The Democratic Party of Orange County is offering a free candidate training workshop! If you are planning on running for local office or will be working on a campaign, we strongly encourage you to attend this all day training.
Learn what it takes to run a successful campaign from those who have done it!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Click here to read the rest of this article.
SO you guys go from hating Misha to putting up nice pics of her? Make up your mind!
And do you think the DPOC can really help anyone win? How about they learn how to identify good candidates first! Or learn how to keep from being in a perpetual state of bankruptcy!
We chose that pic on purpose to underscore how silly it is to put on a campaign school when so many Dems in the OC don’t even support their own candidates.
Misha undermined Hoa Van Tran and he lost to Republican Janet Nguyen. And two weeks ago she was telling her friends that Janet could beat Lou Correa. Now that Janet is chairing the Republican campaign against Lou, I am still waiting for Misha and her fellow Lib OC bloggers to tell their readers that Janet has turned on Lou…