Red County editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham thinks he is so clever. He finally has come up with a retributional zinger months after Tony Bushala dubbed him “Jerbal.”
Jerbal is now referring to the Orange Juice blog as the “Orange Joke.” But guess who just signed up on our Twitter feed? None other than California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring! Imagine that. We’re a joke but Jerbal’s party boss is now following our Twitter feed. Welcome aboard Ron!
And when you search online for “Matt Jerbal Cunningham,” here is what you find:
The joke is on Jerbal…
Sure is quiet around here.
Since no one cares about your Jubal-obsession enough to comment, i’ll post a mercy comment.
And “Matt Jerbal Cunnningham” is such a common search term there, Art. I’m sure he’s losing sleep over it.
Have you see Jerbal’s blog lately? He could use your mercy comments more than we can!
BTW, search for “Matt Cunningham” on Google Blog Search and these come up:
Why isn’t Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham denouncing Ackerman’s hit piece …15 Oct 2009 by Admin
Why isn’t Matt Jerbal Cunningham denouncing Ackerman’s hit piece on Norby?
Orange Juice –…
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OC Blogosphere Good At Twittering, Name-Calling – Orange County …16 Oct 2009 by Spencer Kornhaber
FFFF got real classy the other day with an entire post devoted to fleshing out the extended metaphor of Matt Cunningham as “Fart Boy,” the guy who “has finally come across a situation where he can’t compliment everyone in the room for …
Navel Gazing –
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Is Matt Cunningham working for the Plastic Bag Association …14 Jul 2009 by Art Pedroza
That is exactly what happened today, as Red Klownty blogger and political consultant Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham wrote an op-ed opposing an effort by Democrats to tax plastic trash bags. Now I don’t disagree with Matt’s conclusions, …
Orange Juice! Politics For The Rest Of Us. –
[ More results from Orange Juice! Politics For The Rest Of Us. ]
Matt Cunningham hates carpetbaggers – so why is he giving Linda …24 Sep 2009 by Kids Crafts
That squirelly Jerbal – he bashes carpetbaggers but gives Linda Ackerman a free passIt figures that a guy nicknamed “Jerbal” would be rather squirelly, but Red County blogger Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham is in a rodent class all his own. …
Kids Crafts –
Boy…obsess much, Art?
Careful in that glass house of yours. You’re not exactly killing it in the comments lately, boyo.
Have you Googled “Art Pedroza” lately? Not very flattering to you.
I could care less about what is on Google – but Jerbal is the most thin-skinned blogger I know. And he has to try to make a living in politics.
Good luck with that Jerbal!