Double billing for the OC Taxman!

Hey, anyone can make a mistake.  You could forget to lock your car and have your cell phone stolen.  You might forget to pay the electrictity bill and have your lights and heat shut off.  You might even forget to send in your personal Federal tax return during a trying divorce or recent loss of job.  But, when sending out tax bills,  is all your organization is supposed to do….and you wind up sending those errant bills to 60 to 70 thousands bills in error……that is a problem.  As Emily Latelle might say: “Never mind!”

The best part of this story is where OC Taxman Chriss Street  sent those errant tax bills – Zip Codes 92603-92679.  The folks in Newport Beach must have been freaking out – there is little doubt of that.  Street blamed the whole thing on a computer error.  Well, we suppose the Order-Entry Clerk that forgot to put “INFORMATION COPY ONLY” on those bills, will be missing a few days at work this week – since those taxes had already been paid from the so-called Impound Accounts that have those payments in the monthly house payment.  The good news is that of the 843,000 tax notices the OC Taxman sends out….he was able to stop the insanity with the approximate 60-70 thousand, because of an OC Register Reporter  making inquiries into “Impound Accounts” and how many of those type of notices go out on an annual basis.  Street owes that reporter a nice lunch….ya think?

Hey, it only affected portions of 14 of the most important cities that the Tax Collector is going to need to get re-election cash from shortly.  Ooops!  You can read all about this in today’s OC Register by Jeff Collins on the front page of the Local Section!  Oh Chriss….and the cost of all those office upgrades was just starting to fade from our memory banks!   Now this!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.