Mike Schroeder hasn’t been the same since he had to turn in his Reserve Sheriff Deputy badge and gun…
“An anti-tax recall movement against Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, has failed to gather enough valid signatures to go to the ballot, the California Secretary of State’s office announced Friday,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
I would not interpret this as meaning that the anti-tax movement is weakening. Rather it is a sign that OC GOP powerbroker Mike Schroeder just doesn’t have the pull he used to. He has been losing power ever since his boy Mike Carona got indicted and booted out of the O.C. Sheriff’s office.
The Adams recall was Schroeder’s brainchild. It’s failure has to be pinned on him.
Honestly, I would have been happy to see Adams recalled – but most of our legislators suck and deserve to be recalled. Adams is just one lame Assemblyman in a sea of them.
Just as the Republicans have lost control of California so too are the OC Republicans beginning to slip. The only thing that will keep them in power is the equally lame Democrats over at the DPOC.
And you wonder why so many voters are going independent or decline to state?
It has appeared to me for some time that Orange County politicians are generally not well regarded outside Orange County. This outcome may be evidence of a trend to suggest Orange County politicos mind their own business.
How did Adams run afoul of anti-tax extremists? If he was interested in instituting an oil severance tax (here in the only oil-producing state that doesn’t have one) or reversing all those corporate tax breaks that were bizarrely shoveled into July’s budget, or re-instituting California’s estate tax, then I say ANDALE ADAMS!
far left vern he signed a no tax pledge and the voted with the dems for the largest tax increase in calif history .
Schroeder doesn’t have the “pull” he used to? Sorry to tell you this, but this has nothing to do with “pull”. It has to do with the method of random sampling used for petition signatures.
I guarantee you that this is likely not over. MJS is tenacious. And frankly his pull has nothing to do with it. He is a wealthy, self made “true believer” and isn’t beholden to anyone. In fact, any “pull” he does have (and for the record it is far more significant than you probably know) is based on things that people owe HIM.
My guess is that most of you on this site have no historical recollection of his sucessful recall of three state legislators in the early 90s. He had much less “pull” then, but the same tenacity. I bet you can’t name those three former, recalled legislators without using a Google search, which is evidence of how little inside baseball you know but desire to report on.
You should stick to talking about things you have some real insight on. The recall may not qualify, but that will depend entirely on whether a judge will hear a case on whether the random sampling was done properly.
I still think its funny that KFI listeners pretty much funded this. I think yesterday we find out that the KFI guys weren’t even sure how they went about getting signatures. What a waste of money! Now they think that the signature evaluation was corrupted! haha…they’ll say anything to save face!
One is GAY and the other is as sympathetic to Mexicans in his private life as is Sean Mill (kudos to SM). It’s an act. Scarily they helped remove a governor and elect this fool.
The idea is to rile up the masses and to thier credit they do a good job. It’s just absolute bullshit.
Let you not forget they were villifying Corona and his “Cronies” months ago, only to have them featured as “leading the charge”. They are like the WWF, getting fat off the masses.