My paid volunteers fanned out across Fullerton!
Yesterday on the Juice, our post about Linda Ackerman’s phony “businesswoman” label, a commenter named “baxter” related how somebody from the Ackerman for Assembly came a knockin’ on his door.
An woman canvassing for Ackerman came to our door this morning. I asked a few questions and she was pro. Knew what she was doing, quick with answers and not shy about slamming Norby. She implied that Norby might have psychological problems Since I’m voting for a Democrat it was all wasted on me.
Hmm. Doesn’t sound like your typical volunteer precinct walker, now does it? Did Mrs. Ackerman hire people to do her walking? That would square with what seems to have been a scripted character assassination of Norby, which is perfectly congruent with the Ackerman campaign strategy.
It could be that baxter just happened to get an experienced volunteer who was really on the ball. Read more.
Maybe Linda could hire DICK!!
That way she could keep it all in the family.
DICK could take his fireman hat with him and tell the folks he would make sure Linda follows his example to show up to any emergency four days late and only if the Gov. and a photo opps are waiting.
Why does this blog just keep spreading rumors about Ackerman? Are you backing Norby? You keep claiming she is dishonest, well just be honest with your readers and tell us if you are backing Norby, or someone else. Please just be honest.
I should say that this person introduced herself as “a friend of the Ackermans”. All I am saying is that I’ve been involved in more than a few campaigns and this woman was well put together. Looked like money, attractive and informed. Would not be nervous given a speech to hundreds let a lone knocking on some doors. Not your typical political volunteer, but probably also not someone that needed to be paid. By “pro” I meant highly skilled and experienced at this type of thing. I should have used another term. She did manage to elegantly slip in that Norby has been involved with four sexual harassment cases brought against him. Is that true?
baxter, you were lied to by that “well put together” woman. Dick Ackerman cooked up that bs about sexual harassment incidents in the 1980s and spoon fed it to that numbskull Mickadeit. Too bad Dick’s only witness has been dead 10 years. Clearly the Ackerman campaign has decided to go with this.
Pretty low, even for Dick Ackerman. But at least you now know what you’re dealing with.
I had a similar experience at my Fullerton home. I toothless guy who looked like a carnival operator rang my bell on Saturday. He knew nothing about Fullerton and seemed to read off of a card when I asked him questions.