Politico.com puts Van Tran in the loser column

Van Tran Asleep

Van Tran is going through the motions in his race for the 47th Congressional District

In a rundown of candidates who were “winners and losers” after filing their campaign finance reports, Politico.com put Assemblyman Van Tran squarely in the loser column. 

Tran appeared under the heading “Disappointing House Recruits.”  That section of the Politico.com article explained “Every two years, there’s a group of highly-touted recruits who who never manage to get their campaigns off the ground. This quarter’s reports give an idea of who might be part of the next crop of flops.”

“California Assemblyman Van Tran, running against Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.), had an even more disappointing outcome. He only collected $92,000 and was actually outraised by Quang Pham, another Vietnamese candidate challenging him in the primary,” according to Politico.com.

Tran appears to be running through the motions.  His competition in the GOP primary, Quang Pham, is running a great campaign, with lots of supporters, fundraising and energy.  You can read more about him by clicking here.

The question one must ask is which one of these guys will be tougher competition for incumbent Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez?  It makes zero sense to nominate the known Mexican-hater Tran.  The 47th is a blue district.  Why nominate a nutter Republican?  Pham makes more sense, as a businessman and as a former U.S. Marine.  And Pham doesn’t have the scandals that taint Tran.

Tran’s wife was indicted for fraud a few years ago and his best friend and ally, Westminster Councilman Andy Quach, recently slammed into a power line while driving drunk.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.