Derailment Countdown – 44 days to save fair, plus fun video!

If you promise to call State Senators Lou Correa (714-558-4400) and Tom Harman (714-957-4555) today and tell them you want them to enact emergency legislation in DECEMBER to “rescind AB 22 and stop the sale of our Fair,” then I’ll share a little video of some bald guy in a “red prophet’s robe” singing against the “TAINTED SALE,” in a historic first-ever musical comment at Nov. 17’s Costa Mesa City Council meeting.

OK, I’m trusting you now…

“Sometimes I feel this is just a / Tainted Sale, rushed through in the dark of night / without the slightest regard for the rule of law and no chance for public input / and it’s easy to understand / that once this property changes hands / then there’ll be really no way to save the fair! / Once I said “Save the Fair.” / Now I say “Derail the Sale!” / This tainted legislation can easily be reversed by our legislators / a letter to Arnold could probably help as well. / Tainted Sale (Whoa…)  / Tainted Sale (Whoa…) / Mayor help us stop this Tainted Sale…”

Gotta run!  We’re off to the Board of Supervisors meeting this morning at 9:30, at 333 West Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana (at Broadway.)  They’ll be talking about supporting us with their own letter to the Governor asking to stop the sale, and we will be wearing red – the Color of Derailment.  Feel free to join us if you want, but again, only if you PROMISE TO MAKE THOSE TWO CALLS!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.