Dave Leckness
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This afternoon I spent an hour interviewing Dave Leckness, the latest candidate running to replace Mission Viejo Mayor Pro-Tem Lance MacLean in the Feb. 2nd 2010 recall election.
For the past 25 years Dave has owned and operates a Kwik Kopy print shop franchise near Saddleback College on Marguerite Parkway.
In our discussion I asked Dave what were the key issues which inspired him to run now rather than in the 2008 election. At that time he “was on the planning commission” and said he “had no interest” in serving on the city council.
Dave was a Board Member of the city funded, non-profit, Mission Viejo Community Foundation that never raised the millions of dollars for city projects as we were led to believe. He told me his last meeting with that group is one that I attended.
His key objective is to “promote small business growth” as they were losing customers. Dave could not point out anything that the city could do to that end.
He felt that the Chamber [of Commerce] just wasn’t effective.
In discussing the recall he said he was “not for the recall” yet at the same time said “its time for a change.” He would like to bring a “positive influence” to the council.
Dave did not sign the recall petition and said he was not familiar with any of the charges against councilman MacLean.
At this point I asked if he was familiar with Lance’s 2002 candidate statement where Lance said he would “oppose all tax increases and special assessments.” “No.”
Nor was he familiar with Lance’s authoring the Nov 2004 Measure K tax increase.
When I have advised candidates for elected office one of my first five questions relates to what issues they want to address. Dave said he does not have any specific issues. He also pointed out that “he is not on anyone’s team.”
Current city of Mission Viejo issues that I asked him ot address:
The multi million dollar expansion of the Marguerite Tennis Center.
Dave admitted he “didn’t know enough about the tennis center” to comment.
Right to Vote Initiative. Sadly Dave admits a lack of knowledge on this issue.
Cell sites. Dave mentioned planning commission meetings that went until 1 a.m. He said he was “indifferent” on “cell sites” in the city.
Dog park. In trying to pin him down I asked about the latest internal debate regarding a suitable location for a dog park.
Dave said he “didn’t know enough about the dog park” but commented that he likes the animal shelter facility.
One idea that Dave wanted me to include in this post is his desire to promote what he called a “waive at a cop.” Let them know that they are appreciated for their public service.
Dave did say that he agreed with another citizen in opposing “motors” on our sidewalks.
Tournament of Roses parade float. He “liked the Rose Parade float” but said it doesn’t make sense.
Dave added that we are “too sports oriented” and should add “more focus on the arts.”
What is sad is that Dave and I have known each other for 15 years. He printed my 1994 campaign literature. He is currently a member of the Mission Viejo Rotary Club.
Based on this interview my knee jerk reaction to his pulling papers is that someone is looking to use his candidacy as an insurance policy in the event that Lance MacLean is recalled. Lance’s peers have a problem. Do they throw him under a bus, or as written before, stand by their man.
Campaign budget. Dave intends to spend roughly $1600 for a candidate statement. He is not willing to spend $10,000 to $15,000 of his own money which someone told him was required to run for this seat.
Campaign manager. Dave will use a friend as his campaign manager who has no experience in these races.
At this point I will not share my recommendations on how to confront those unnamed citizens who are pushing him into the political arena.
Note: There is another potential recall candidate who has pulled papers but has yet to respond to my phone call. As others come forward I will interview their platforms and post the details on the Juice blog.
I often think about the expression “people eventually get the government they deserve.”
I am wondering what on earth the Mission Viejo residents might have done to deserve this.
Very strange. Is this for real?
Woow–I have been dead for over 100 years and know more about Mission Viejo issues than this candidate does. Is he serious–or is this just another attempt to MUK things up ??
As I have stated previously, the current majority has to make a tough choice, and they don’t have eternity to decide.
At the last city council meeting Frank Ury said they will be fighting back or words to that effect. He therefore would look silly should he endorse Dave as he did Diane in the 2006 race when he wanted to dump Lance, Trish and John Paul.
As of now Trish Kelley has not made any public comments on her intentions regarding the recall election. Before she endorses Dave she should think about her prior efforts to support a candidate like planning commissioner Rich Atkinson who was defeated last year. Mr Atkinson, who was touted all over the city by Trish finished fourth in a two candidate election with one open seat where he lost to Cathy Schlicht by 3821 votes.
Dave did play it close to his vest in our discussion. When I asked him which political endorsements he has or is expecting to get he was non responsive.
While Dave is truly a good guy, his lack of knowledge on current city issues does not fare well for his candidacy.
Dave is a cool guy. He is very likeable. He has started a business in MV and has been sucessful at it for quite some time. He has lived in the city for a long period of time and I think he would be good for the small business community for the city. He has a great personality and is very honest with his responses. He doesn’t try to lie and tells it how it is. He is also very funny and intelligent. He has been very active with the Chamber of Commerce for a long time and thats the kind of person a city official should be. I am pretty sure he is the Chamber President or in coming president. That has a lot of merit. Not just the residents will be taken care of but the businesses as well. More power to him.
Just because he doesn’t really know enough info to give you an answer about government spending on a dogpark and a rose parade float, if he can help bring small business and help build the existing businesses then more power to him.
He is not a retard and if he did get elected I know he would educate himself with the issues concerning the city.
He is active with a lot of groups pertaining to the city. Thats more than a lot of people who have lived in MV for a long time.
Pauli Shore.
Let’s look at your comments. We agree. Dave is a kool guy and is very likeable. As to his being in business for a long time I spent thousands of dollars at Kwik Kopy Printing in my 1994 campaign as well as sending other council candidates to use his printing services in later elections.
As to Dave’s involvement with the Chamber. He once warned attendees at a Mayor’s prayer breakfast to watch out as “Larry Gilbert’s in the house.”
We have even attended the same Rotary meetings.
No matter what happens in this recall election Dave and I will continue to be friends. However, this is not the time for a candidate who admits not knowing any of the current issues. He admitted not even knowing about the recall allegations yet decides to become a candidate?
In my heart I know that someone else has put a bug in his ear to run. As a friend that troubles me. He is not prepared to jump on a moving train and be one of the five engineers deciding which track to go down and how far to travel.
I didn’t even ask him any questions about city finances which I should have done.
Let me jump ahead and report an email reply from Dave who was directly copied on the post.
Dave opens saying “good interview” and closed saying “good and fair reporting.”
Dave made a fool of himself in this interview. The implication he would use the council office to enrich his printing business is a condemnation of his candidacy. I will vote for someone who understands and respects the office of the city council, and Dave isn’t in the ball game.
When Dave was a planning commissioner, he displayed his “ability to be funny” with constant off-the-wall comments and an odd sense of humor. For anyone to treat a commission as an opportunity to try out a standup comedy routine is an insult to the public and a disservice to taxpayers.
If Dave were as smart as the person above claims, he would know the council not the venue for promoting his business or turning the council chamber into a circus.
M.V. Citizen.
Having known Dave for 15 years I might disagree that he is running solely to enhance his printing business. His concern for small business is something he can address because that’s his livlihood.
In our discussion I mentioned a “grass roots” effort by members of the Committee for Integrity in Government to assist our local business community which was rejected by the city.
Five years ago six residents spent months creating a web site, http://www.missionviejobusiness.com that was to “retain, sustain and gain” business for Mission Viejo. The irony is that recall candidate Dale Tyler was the webmaster of that effort to promote Mission Viejo..
Hi again, Larry. Note my post didn’t say Dave is running solely to enhance his printing business. However, from your interview, his “key objective is to ‘promote small business growth’ as they were losing customers” are his words, not mine. I’m not concerned about the other major component of his platform, to “wave at a cop.”
To put his comment into perspective, how would you react if the real estate broker on the council decided to make home sales a key objective of the council? What if the Wi-Fi consultant on the council decided to make citywide Wi-Fi a key objective? What if the loan consultant on the council decided to make loan restructuring a key objective? What if the piano teacher decided to make piano lessons a key objective? No problem?
As a business owner, here’s what the city government can do to help me. Fix the roads so I can get to my business, and don’t block traffic like the city has done for four years on Crown Valley. Stop telling businesses they must buy $10,000 pieces of junk to place in front of their establishment. Don’t unfairly restrict business signs while supersizing city signage. To summarize, help me by staying out of the way of business. The city is not capable nor is it the job of government to promote my business.
Thank you!!!! Thank you for letting readers know that I am not alone in questioning this “artwork” mandate by upper city staff. Aside from the pillars along CV Parkway which represent a major safety hazard if drivers look at them instead of the road ahead. I also questioned the mandate to the Lexus dealership who wishes to expand their location. They were told at a planning commission meeting that I attended, their obligation to spend X dollars for exterior artwork if they expect their application to be approved. Paraphrased.
The same happened to Sonic Burger who spent a few thousand dollars to erect a scale replica of a car in front of their fast food restaurant on Jeronimo Road.
Mayor Ury lied in his 2008 candidate statement by boasting and taking credit claiming that Crown Valley Parkway expansion was completed when a year later they were still working on it. In that same election cycle Neil Lonsinger and Cathy Schlicht were sued by the city for questionable words or ballot dresignation in their 200 word ballot statement submission. Frank Ury got a pass.
How about the HUGE signage on the Kaleidoscope that is a major eye sore when other merchants do not get the same signage treatment?
Larry, Thanks for the post. I am glad you are interviewing the potential Lance replacements. I do have a question that might seem dumb but I know you can answer. I remember hearing Lance complaining at a meeting a couple of weeks ago that the recall was costing MV residents about 250,000.00. But he said his term was up next year so it was a waste of money. If he was not recalled and his term is up next year, are these same people automatically getting to run for counsil or do they have to resubmit paper work.
Also, a response to MV Citizen. Every person on the counsil currently has another job besides their city job. I truely doubt that Dave is running for a spot so he can promote his copy store. As I can see with DSL’s post(Dave) there are some things that the local government is doing that stand in the way of small businesses that are trying to do more or just survive. It seems as though he is looking for a way to inform the government about these issues and possibly do something about it. There is a real estate broker on the counsil. John Paul, and he doesn’t promote his business. So I doubt Dave would use this as free promotion for his copy company.
Dave, Larry is right though. It is probally in your best interest since you are running for a spot in MV and you know there are a lot of people watching this recall to get a little bit more informed on the issues at hand. I hate to see people that make comments like the ones above. I’ve meet you a couple times and like your enthusiasm. I appreciate your dedication to the city by your volunteer work on the different committies. But dont give anyone an excuse to act like your an idiot. I know you are not. Review the issues at hand, get an understanding for the key issues of why they want Lance recalled and make sure you dont do the same things that people are upset about.
I’m not against you not knowing about the dog park and the float, but you will get more interviews and I would like to see a guy like you get elected. Larry knows alot about the city, obviously with his blogs. Ask him about the key issues and then do your own research so you can have an opinion. Good luck.
Thanks again Larry, your doing a good job with your blogs even though I don’t agree with everything, your posts are interesting enough to have me come back to the site on a daily basis. And I hate politics. My buddies always laugh at me because they say that I’m getting old (34) because I listen to AM radio and look at blog sites. 🙂
Paulie. Thanks for your kind words.
Let me jump to your comment about candidates. Anyone who throws their hat into the arena during the recall election can become candidates in the Nov 2010 election or any other election in future years. They would have to contact the city clerk who spends about an hour with each candidate explaining all of the documentation that starts the process.
I have addressed MV Citizen by agreeing with you that Dave is not promoting his business. In fact, there are times when council members may have to recuse themselves if there is any conflict of interest.
Although I lost in my bid to serve I led the grass roots team in the election of Trish Kelley a first time novice where we trounced the mayor and mayor pro tem. During that summer I spent many hours in her home and on the phone educating her on perhaps 30 possible city issues which she might be asked to respond to.
As per my last comment I did not even ask Dave his opinion on our budget, reserves and a long list of financial issues.
Got to go. Fundraiser dinner for Teen Challenge tonight. More later.
Kind of sounds like you sandbagged Dave, Larry. Knowing you that is your style. Pretend you’re just chatting with him and then write it up as an interview. You are, after all, Larry “The Old Pretender” Gilbert. By the way, that’s a reference to James Francis Edward Stuart.
You should all trot over to my blog on Salon in a day or so. I’ll have a photo of Larry’s last pick Cathy Schlicht addressing the city council wearing a tin foil hat. For real.
We represent the lollipop league…the lollipop league…
Dan Avery.
Sandbag? Let me digress and question your public comments at the city council meeting where you stated that all of the council members have done the same deeds as Lance is charged with or words to that effect. Did any of them choke a fellow director at UCI and were they handcuffed while using four letter words to four police officers as he resisted?
Sandbagged? I told Dave that I was doing a story on all of the recall candidates and showed him similar Juice posts over the past year. From Chris Norby, Jim Righeimer and George Collins outside Mission Viejo to local candidates Michael Williamson, Rebecca Price, Judy Rackauckas, Rich Adkinson, Neil Lonsinger, Gail Reavis and Cathy Schlicht and Dale Tyler pulling his papers.
Pretending? He knew I was taking notes and I even asked him if he was comfortable with his answers.
Sandbag? His email to me after getting a copy from me opens “Hi Larry. Good interview. You got it pretty much right on the head.” He closed saying “good and fair reporting.” You bet I am keeping that email response under lock and key in my file to deal with people like you who have an agenda to tear me down. Lots of luck.
Dave doesn’t have a problem but you obviously do.
by the way. What was up with her wearing that hat. I saw that. Was she watching that movie with Mel Gibson “Signs”. I thought only people who did that were scared of aliens reading their thoughts. That was scary. Have you talked to her about that Larry. That is some abnormal behavior.
Pauli Shore, or whatever your name.
At times we do need to have a sense of humor at Mission Viejo council meetings. Cathy was attacked in a blog entry for her concerns regarding the possible harmful effects to our children due to exposure to unsafe EMF levels. I was at that meeting and, although I knew her intent, felt this was over the top. We still joke about it. Obviously, like some TV commercials, you remember it so her tin foil hat display was successful.
ok. good answer. Just asking, dont need to get defensive. I just though it was funny. If you saw that movie signs you would know what I was talking about. I only saw the picture not the reason. My name is Paulie Shore. Thats my screen name. I think that was a legit question. Sorry if I offended you with the Signs comment.
Pauli. Sorry for venting on you. This post is about my interview with a replacement candidate in our city council. Shame on me for permitting another individual to take the train off the track. This post is not about Cathy Schlicht. Period!!!!
Your prior comments were valid and warrant a response if in fact I can provide answers.
Isn’t Lance MacLean the one who is being recalled? MacLean lovers sure like to change the subject. Cathy Schlicht wore a tinfoil hat and then got elected by a wide margin, so voters apparently thought it was OK. Maybe Dave Leckness should wear some Bozo the Clown hair and see how it works out for him.
This thread is about my interview of Dave Leckness. Period. See my prior comment about Cathy Schlicht. Juice readers. She is not the topic of this post.
I therefore will not engage anyone who raises her name on this thread.
If I do cover any other council member feel free to jump in, the water is just fine.
no problem. I am sure you have to deal with that kind of stuff all the time since it is pretty much a public forum. Are you going to interview the first guy that pulled papers that you did a post about. I think his name was Dale Tyler or something like that. You put the post up a week or two ago, but just stated he pulled papers. Just wondering. I live in MV so I am following this event to see what decision I should make at voting time.
Yes I do intend to interview Dale Tyler as well as the mystery man who also pulled papers but has yet to return my phone call for an interview.
As I will be attending our Veterans Day program at 2 p.m. fell free to stop by and share your concerns and or your satisfaction as a resident of our city.
I will be easy enough to spot as I just got a “haircut.”
Don’t you people have anything better to do with your time. Pathetic I say. It is like watching little kids play tennis (the banter just keeps going back and foward). Grow up I say and wait until Dave is really a candidate and then wait to hear his message.
Get a Life.
Why are you here?
If you are so unhappy with the transparency and debate on this blog simply go away.
Thank you!
Larry Gilbert it is VERY obvious that you have an agenda and that is to create a smear campaign aginst this person (Dave). The truth hurts when YOU the person who started this charade does not like being exposed for your transparency of TRYING to discredit Dave. I have no idea what your real agenda is but have to assume you have aligned your self with another person who is running or going to run for this position.
I challenge you to SPEAK THE WHOLE TRUTH. Publish your entire interview with Dave Leckness and everyone will be able to see what little bits of information you took and manipulated. I wait not for your response (I hope one does not come) but the entire published interview word for word.
Get a Life.
You looked real sharp at todays Veterans Day ceremony covering for Frank Ury
Perhaps you might ask Dave if I didn’t publish the entire interview. Kwik Kopy Priniting 949.364.2309. Perhaps you want to see his email to me, that is currently under lock and key, where he said “Hi Larry Good interview. You got it pretty much right on the head.” He closes saying “Good and fair reporting. Dave.”
Clown. That was the entire interview, not selected points.
As a former Rotarian the first of the 4 way test questions is quite simple:
“Is it the truth.” And the answer is YES!!!!!!
The person posting as Get A Life is MacLean. He might as well put his name on it.
Dave Leckness might think he can run on a platform of “I’m just a nice guy, don’t hurt me.” His previous pattycakes titles have not prepared him for the political wood chipper he’s about to enter. As soon as a candidate emerges, whether he is serious or not, he becomes a target. The dialogue above is quite mild by comparison.
This is exactly why Mission Viejo needs someone like Dave Leckness. Politics is a dirty business and Dave is an outsider who is unbiased and honest. The interview is very obviously slanted to present only one perspective on the candidate. Fortunately for us the voters probably won’t read this crap and those who do are intelligent enough to recognize a hatchet job.
Scott Smith. Hatchet job? One perspective? Crap?
Perhaps you can advise me as to what information candidates should be aware of as they embark on spending millions of taxpayer dollars while trying to provide basic services to the community yet are pressured by “special interests” on non essential requests?
Scott. Do you truly believe that being a good guy by itself is enough to get elected?
Beyond my own literature that Dave printed, and several other candidates for this same seat, where we list our concerns and qualifications, Dave has seen them all. This is not the time for adding a council member who admits lacking knowledge on any recent city issue. I didn’t ask Dave about the Vigilante baseball team, the city hall and libray projects, any of the Norman P Murray expansion cost overuns or our rec center expenditures, the half million dollar outhouse at Melinda Park or the Kaleidoscope loser. The questions which I asked were very straight forward.
Sorry. Dave said he was not even aware of the reasons for the recall but wants to take over that seat? He admits not having signed the recall petition yet in the same sentence says its time for change? Yet he is not waiting until next Nov to educate himself on the issues, city finances nor dedicating time for raising funds to campaign as he told me he will not spend the $10,000 to $15,00 that someone told him it will cost..
Perhaps you might ask council member Kelley about her 2002 campaign. She appointed me to serve as her campaign manager. We spent a huge amount of time covering as many issues as possible in order to convince the voters we had a good comprehension of the issues. I will repeat myself in saying that being honest in itself will not get you elected. I can understand that Dave may have withheld some information from me such as what endorsements he has been promised and whether or not this was his own idea or did some one put a bug in his ear. This is not a Nintendo game.
Let me also advise our readers that the local Register newspaper contacts every candidate with a list of questions which eventually are published as a spread sheet to assist the voters in making their selection. Every one of these were valid questions for such a matrix.
As I will tell anyone who will listen, Dave has been a friend for 15 years. He is a great MC and connects with the audience. That said a true friend does not simply go along if you feel the person is biting off more than he can chew. While they may not like what you say, they should respect you for telling it like it is.
I will agree with you on a few points about Dave that you have already conceded-
He has 25 years of experience running a successful small business which has taught him to manage a budget, manage people and understand the importance of customer service.
He’s a family man who has been active in civic service and his church and has earned the respect of the people of our community.
He’s a great communicator and has demonstrated strong leadership skills on a number of occasions.
He’s not a professional politician and he will not throw up a smokescreen of lies and rhetoric to disguise a hidden agenda of corruption and cronyism.
Dave is a plain speaking man who talks his mind and is not afraid to admit that he does not know everything about everyone. That is why people will vote for him and that is why people like you fear him.
Fear? You obviously don’t know Larry Gilbert. I don’t fear any politician.
Have you ever run for elected office? It is truly a contact sport.
Humor me as I take you back to 1994 when I was in Orlando, Florida. That same night the Saddleback Valley News had an intern covering the Saddleback Republican Assembly endorsment election where I was one of the candidates under consideration for their endorsement. In the next issue of the News the story said Larry Gilbert opposed a library when in fact I was almost 3,000 miles away. Upion being told of the quote I contacted the Register, told them I was not in attendance and did not even know this reporter. They were kind enough to publish a small “correction” a few weeks later on one of the last pages of that issue. In one of the the hit pieces against me the original false report was used to sink my candidacy where early results in the LA Times had me ahead.
This is a contact sport and if you read some of the current reports of Assembly races that fact will jump off your screen.
If you do not have a reasonable knowledge of the key issues you will not be in a position to provide the necessary checks and balance between the city staff and the part time council.
I really should do as I preach and stay on point.
Yes, we agree. Dave is a good guy. In fact I once met his daughters at an Indian Princess event at Disneyland when attending a conference.
Let me close with a question. I founded and managed a CA “C” corporation for almost 25 years where I hired and terminated employees. One of the first thing that HR does is to scrutinize applications in which the applicants should indicate his or her experience as it relates to the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for. I could be mistaken but Dave’s business experience by itself is light in regards to the job he is seeking.
What job is it we’re talking about here? Sounds like a couple people are saying if Dave can run a business, he can do anything. Isn’t it a little bothersome that he’s has 25 years to inform himself of the basics of the community and he can’t answer the simplest questions?
You have completely missed my point. Dave is not a professional politician and that is exactly why he will succeed. The people are tired of politicians. They are tired of empty promises. They are tired of public officials that are not held to the same standards as the rest of us.
In response to your question about Dave’s qualifications I ask you if you believe Ronald Reagan was qualified to run for office? What about John F. Kennedy or even Abraham Lincoln? All of these people had little experience in politics before they were elected and that is one of the reasons they were trusted.
I think Dave has earned his shot and his time is now.
Scott. I need to be careful here. How much actual experience did president Obama have in IL before running for, and getting elected, president? Scary stuff.
If you think about this lengthy thread, and for all those who are attacking me for having an interview “agenda”, let me suggest that I did Dave a huge favor by pointing out issues that he needs to get his arms around.
After the recall election, Dave should apply whatever he has in an appropriate venue, like the Chamber of Commerce. If anyone thinks the government is the way to help business, then I will never stop laughing.
Were Reagan, Kennedy and Lincoln qualified to run for office? Absolutely. Leckness is “qualified” because he’s at least 21 years old and he resides in Mission Viejo. He was no leader on the planning commission, and the MV Foundation failed while he was on it. That’s his record.
wow larry, im really suprized how many comments on this post. Sounds like MV residents are in for a interesting next few months. I really didnt see a secret agenda. I think he knew you were interviewing him, and he gave you the answers knowing you were going to post them on here. Maybe im missing something. Just sounds like you are pointing out that he should educate himself a little more on the issues. Weird how you got attacked. The picture of Dave is great by the way.
Thanks for your kind words.
As to the picture of Dave. It is truly Dave, a fun guy.
I enjoy seeing and hearing him at community events.
At the recent Walk Against Drugs he was in the Rotary booth as they gave out free hotdogs to all the kids. We joked around at that event.
There is a vocal minority who simply hate my frank commentary in our city.
As I said in the prior response I actually did Dave a favor by letting him see how ill informed he is on issues being discussed in Mission Viejo where the council will be asked, or have already decided, which direction to take.
My concern is that his entry into the recall is not of his own decision. He has spoken to current and a former member of the city council who may have encouraged him to pull papers.
It bothers me if they are pushing him onto the field for their own agenda and go back into a hiding place so that their fingerprints are not visible to those of us who are the city watchdogs.
Gilbert update.
As promised I have now looked at both of the recall candidates web sites. You too can verify my analysis which follows:
Dale Tyler is using dale4mv.com
Dave Leckness is using dave4citycouncil.com
I need to be cautious as the only difference in their first names is a single letter. As such I had better not give one credit for the other.
Dave’s web site contains a good overview of his family and business.
As stated previously, for some unexplained reason, he only shares the “feel good” part of his candidate statement.
Other than that he only has a general comment on the city including our being recognized as the safest city in CA for which neither candidate can take credit.
While Dave’s web site claims “There is a lot of differences between my positions and those of the other guy on the ballot.” he fails to provide any form of confirmation of that remark.
Dave. Be specific. What positions are you referring to and how can you substantiate that broad brush commentary?
Dale’s web site contains a Nov 17th “press release” regarding his completing the filing process. In that document it does mention some of his local activities pointing out shortcomings of Lance MacLean.
What voters want to see and read is his thoughts on retaining our quality of life.
To critique their web sites I would opine that both candidates fail to provide Position Papers on what they perceive to be the key issues of our city and their strategy for addressing them.
And for those who said I looked at Dale’s web site to create my questions my response is simple.
Having assisted every current member of this city council get elected as challengers, I am very aware of the issues that they have been required to confront.
Not boasting but I do not need to check anyone’s web site for background data. Simply adding this comment to making sure that the record is accurate.
As this post is my interview of Mr. Tyler I will add this same commentary to the prior interview of Mr. Leckness
Just as one of the greatest leaders in our country was Benjamin Franklin, he was a trusted member of society and grew from his position in the community as a PRINTER to a founding father of our country.
On that merit alone the specific industry of printing teaches a different set of non corruption and loyalty, Mission Viejo would be amiss to not have Dave involved.
Here is a little bit about how wikapedia talks of Benjamin Franklin that I am can see dave reflects the same Values:
Franklin is credited as being foundational to the roots of American values and character..
Dan. Welcome to the Juice blog.
At no time have I ever stated that Dave Leckness is not a good man.
All of us need to remove our emotional connection and simply look at hard facts.
1. He agreed to be interviewed by me.
1A. Note: He immediately responded to my post saying that it was a “good interview.”
2. I showed Dave several other Orange Juice blog interviews letting him know that he is not the first candidate in OC I have interviewed
3. Dave said he was “not for the recall,” was “not familiar with the allegation of the Measure K tax increase,” and “did not sign the petition.”
4. Dave said it’s time for a change” yet was not a candidate in 2008 saying he had no interest in running. My error was not probing further to have him explain what changes are needed and how he is best qualified to accomplish them. According to his statement time for change can only apply to Lance on Feb 2nd.
Note: Dave’s comment about “not signing the recall” could be attributed to the fact that he was not approached by one of the volunteers rather than his opposing it.
There will be three seats open in November including John Paul Ledesma’s who is termed out. As such the “time for change” must apply today, not next November.
As such only one man can be changed. Lance MacLean.
5. A major debate over the past year is the possible sale of the Casta Golf Course which triggered the Right to Vote Initiative that will be on our ballots next year. In questioning him about the initiative, the current discussion of expanding our Marguerite tennis center, and the hot debate of a Mission Viejo dog park, Dave responded that he ” didn’t know enough about them.” You are a candidate for an election that is to occur in 3 months, not a full year out, and you don’t have knowledge of these topics?
Dan. While I will accept your opinion that Benjamin Frankin was a successful printer, you cannot make the leap “benchmarking” these two men when Dave could not address many of the key policy issues that he would need to know something about if elected.
This is not an apprenticeship job.
We need to elect someone who is aware of what is going on in the city today rather than someone who admits not even getting a daily newspaper and who never attends our city council meetings.
While I believe Dave to be a man of good ethics I am disturbed that his candidate statement includes allegations without foundation that I simply do not believe was written by him. In my opinion that added text tarnisheds his honorable image.
Is this the same Dave Leckness that hired illegals to watch his children and work in his small business?
Ebin. As a first time participant I want to caution you on engaging in a personal attack about anyone. This is simply a warning. If you have something to contribute to this thread, in support or opposition, bring it on.
Folks. I just spoke to Mission Viejo recall candidate Dave Leckness who “denies the allegation.” His daughters are now 15 and 19. Let’s move on.
That is why I asked it if was the same Dave Leckness, Mr. Gilbert. This gentleman owns a Kwik Kopy Printing in Mission Viejo. “Hired” (past tense) Gilberto and his wife’s brother to work in his small business for years. While Gilberto’s wife “watched” (again past tense) his children before they were teenagers. I am not engaging in any personal attacks, but if this is the same person I do not want someone promoting small business who practices or has “practiced” these hiring habits in our city’s government. If it is not the same person, my apologies.
Oh look at Larry! All concerned about what might happen if his boy Dale Tyler does not get into MacClean’s seat.
Dale Tyler is a professional software engineer. Just look at his site. If he cannot even put together a professional site — SOMETHING HE DOES FOR A LIVING — (filled with bizarre characters) that a high school student can, what can he do with the city council?
Larry is simply trying to promote his puppet on to the council.
If he was fair-minded, he would have a set of issues and then ask both people to submit their comments, not paraphrase them.
This is like FOX News doing an interview of Obama, paraphrasing it, and then doing everything they can to promote Palin by trying to appear “balanced”
Good morning Mrs. Dawkins. Let me welcome you to our blog.
I previously pointed out that the web sites of both replacement candidates were poor.
Please understand that unlike Lance MacLean, Dale does not have the unlimited financial backing of the Association of OC Deputy Sheriffs who have spent thousands of dollars opposing the recall election with multiple TV spots on FOX News and CNN as part of an ad package purchased from COX Communications.
Dale’s daytime business experience has nothing to do with how and where he decides to invest resources in his campaign. While those under 45 get most of their news from the Internet, we have a huge voting block of seniors who are not computer literate and do not have Internet access. Again, not being part of his campaign team they will have to live with whatever strategy he chooses to utilize over the next 29 days.
Mary. As a first time contributor let me request that any comments about Dale Tyler be posted on the post that pertains to him. This post is about Dave Leckness.
Thank you!
Unfortunately this in not an “interview”. This is somebody getting information and then spinning it to fit an agenda. We’d like to see the whole transcript word for word (this means the complete question and answer)
maybe Dan Avery can tell us if Dave was in the SDS with him.
You want to see the entire transcript? Do you think that I had Dave in a court deposition?
The key in answering your remark is that Dave sent back an e-mail note saying that everything in our interview and story was accurate.
So, if Dave believes this post, I guess you will simply need to find something else to pick on.
Hi Larry, this Robert guy is right. You even say at the beginning of this post you and I spent an hour together. Yet it takes about 25 seconds or less to read what I said in your post. When I responded to you saying everything you wrote was accurate I also said to put in all the other stuff I said. You’re trying to make it look like I don’t know what’s going on. Nevertheless, it doesn’t bug me. It was good to see you across the street the other day. What makes this city great is the people and even though we may not see eye-to-eye on quite a few things I still like you. As I’ve told you in the past: Try not to be so negative, find something good about the city and write about it. Be a cheerleader for something great happening in our city. -Dave
Hi Dave.
I still have your email reply to the interview in my files just in case anyone claims that I didn’t post your direct answers. And yes, I did wave to you on the corner.
As to writing something nice about MV I can only respond that you have not read all of my posts, including the last two. My coverage and walk thru of the hospital expansion that was not included in the Register’s MV 2009 Year in Review or today’s positive story on MLK.
Got to go. Council meeting in half an hour.
So, Larry, are you going to “put in all the other stuff I said” so that we can better judge Dave?
Gary K.
The interview of Dave Leckness took place around 10 weeks ago. What other stuff are you requesting?
In addition to responding to comments on all of my posts I have written around 65 new stories since that Nov 9th interview.
Personally i have never heard a more biased article. It would be prudent if you stated the facts instead of the nonsense that this article relays. I suggest you get your act together because i can gaurantee you are not half the person Dave Leckness is. You call yourself a friend of his but you obviously do not know what friendship is if are are portraying him in such a negative fashion. You should be ashamed of yourself
Susie. The interview was 100 percent factual. If you don’t believe me ask Dave!!!!
A friend would tell Dave not to run if he has no idea of current events that the council must take action on. In our interview he acknowledged a lack of knowledge and in fact confirmed that shortcoming by his comments commending me for accuracy in posting his response to my questions. It is not too smart to jump on a moving train without knowing where it’s headed and not knowing what’s around the corner that may impact your decision making. Dave acknowledged that lack of information such as the Right to Vote Initiative that will be on our city Ballot in June.
As a friend I have cautioned other potential candidates before they threw their hat into the ring so that they would have an idea of what to expect. Some have listended while others marched ahead.
Susie. How do you define a friend? If they have too much to drink should a friend urge them to stop? Perhaps you might take away his or her car keys to prevent an accident if they are drinking and driving.
In rereading these old posts, I am reminded that Dave did not want to run for city council. Well, he ran. Now he is running again! He’s just doing it to become mayor. Except for the fact that TK will be raising all of the money from all of the vendors, he will be in for a tough fight. Several persons have pulled papers already, and with a month to go, this should be fun.
Usually an ‘incumbent’ has a record to run on. Can anyone tell me what he has done? Oh, yes. He voted for Trish and Frank to keep their lifetime medical benefits.
Dave is a really fun guy, and if he were independent, that would be a good thing for the city. However, the crew that worked to get him elected were the old guard of Susan, Sherri, Bill, and Cody along with others who really ARE the special interests in the city.
Now that he has thrown in with Trish, he had to make some promises. Trish never backs anyone that does not bargain with her.
You are all idiots. You’re all immature. I can’t believe your adults. Obviously politics is one big argument but you all take it too far. Whatever you do for the city of Mission Viejo isn’t as big of a deal as you all make it. You sound like egotistical losers and I hope you realize the examples you all set towards everyone else in the community. Larry get a life. I’m not commenting on the way things are run or the process or what happens in the community. I’m just talking about the people. You in particular. I have no idea who you are. Nor do I care. Stop signing all your stupid posts with where you are going to go after you write a message. Nobody cares. That doesn’t make you look any better to give off that you are involved and just SOOO busy. If anything it makes you look worse because you are spreading your negativity in a bunch of other places. I don’t even know how I found this stupid forum but it should be deleted. This thing is just trouble.
Everyone on here needs to step back and take a look at what is really important in their lives. I hope you all realize your wasting your time putting up with people like this. Go spend time with your families. Refresh your minds and do something that actually makes a positive effect for the city.
A Kid With No Voice
A kid with no voice.
Yes, it is a waste of time responding to your comments that are way off the topic.
I did have a brief exchange with Dave yesterday at the Casta forum. You should have attended. That would have enabled you to add something of value to the debate.
Wasting my time answering comments such as yours does impact my ability to have a life, somewhat.
By the way. Were you the one who nailed Dave’s campaign signs to trees in the city?
That’s a first for Mission Viejo. His signs were also nailed to trees in the recall election