Derailment Countdown – 45 days to Save the Fair!


I expect everybody that reads the Orange Juice to either do what you can to prevent the unnecessary and tainted sale of our Fairgrounds, or else comment here on why you support the sale or feel it’s unimportant.  For my part, I will try to start each morning with a post letting you know what you can do each day to prevent this travesty from coming to fruition.  It’ll be simple stuff;  and I’ll also fill you in on the latest Derailment news.  (a little primer here) Remember this sale is a Juggernaut, being rushed through quicker than any comparable transaction seen in California politics in recent memory.  If we do nothing the sale will be final in early January.  WE HAVE approximately 45 DAYS TO SAVE THE FAIR that our great-grandparents paid for with their taxes for us and our kids to enjoy.

TODAY, Monday, November 23 – MAKE TWO PHONE CALLS!!!  Ask Assemblymen Jose Solorio and Van Tran to “introduce legislation IMMEDIATELY to stop the sale of our Fairgrounds.”  It doesn’t matter if you’re not in their district, they represent Orange County and it’s your Fair.  We need to overwhelm them with calls TODAY, tomorrow we will call someone else.  (If Van Tran’s people lie to you and say that seven other fairs are also up for sale, just tell them they are wrong.  Orange is the only county that is being asked to part with its fair – for reasons that are still unclear but deeply suspicious.  Also, remind Tran’s people that it will help him a lot in his Congressional race against Loretta Sanchez if he is remembered as the man who saved our Fair!)

Here are the numbers you will call:  Jose Solorio (714) 939-8469; and Van Tran (714) 668-2100.

Once you’ve done that, join the Derail the Sale Facebook group.  And tomorrow morning at 9, if you are free, we are showing up in force at the OC Board of Supervisors meeting; 333 West Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana (at Broadway).  Wear red if you can – our uniform representing STOPPING the sale.

Let me kick you down a little information here:  I’ve just learned the legislature will be back in Sac. for a brief session around the second week of December (to vote on some Obama “Claw Your Way to the Top” education initiative or something.)  This would be the perfect time for Solorio and Tran to “carry a bill” to rescind the sale;  if the bill doesn’t happen then, it will be too late when the real session starts up in January.  So MAKE THOSE TWO CALLS TODAY!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.