Just keep saying it.
On a post today at the dismal Liberal OC blog (almost as self-righteous and irrelevantly noisy as Red Klownty) our old pal and sanctimonious prig Matthew J. Cunningham shares these gem-like comments, reiteration of charges he made against me a few weeks ago.
Great post, Dan. A portrait of Pedroza’s true, amoral nature in action.
Among other things, it clear Pedroza is an accessory to Bushala’s violation of Section 18320 of the California Elections Code.
Well folks, Cunningham seems to think if he keeps repeating something maybe somehow it will turn out to be true. It is very clear that my ownership of the Daly for Supervisor URL is intended to make a clear and unadulterated political statement: Daly is a career politician. Too bad Cunningahm can’t seem to grasp this pretty simple point. This is protected political speech and is in no way intended to shake down or extort anything from Daly – which is the intent of the law. Of course “Jerbal” never bothered to inform his readers that he has his own interest in the matter: his godfather John Lewis has gambled big trying to get the Democrat Daly’s vote on the Board of Supervisors, and Cunningham has been running interference on that issue since early in the year; what’s good for Lewis is good for Cunningham, especially in light of his cowardly refusal to support Chris Norby in the 72nd election.
Tony, you made me look at LibOC’s whiner post about OJ (again!). It looks like everytime they get sick of posting with no one commenting, they resort to posting about OJ and finally get 17 responses. Unfortunately, out of the 17 posts in the comments section, you’ll find the very same whiny failed bloggers having their tempest in a teapot over Pedroza’s blog. And is it just ME, or does Cunningham seem particularly SHRILL, lately? He comes off like a stuck pig with his obsessive, redundant complaints.
I clicked thru a couple of links and of note is the fact that back in April, Art Pedroza/ OJ blog was averaging some 900 visitors a day. Fast forward to today’s numbers and he’s north of 1.6k visitors/ daily. AND he gets new posts from veteran readers more and more frequently than ever before – signs of a growing community showing interest in participating in OJ topics.
I think it shows how sad and desperate some of the other “local” blogs are – fringe right and fringe left – teaming up against their common “enemy” The Orange Juice. Whatever. Shows just how much adoo about nothing is over there. And really, it’s a very tedius tactic that they are using – complaints about other blogs, while doing relatively NOTHING to spice up their own domain, is NOT going to win over readers. In the real world of work, there are those same kinds of miserable characters – and they are generally avoided by the rest of the workforce. Same concept going on over at LibOc and RedCounty. And it’s failing them.
Nice work at FFFF, Tony. Always an interesting read over in your neighborhood: http://www.friendsforfullertonsfuture.org/
Oh and I had to LMAO at the guy who video tapped some click thrus to a legal, yet controversial site. What a yawner idea.
Don’t these guys have REAL jobs? MOST people who are busy don’t have time to try and build a case out of nothing and then video tape it for prosterity. Porn- now that’s something that people might watch. Click thrus? – Not so much LOL!