The California State Legislators have dragged Gov. Schwarzenegger down with them
California voters are NOT happy with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – and they don’t care much for our State Legislature either.
A new Field Poll “showed disenchantment with the Democratic-controlled Legislature across all political affiliations, with 72 percent of registered Democrats expressing disapproval; 86 percent of Republicans; and 77 percent of nonpartisan registered voters. The highest approval rating Field has found for the Legislature was an average of 57 percent in 1988,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
The poll also found a 65 percent disapproval rating for Schwarzenegger, almost a total reversal of voter opinion five years ago. And the survey revealed that the legislature has only a 13% approval rating, while the Governor has a 27% approval rating. No bueno!
How will this affect the race to replace pervy Mike Duvall in the 72nd Assembly District? You have to believe this is bad news for GOP candidate Linda Ackerman, who is hog-tied to her husband Dick’s awful record in the State Senate.
Republican candidate Chris Norby, on the other hand, is not tainted by any previous time spent in the Legislature since he is a County Supervisor. And his reputation is as a tax-fighter, while the Ackermans are viewed as appeasers to the unpopular Democrats in Sacramento.
What about Assemblyman Chuck DeVore? Doesn’t this Field Poll sound the death knell for his campaign for the U.S. Senate? He has not done anything as an Assemblyman – his bills have all been rejected by the Governor and the State Legislature. This Field Poll has to be good news for his GOP opponent, businesswoman Carly Fiorina.
now renember this in the upcoming elections and toss these clowns out , and get new blood in there that is more in line with the people . not their own agenda
Two observations:
1. This is not new news – it is prety much a duplication of the post on this blog on Sep’t 15 “Pulic Disgusted With California’s State Government”.
2. New fruits of a full time legislature were reported on the radio news today (Oct.13) – we are the first/only State to enact legislation banning the cutting off of the tails of cattle. Aren’t you glad we pay our legislators to work full time so they can focus on enacment of state-wide laws on such important matters? Could dogs be far behind?
Obviously, you haven’t watched the legislature. Chuck DeVore has written legislation, after legislation to help our economy by allowing our state to use its own resources. In fact, when his bill passed in the Senate and came to the Assembly and they defeated it, the cowards didn’t want their constituents to know that the passed up a bill to create jobs, bring in millions into our economy. No it isn’t DeVore’s downfall it’s the Democrat out-of-controlled legislature that will not stop spending, will not allow us to use our own resources and threatens the states citizens with more fees, and tries to demean us after we say no the their proposition saying “we didn’t understand them” REALLY, that’s exactly whey they were defeated and Chuck DeVore championed that position of defeat. He even exposed the loophole in the proposition to limit their salaries by saying, all they have to do to balance the budget to get themselves a raise, is to raise your taxes, say its balanced and viola their raise in their wallets. Good grief! Know what you’re talking about before you post it.