MIssion Viejo City Council candidate Dale Tyler
It’s been a few years when I last was on the race track with a Christmas tree.
That old expression, “Gentlemen, start your engines,” is truly in need of political correctness as there were several very good female drivers on the NHRA circuit such as Shirley Muldowney or Kitty O’Neil whose quarter mile speed (412 MPH) and time was “somewhat” faster than mine (in a slightly different category).
Dale Tyler, long time Mission Viejo watchdog and Board Member of the Saddleback Republican Assembly, was the first candidate to “pull” nominating papers at the Mission Viejo city hall earlier today. I am told that he spent an hour with City Clerk Karen Hamman who explained the process and documentation package.
At last night’s council meeting the council set the date for the election which opens the gate for all registered voters to begin the process once Lance MacLean is recalled. As stated in earlier posts, the ballot has two questions. Should Lance be recalled vote YES or NO. If 50% plus one say YES, the voters will be able to select from the list of candidates which as of noon today is a mystery.
This recall election will be something to watch.
Will Mayor Ury and Council Member Kelley “stand by their man” or throw him under a bus and get someone to run as an insurance policy to retain control?
What if?
What if Lance is somehow successful in fighting off the recall and they had supported a new candidate? What will happen to their relationship? We shall see.
Who ever runs–we must all work to assure the community has a “lancectomy”.!!
James, good one! After Lance’s “lobotomy” remark, a lancectomy is next.
I’m hearing that Lance was campaigning from the dais again at the council meeting last night. The recall cannot possibly happen fast enough. Now, he’s telling everyone else to be civil. He has a ton of baggage, and maybe it will come out after being hidden so far.
Go, Dale! It is great to have someone step up to the plate. MacLean barely won in the last race, and he is a personal, professional and political embarrassment.
The current city council is a mess, and I would gladly recall Smart-mouth Ury as well.
Vote for Dale Tyler in the election.
I have known this person for many years and few people I have known matched Mr. Tyler’s intelligence, integrity, and problem solving attribute’s. Mission Viejo City needs an independent and sharp mind to solve the serious problems of today and tomorrow. He is a professional problem solver who can cross party lines and ascertain a compromise solution that benefits the whole citizenry of that City.
You guys scare the heck out of me! I can’t even imagine another person like your group on our City Council. The woman that currently sits on our City Council and the one that recently left scare me and are an embarrassment to the citizens of Mission Viejo. MacLean can’t do all the dirty things you claim by himself and that is why we have a City Council and not run by one person. I’m glad we have someone like MacLean who sits on our City Council that will stand up and put up with your games!!!!
For a fiscally conservative group (as you keep claiming to be) to go out and spend over $275,000 when the next general election is less than a year away is mind boggling!!!!!! Stop complaining from the dais and at the speakers mic and do something constructive with your time and enjoy all the reasons we live in Mission Viejo.
I can’t believe the rumor Larry Gilbert is going to take over as our City Manager when you’ll have control. I am sure you are going to win in this recall because of voter apathy since voters won’t go out and vote at special elections. You did a very good job of making exaggerated and false claims to get people to sign your petitions. I still find it amazing a lot of the original signers (including Dale Tyer) of the recall are folks that have run and LOST when they ran for City Council in years past. What a surprise all these local Republican Committees are approving the recall??? Especially when you see who are on their committees, yep, some of the very independent conservative folks who signed the recall petition. I thought Halloween was scary but just thinking of one more of your kind on our City Council scares the heck out of me!
One good thing if the recall does go as you are planning is….the realtors in our town will be happy as the real estate market will be flooded with homes for sale. I would give serious thought to putting my house up for sale but would be afraid there would be no buyers or I would get sued for not disclosing the real reason for moving out before this city goes down the toilet.
It always amazes me how your group twists and turns the “facts” to your benefit……
Get real-get a life. It’s people like yourself who start rumors such as my becoming our city manager which would mess up my social security payments. That’s not even a trial balloon.
Have control? That’s what people said when we carried Lance and Trish over the finish line in the 2002 election. How much “control” do or did we have over them?
Let’s see. False claims. Yes, someone lied. In his Nov. 2002 candidate statement, found on page 12 of the Voter Booklet, candidate Lance MacLean wrote and I quote: “Oppose all tax increases or special assessments.” That is why the Republican Assembly endorsed him in that election. However, in the very next election, Nov., 2004 Councilman Lance MacLean Wrote the “ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE K” as well as the “REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE K.” Folks. Measure K was A PROPOSED TAX INCREASE defeated by the Mission Viejo voters!
That is but one of the facts in this recall that cannot be refuted. Nice try!
Get real. Do a fact check before coming back. In which Mission Viejo city council election did Dale Tyler run? Calling the kettle black for “twisting and turning facts to our benefit.” Go back and read what you stated above. Don’t be angry. Just go away!
“Republican Committees.” Another of your “ready, fire, aim ” comments. What committees?
Help me out here, especially as I served as the local CRA unit president for four years.
Psssst, Larry. “Get Real – Get a Life” is MacLean. See if you can engage him in a discussion about his assault and battery at UCI. I especially like his line that he was trying to strangle someone out of concern for safety.
It’s helpful to see in MacLean’s (Get Real – Get a Life’s) post that he has accepted his loss. Turn the page on MacLean.
Thank you, Dale, for your willingness to serve on the city council. Your intelligence and sanity on the dais will be a breath of fresh air.
For those unfamiliar with Lance MacLean’s assault of a fellow employee at UCI simply go to the OC Weekly story at the following link. Those supporting the recall did not “wag the dog” to create this charge:
Look at this statement. From Lance/”Get a LIFE” above:
“MacLean can’t do all the dirty things you claim by himself and that is why we have a City Council and not run by one person.”
Good to have the admission of guilt up front. Saves on campaign literature.
what does the uci thing have anything to do with the comments or the story. I like your blogs, but that seemed out of left field. I didnt see one person post anything about that so why would you throw that in there. I would like to know more info about the canidate putting his name in. can you do a story on the good and the bad so i can have a fair assement of a possible counsilman.
The UCI episode is one of the charges in the recall petition. It is relevent as it relates to Lance having an anger control problem. Every elected official can be viewed under a microscope at any time in their lifetime. Look at Idaho Senator Larry Craig who was charged with a possible solicitation at a Minn airport rest room. Whether the report was true or false he was not in Congress performing his elected duties at that time but this story did in fact bring him down.
I understand your point but you start off the story about this possible canidate and then go on a rant about who Lances buddies on the counsil will support. Then give another refference to the UCI thing. We all know. Let the voters handle it know. I just think at this point everything that needed to be said about lance has been said and i am looking forward to your blogs about the potential new canidates. Thanks
The UCI incident happened. I have read that Lance tried to hide this episode from exposure and gave an incorrect middle name to the police. Wish I had one. I surely would know what it was.
There are several voters in Mission Viejo who have contacted me regarding their chances of victory in the recall election. As the clock for candidates to pull papers has just started I cannot report on any specific name other than Dale Tyler for our readers. Pulling papers by itself is not a guarantee that they will return them to the city clerk. If I am not mistaken we have had one or more candidates for city council meet with our city clerk and later decided to drop out before they even begin. The easiest task for these candidates is to obtain up to 25 signatures of registered voters to even appear on the ballot.
PS: There is more to be said about Lance. We will simply need to wait until the next phase begins.
I’m sorry Paulie. Did you say that I am “ranting”?
I plan to interview all of the candidates and post their message in future Orange Juice blog reports.
I’m back because I checked my facts as your requested. But first, why would anyone who opposes your special interest group want to be interviewed by you!?! So…….when will the next phase (or should I say next set of lies or twisted truths) begin? What about your e-mail where you stated that if you were asked to be the City Manager you would do so? Are you in denial of that fact as well or do you have some kind of twist on your very own e-mail? I guess your social security payments didn’t enter into your mind when you wrote your response in an e-mail message. I still have a copy of your e-mail message. But maybe I’ll save that for the “next phase”.
I also wanted to ask you how many politicians do you personally know who has never raised taxes or voted in some form of a tax raise tax of some sort? I think all good decent politicians start out making claims to idealistically not raise taxes but then realize that can’t be done 100% of the time.
I stand corrected on my Dale (T) statement as I was thinking of the other Dale (S) in your group that has been unsuccessful at running for office in MV (I believe several times) just like many others of your group, to include yourself.
I think we all make mistakes in our lives and I for one can accept the UCI incident well before I could stomach having another Cathy “unSlick” Schlicht or Gail Reavis on our City Council. WE have way too many good things in this city that I would hate to see your special interest group destroy!!!
PS I’m not angry and I’m not going away!
Sounds like most of these comments are based in a “I have mine…not in my backyard” mentality. Mission Viejo citizens are getting really stuffy these days.