… then you should know that mouthpieces such as Rachel Maddow have lost 55% of their viewers since the election. Mainly because she stinks and she isn’t funny. Rachel now gets fewer viewers than Joy Behar, and yet there are some out there who think what she has to say means something. Knowledgable media sources have noted she has fallen behind even Lou Dobbs re-runs and is set for cancellation.
The above video is from Ron Paul. It intersperces its message with one of the best speeches I have ever heard on the state of the people and the media and deserved the posthumous Oscar it received. Paul received over a million votes in the last election cycle primary. Maddow couldn’t get elected dogcatcher. Listen to who you want. Believe what you want. But facts are facts.
Rachel Maddow “stinks”? Wow. Thank you for that trenchant, incisive analysis. That’s right up there with The Not-So-Great-One’s dismissive “Far left, far left, far left” analysis.
And since when is it a journalist’s job to be “funny”?
Mouthpiece? State run media? Looks like the state slipped up…and it hasn’t been the only time.
Rachel Maddow isn’t a journalist. She’s a sensationalist for the Democrat Party. There’s a difference between someone like that and even Katie Couric. At least Couric “pretends” to be unbiased.
And the Fox folks are sensationalists for the Republican Party.
Again with the “mouthpiece.” Terry doesn’t know Rachel, he has never heard her. Or maybe her first few words always make so much blood rush to his head that he doesn’t hear her clearly. Thank you #2 for that good example of RACHEL CRITICIZING THE PRESIDENT AND OTHER DEMOCRATS. Why do we bother with this guy…
I agree though, Network is an old fave! And I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it any more!
Exactly. One minute she’s a mouthpiece for the administration. Then I provide an example that destroys that notion and it becomes “she’s a sensationalist for the Democratic Party”. The problem is, Democrats in Congress, with VERY few notable exceptions, have not questioned Obama’s ideas on preventive detention. How, exactly, is that then her being a spokesperson for the Party?
It’s funny though, how conservatives can think of themselves as Howard Beale figures, when I always picture them more like this:
hey post one or could it be our favorite FAR LEFT VERN . yes maddow does stink she is a tool of the FAR LEFT . there you like that one .
Vern, instead of constantly broadcasting your ignorance you might try watching people like Alan Colmes or Juan Williams on Fox. That channel actually has some news. Might broaden your awareness of the world outside your leftist bubble. Sad.
That channel actually has some news. Yes, Fox does include some news. Pretty hard to go 24/7 without ANY news. I am familiar with the two talking heads I refer to as “cautious apologetic moderates.” This doesn’t address the issue of you being obviously, proudly, and utterly unfamiliar with Rachel Maddow. Pot, kettle, rightist bubble. Sad.
You wanna start by at least watching the video Red Vixen put up yesterday? Or will it hurt your beautiful mind?
Fox News is far right, far right, far right.
Not-so-great-one taught me how to make that argument.
Since you didn’t acknowledge actually listening to even the leftwingers on Fox News, i can only assume it is more evidence of your hypocrisy.
I listen to Maddow talk about how Democrats outnumber Republicans, when conservatives outnumber leftists in all 50 states. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/52602 The GOP deservedly lost adherents, like myself, starting a decade ago. What that “spin” does is deny that socialism is losing adherents even more.
Nothing you’ve said has any special merit or is even deserving of a researched response Vern. Lost your spunk?
Well, this conversation is certainly starting to lose its spunk. Are you still talking about your little Fox promo? Of course I watched it, that’s how I knew Alan and Juan were on it. Are you talking about generally having seen them on TV? Check and check. Point?
Meanwhile you still evidently haven’t “screwed your courage to the sticking post” strongly enough to have watched RV’s Rachel video yet, but you DID at some point catch Rachel claiming that Democrats outnumber Republicans. Ha! That crazy leftist! Where does she get such wild ideas? Crazy, far, far, left socialist, carpet chewing nutcase!
Faux News watchers remind me of that quote by Voltaire; ” Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.
Our CORPORATE media ginned up a phony war by using all sorts of absurd and inflammatory language and “commit atrocities” we did, by attacking Iraq. Now these same people are ginning up another “atrocity” the ASSASSINATION of President Obama.
Why else would they make situations that were common place under Bush seem alarming and sinister under Obama. These are the SAME people who could have cared less that some old lady was grabbed and arrested for having the audacity to wear an anti-war t-shirt to a Bush event, but think it’s perfectly reasonable to attend an Obama event with a loaded gun. Kooks like Terry and Larry are ready to believe ANYTHING negative about Obama and his administration, twisting and/or ignoring facts and logic, turning themselves into shameless hypocrites and embarrassing themselves in the process. Conservatives are being MANIPULATED towards unjustified hatred of Obama. We NEED to ask the question; TO WHAT END?
And speaking of ATROCITIES, I’d like to share a little news (that I can’t get out of my mind) about Iraq with the warmongers:
“There are reports of a dramatic increase in the incidence of DEFORMED BABIES being born in the city of Fallujah, where DEPLETED URANIUM weapons were in wide use during the November 2004 assault on that city by US Marines. The British TV station SKY UK, in a report last month that has RECEIVED NO MENTION IN ANY MAINSTREAM AMERICAN NEWS ORGANIZATION, found a marked increase in birth defects at local hospitals. …
Further, a report sent to the UN General Assembly by Dr. Nawal Majeed Al-Sammarai, Iraq’s Minister of Women’s Affairs, since 2006, stated that in September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 babies born, 24% of which DIED within their first week of life. Worse yet, FULLY 75% OF THE BABIES BORN THAT MONTH WERE DEFORMED. This compares to August 2002, six months before the US invasion, when 530 live births were reported with only six dying in the first week, and only ONE DEFORMITY. Clearly something terrible is happening in Fallujah, and many doctors suspect it’s the depleted uranium dust that is permeating the city.”
You can read the article at ;http://pubrecord.org/world/5811/depleted-uranium-babies-afghanistan/print/
From the Seattle Post IntellIgencer, http://www.seattlepi.com/national/95178-du12.shtml;
Seriously, it’s 2009. Everybody knows the emperor has no clothes and no clue. Barack Obama is the President.
Yet America’s “most respected news sources” are still treating the Iraqi death toll as if we’re living in another world. The WHO estimates 100,000 – 150,000 Iraqi dead.
Moonbeam news organs are feeding leftist wackos like anonster, and its fair to ask “What for?” Well, their appetite for looking at this country and taking a whack at anything that suits them because “they have the right to debate and disagree, with any administration!” needs to be fed.
Unfortunately, their anti-American propaganda never really stands scrutiny. Birth defects being seen are in specific locations, and have very particular causes. Unlike some writers who scream “LOOK HOW MUCH WE SUCK!” the real culprit has been long in the making and is one America is today working to correct…
A drive through Southern iraq will show the terrible effects of the Saddams treatment of the Shia Marsh Arabs with the incredibly high rates of birth defects, mental instability, and abnormality caused by early childhood malnutrition. The Kurdish areas are similar.
gosh, that sucks, doesn’t it anonster?
Does your dismissal of what we’ve done in Iraq really go something like “Look what Saddam did, that’s nothing compared to what we’ve done”?
Really? Because if it is, that’s really quite lame.
Oh and one other thing. Dismissing investigative journalism with a wave of your partisan hand does NOTHING to refute the substance of said journalism. That little game you engage in is getting old.
Of course, Terry NEVER bothers to cite sources for his “factoids” and if he EVER bothered to do ANY research he’d find out that most of that “childhood malnutrition” was the direct result of western sanctions.
“Sure Obama did something a lot of us don’t approve of, but look at Bush, he was ten times worse” = DEFINING DEVIANCY DOWN.
“We totally trashed Iraq and littered it with cluster bombs and depleted uranium, but Saddam Hussein was worse than us!” = also, DEFINING DEVIANCY DOWN.
Confused yet, Terry? Let’s just agree that Saddam stinks and isn’t even funny.