“I think Orange County is that way!”
Talk about an odd couple – Assemblymen Van Tran and Jose Solorio have teamed up to put on an information hearing about the sale of the Orange County Public Fairgrounds. You may recall that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently put the Fairgrounds up for sale.
Solorio and Tran have actually worked together locally before, albeit informally, when Solorio asked Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido to shut down a Vietnamese art exhibit in Santa Ana, because it offended a group of Vietnamese supporters of Tran, whom we refer to as “Trannies.”
All things considered, I rather see Solorio do this in conjunction with State Senator Lou Correa, however it is an important topic and I am glad that at least two of our local elected officials are looking into this.
Here is the Solorio/Tran press release:
State Assemblymembers Jose Solorio and Van Tran invite you to an Informational Hearing Regarding the Sale of the Orange County Fairgrounds
Monday, November 9, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
City of Costa Mesa, Council Chambers
77 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626
This informational hearing will allow panelists and attendees an opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding the sale of the Orange County Fairgrounds. A representative from the California Department of General Services will also be at the hearing to discuss the process currently underway for the sale of the Orange County Fairgrounds.
To RSVP or for more information, please email John Nam in Assemblyman Solorio’s office at john.nam@asm.ca.gov or call (714) 939-8469.
Are they going to start by apologizing for voting to sell the Fairgrounds, along with every other elected official in Orange County except Mike Duvall and Jim Silva. When you’re not as ethical as Spanky or as astute as Jim, you’re pretty useless to your district.
Every other legislator in the state protected their state owned assets. These guys didn’t.
Unless they are carrying a bill to reverse the sale and override a potential veto, they are going to get a rowdy recetption.
Sell the fair grounds to a tax paying profit making enterprise.
The board members and staff running it now have been milking it for fat pay checks and non-taxed personal benefits including thousands of dollars in free food, passes and concert tickets for years.