K in less than 24 hours because of what this ass clown did. But before some of us get too happy, the same thing happened to Michele Bachman’s opponent after the Hardball interview in 2008, and bat sH*t crazy Bachman still won. In any case I just gave $20.00 to the the cause.
Rep. Wilson broke House rules prohibiting use of the word “liar”: contact Rules committee here
Edited on Wed Sep-09-09 10:12 PM by Trocadero
From the “Boot Camp” portion of the GOP’s House Committee on Rules:
References to the Senate or Executive Branch
Until the 109th Congress, it was not in order to make certain references to the Senate or individual senators. However, at the beginning of that Congress, the House removed the prohibition on making references to the Senate, leaving only the requirement that debate be confined to the question under debate and avoid “personality.” The precedents of the House allow a wide latitude in criticism of the President, other executive officials, and the government itself. However, it is not permissible to use language that is personally offensive to the President, such as referring to him as a “hypocrite” or a “liar.” Similarly, it is not in order to refer to the President as “intellectually dishonest” or an action taken by the President as “cowardly.” References to the Vice President, in spite of his role as President of the Senate, are measured against the standard used for the President rather than prior standards used to govern the Senate.
Categories of Unparliamentary Speech
Defaming or degrading the House
Criticism of the Speaker’s personal conduct
Impugning the motives of another Member
Charging falsehood or deception
Claiming lack of intelligence or knowledge
References to race, creed, or prejudice
Charges related to loyalty or patriotism
Committee on Rules – Republicans
U.S. House of Representatives
1627 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
PHONE: (202) 225-9191
FAX: (202) 225-6763
EMAIL: Rules.Rs@mail.house.gov
Someone needs to remind Joe Wilson that he’s not at some NASCAR or WWE event where trash talk is the standard.
I see there is a move to censure him. Not that I agree with THAT, but Wilson does no good for his party’s reputation as being screaming teabaggers, hysterical birthers and shoot’emup health care heat packers.
The lunatic fringe.
If those are the rules then he should be held to them, as a representative he agreed to them. He could also introduce a bill to change the rules to allow name calling and the like. Perhaps it would pass.
Count me among the majority who think the whole lot ought to be replaced.
Like Monty Brewster said:
There are a whole lot of democrats that need the boot as well as jerky republicans. Baucus is one of the worst of the dems “on the take” with the HC industry. He’s as dirty and underhanded as they come.
Single payer option will totally clip their wings.
Wilson is the liar, plain and simple.
Obama stated the truth that illegals can not get benefits.
Wilson’s claim is that there is no citizenship check, but he oh so conveniently “forgets” that not being a citizen has nothing at all to do with being illegal. There are lots of legal non-citizens here. People on work visas, and permanent residents.
So, shame on you, Mr. Wilson, for perpetuating the lies from right-wing nutcases.
Well they are, at it again;
1. Talking points that make no sense.
2. Wearing those LL Bean spandex waist shorts.
3. Racist overtones
4. MissSpelled “Werds” on their signs!
5. Drawing little “Hitler” mustashes on the face of
the President.
You know; MORONS![reference to “Blazing Saddles” here].
Anywho, here’s a website dedicated to these poor slobs;
The TeaParty Chronicles
New and familiar posting friends, thanks for posting!
Quite the site you’ve got there Tea Pea – It’s a nice collection of stupid participating in our system of democracy!
Here is another related link some people might be interested in. There were some very clear pictures released of Joe Wilson yelling out his accusations of Liar to the president. Just who took those pictures and for what reason? http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/200909/who-took-the-picture-joe-wilson-and-how
Remember, in less than a day, Wilson had already assembled an “apology” piece in which he asked for donations from supporters. Was Wilson’s outburst another form of astroturfing for the cameras and intended for exploiting those emotional reactionaries to raise money for his struggling campaign? You decide:
Someone needs to remind Joe Wilson that he’s not at some NASCAR or WWE event where trash talk is the standard
My husband loves Nascar, i hate it and the one who loves the trash talk, especially if it’s giving the left wing snobs a good old “ass kicking”. Most people that go to Nascar are very religious people, so really no trash talk their, which bores me!.
I doubt i would call people that know they are being shafted are stupid, the people who RA RA free health care RA RA illegal Aliens, RA RA Taxes are the ones it would take a army to screw in the light bulb!. I think they are brave and courages Americans standing up for there country, unlike the meek and the mild what to take it up the Arsh!.
1. Talking points that make no sense.
2. Wearing those LL Bean spandex waist shorts.
3. Racist overtones
4. MissSpelled “Werds” on their signs!
5. Drawing little “Hitler” mustashes on the face of
the President.
You know; MORONS![reference to “Blazing Saddles” here].
Anywho, here’s a website dedicated to these poor slobs;
I would say you make no sense LL BEAN???
If you mean that their is a shit load of brown people with Acorn signs, wanting free health care, then i would say the Blacks and the Brown’s need to find out why they are supporting a group that is more corrupt than the drug lords. They seam to like taking kids from Latin countries and pimp them out. The signs may not be perfect, but the message is. Acorn has lovely signs, but the message is full of crap!! no self respect, corruption and it is ok to rape children. LOVELY!.
colour does not give anyone the right to be stupid your right!.
And i bet “TEA PEA”, you work for the DMV!.
missing words: I’m, There!
Sorry folks my last post was even worst than my usual
I have Swine flu! and i feel like a big blob!
but at least i tried:(
Michelle Quinn;
It’s a simple question of; Why would I go to a DUMSASS for answers to such complex problems as; National Health Care, The Deficit, Taxes, Beaucratic Waste, and National Security.
I think I made my point. I’m Sorry YOU didn’t comprehend the message Michelle Quinn.
And THAT’s comming from a middle age WHITE MAN!
Do me a favor, let me know how YOU vote on ALL the issues, and ALL the candidates, so that I can be sure to vote THE OPPOSITE!
Oh yea, and YOU call these Teaparty protesters BRAVE? REALLY?
Where were these CONCERNED CITIZENS the las EIGHT YEARS?
Oh that’s right, cowering in a corner somewhere, they only come out of hiding when it’s safe, when they KNOW they can protest WITHOUT the fear of repercussions.
And to protest against an administration that didn’t cause the problems,(in fact this administration is trying to clean up the mess!), is STUPID!
That’s NOT brave Michelle, thats a DAY LATE, and a DOLLOR SHORT!