will regurgitate for food
Maybe the Register’s Martin Wisckol is worried about the impending collapse of his employer and is thinking about future work writing press releases for Dick and Linda Ackerman. Looks like he has already started.
Last Wednesday Wisckol tossed up this poweder puff blog post addressing the issue of Linda Ackerman’s ”experienced businesswoman” self-applied label. Exercising all the journalistic curiosity of a sea cucumber he coughed up this pearl:
I asked her last week what her business was. She responded that she was on the Board of Directors of the USCB collection management company, a director on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, was finance director of the Marian Bergeson Series, and was executive director of the state Capital of California Preservation Fund (I haven’t been able to find a Web site for that).
Good enough. Sounds like business stuff to me.
Sorry Martin, but it’s not “good enough” just because she said so. To pass along this tripe suggests that you are either stupid, lazy, or are shilling for Ackerman, Inc. Since we assume the Register doesn’t knowingly employ overtly stupid people, the options are narrowed. Read more.
Wow. Since when do reporters go with “good enough? How very lame.
My prayers go out to Marty. It appears that the collapse of the Register is taking its toll on him. It looks like he’s simply given up.
Martin has been anti-Republican, and pro special rights for homosexuals for years. I guess he feel Linda fits his agenda best. Not sure why.
Rogue, “It looks like he’s given up”, how about it looks more like he’s on Ackerwomans payroll.
Now. Now. When Marty says, “Good enough. Sounds like business stuff to me,” it just speaks volumes that he has casually discarded any pretensions to anything resembling a hard-hitting journalistic work ethic.
I mean, really. You can just picture him, amiably shrugging his shoulders, tossing his coffee stained tie over his shoulder, and getting back to work on the real important his stuff – his resume and careerbuilder.com.
“1ooks more like he’s on Ackerwomans payroll.”
Of course! If he doesn’t blog about the Norby-Ackerman race too Tony’s liking, then he must be on the Ackerman payroll!!
You’re a pure nutcase, Bushala.
Hey Rogue Elephant: are you going to run against Diane Harkey again, in next year’s GOP primary?