SAUSD Science Teacher Gary Reynolds speaks out about dangerous overcrowding in chemistry classes at School Board meeting on Sep. 8
“A Santa Ana High School science teacher is claiming chemistry classes at the campus are crowded beyond state regulations, causing unsafe conditions for students,” according to the O.C. Register.
Gary Reynolds, who has taught physics, chemistry and other science classes at Santa Ana High for 22 years, filed a “report of concern” with the school district alleging an “existing unsafe situation in our high school chemistry classes.”
I know Mr. Reynolds – he is a great teacher and as solid a citizen as you could ever hope to find. He told me in an email that he wanted to give the district the chance to correct the overcrowding in chemistry classes – but their response was not what he was looking for.
Click here to read the rest of this article.
Is Lopez the right district person to address this issue? He’s usually the guy who tries to intimidate teachers into shutting up when there is a problem by using all sorts of intimidation tactics. I would think a facilities super would be able to help Russo determine the risks. Lopez didn’t care about reports of a convicted child abuse criminal well before it happened at Saddleback High. He received numerous letters from an attorney as official notification. Sorry, Mr. Reynolds, Lopez is not going to take your side on this issue either. I see this is the second time you’ve addressed the board of education and Jane Russo with their feet planted in cement. The safety of students is the last thing on their minds in SAUSD. We’ve seen that lack of concern decision after decision by this group of mismanagers.
Boo Juan Lopez
Boo Jane Russo
Boo The SAUSD board members – John of course
Kudos to Gary Reynolds who needs our support right now!
The point here is: year after year who sits on the Board. If people continue to support Rob Richardson, Audrey Noji and Jose Hernandez then they deserve what they get. Lets start with Noji. She needs to be removed in 2010. Then we can work on Jane and the rest of the administration. The students of Santa Ana are the last concern of the board or the administration. Keep up the fight Mr.Reynolds.