You're not supposed to just make stuff up...
Well, Friends, today it happened. Friends for Fullerton’s Future brought suit in the Superior Court against the phony Redevelopment expansion, and against the County’s disbursement of any property tax increment.
This morning our attorney C. Robert Ferguson filed the necessary documents in Santa Ana.
The basis of our law suit is simplicity itself: the findings of blight in the proposed expansion area are completely contrived, solely for the purpose of creating a tax increment windfall for the Agency at the expense of other agencies, and to the detriment of all property owners shouldering the burden of this encumbrance on their properties.
Great move! Dick Jones is sure to have another helium-fueled fit…
Sincethe County of Orange seems to be a party to this redevelopment ploy by accepting millions from the City in order to withdraw County objections to it, it would be great if this suit could also make the County a defendant. Birds of a feather and all that —–