Chuck DeVore, 21st century conservative
Chuck is a Republican to be proud of during this time of Ackermans and Duvalls. He is a living proof that one can serve in Sacramento but vote and act like a real Conservative. I personally like Chuck because he is a wonk at heart who can give substantive answers. Chuck’s campaign is also interesting because of his innovative use of modern communications to reach supporters. Whether or not his long-shot candidacy against an entrenched liberal Senator succeeds, this campaign is providing lessons for how to build of a 21st century state-wide campaign that doesn’t have “Suck up to the Big Money” as step number one.
So drop by and meet Chuck Devore.
Even though we’ve had a few disagreements, I’ve always liked Chuck for his willingness to engage his constituents, especially in electronic forums – rather than hiding behind shills and mouthpieces like most of them do.
OC GOP Chairman?
I don’t like DeVore for the U.S. Senate, but I agree that he would be preferable to the lobbyist/consultant Scott Baugh as OC GOP Chair.
But the powers that be would have to find DeVore a job, as they did years ago for Tom Fuentes.
No. The “powers that be” would have to become “the powers that were” or else what’s the point?
The big money behind the OC GOP will not change. But getting rid of the lobbyists/consultants will help a lot.
Your party will still need cash to get things done – but you have to toss the money changers out of the Temple…
Some of us Dems are switching parties to vote for Chuck in the primary. This colorful and whimsical extremist, who believes that gay marriage will lead to legalized incest and bestiality, will be much more fun to run against and beat, than CarlyFornia.
Yep Vern. his stand on gay marriage was one of our disagreements.
You miss the point. I don’t agree with Chuck about Gay Marriage or Pro-Choice, either. But Chuck, remarkable for a politician, can explain *why* he takes the stand he does. In the case of Gay Marriage, Chuck is a big believer in Natural Law. Dave Zenger and I think Natural Law is a bunch of hooey, but you can have an honest discussion with Chuck on this point, and many others, because Chuck is capable of communicating beyond simplistic slogans.
Do you have any idea how rare that is?
In short, I love Chuck’s rock-solid stance on Fiscal issues, I don’t like Chuck’s stand on Social issues, and the fact that he has tends to grasp the issues means he has my support.
What is the process to get rid of Baugh as OC GOP Central Committee chair? He is running our party into the ground. I’d support DeVore right now. Can we make the change at the next meeting? Someone please explain the process.
You are absolutely right that both parties will always be beholden the big money. California has two of the most expensive media markets in the country. If Chuck’s campaign manages to get some momentum, he will have to cozy up to the big money if he wants any hope of winning. What’s great about Chuck’s campaign is that he is starting by talking to the grass roots. Like this meeting Thursday. The money changers can be dealt with later, after he has a following.
Contrast this with Linda Ackerman’s campaign that effectively started in a Sacramento restaurant full of lobbyists, or Carly Fiorina’s campaign that’s barely been to Orange County but is being covered by BusinessWeek. ( http://www.businessweek.com/blogs/money_politics/archives/2009/07/poll_carly_fior.html )
I’m voting for Devore, but I think that GOP chair would be more reasonable
well, since I live in Lake Forest, I might as well go and see what all the ruckess is about and throw some rotten tomatoes (kidding).
I do not care for Devore at all, he probably will not get my vote, you can learn alot about a person by the way they conduct theirselves and how they talk to you.
I dont really care what he “says” his platform is -I have heard it all before and had high hopes based on some good sounding diarrhea without knowing the person and I got butt fucked later, now, though, it looks uneducated and blue collar, I am basing my vote on 85% character. Its important to me. Anyway, since Im in the neighborhood, I will be Chuck’s halloween gift.