Fiorina endorsed by eight U.S. Senators, including Coburn and McConnell


November 5, 2009

Contact: Julie Soderlund, Cristina Minasian, 916-551-1383

Carly Fiorina Endorsed By Senators Coburn, Collins, Graham, Kyl, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski and Snowe

Washington, DC — Support for United States Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina grew today as she earned the endorsements of eight Republican United States Senators including Tom Coburn, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Jon Kyl, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski and Olympia Snowe.

“I am humbled to have earned the endorsement of each one of these distinguished Republican Senators. They are all dedicated public servants and it is a true honor to have their support. I look forward to working with each of these Senators to get our economy moving again and to restore fiscal accountability to Washington,” said Fiorina. “California is not getting the kind of representation it deserves in the United States Senate. In nearly 18 years, Barbara Boxer has only managed to get a handful of inconsequential bills signed into law and I don’t believe that is good enough for California. It’s time for a change.”

Each Senator made the following statement regarding their support for Carly’s candidacy:

“One of Carly’s greatest strengths is that she has never served in elected office. Her frame of reference was shaped by the real world, not politics. Our nation is facing serious economic challenges because we keep rehiring the same failed career politicians who have proven themselves incapable of making hard choices. Carly’s common sense and fiscal conservatism will be a welcome addition to the United State Senate. I am glad to offer her my endorsement,” said Senator Tom Coburn, M.D.

“As a business leader and innovator, Carly Fiorina will bring great perspective to the United States Senate and she has my full support. She understands that Americans are concerned with the state of the economy and our expanding federal deficit and has the knowledge to help address those issues in a real way,” said Senator Susan Collins.

“Carly’s experience as a business leader has given her the knowledge and tools to help craft policy that will get our economy moving again. There is too much waste in Washington and we need leaders like Carly who can apply what they have learned in the business world to government. She is the best choice for Californians,” said Senator Lindsey Graham.

“During these tough economic times it is critical that we have leaders who can bring a dedication to fiscal discipline to Washington, and Carly is exactly that kind of leader. I am proud to endorse Carly Fiorina for Senate,” said Senator Jon Kyl.

“Carly Fiorina is a visionary Republican leader and I am proud to endorse her to represent the people of California as their next United States Senator. Carly is an outstanding business leader and I benefited from her no-nonsense way of getting things done when she served on my campaign last year. Carly dedicated her time, energy and intelligence to our cause working with Republicans at every level across the country,” said Senator John McCain.

“I believe that Carly has what it takes to serve as a U.S. Senator. She will serve the people of California and this nation with integrity, honesty and will fight each and every day to ensure that California is getting the kind of representation it deserves. I am proud to endorse Carly Fiorina,” said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

“Carly is a strong Republican candidate who will put ego aside, reach across the aisle and develop real solutions to the problems we are facing. Her style of innovative leadership and ability to bring people together is desperately needed in Washington. I hope the people of California send Carly to the U.S. Senate next November,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski.

“Carly will help us create policies that will put Californians and all Americans back to work. Washington needs business leaders with experience who can help us restore fiscal accountability and get our financial house back in order. I am pleased to endorse Carly and look forward to working to help send her to Washington, DC,” said Senator Olympia Snowe.

About Carly

While she is perhaps best known as the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard Company (HP), what is not as well known is Carly worked her way through undergraduate and graduate school. A self-made woman, she started her business career as a secretary and went on to become the first, and to date, the only woman to lead a Fortune 20 company. Click here to read more about Carly.

For more information about Carly and her campaign visit and join us on Facebook and Twitter .

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.