Gas? What gas?
Today Red County blogger Matt Cunningham ran true to form, wasting thousands of keystrokes on another weirdly irrelevant post about the OC Fair, without once again failing to even mentioning the fact that Fair Board members met in secret to organize a “Foundation” to buy the Fair; that a few days later they voted to hire a “consultant” to lobby the Governor’s office to include beneficial language to a potential RFP ( paid for by the public); that the so-called consultant (not publicly chosen by the Board), Dick Ackerman, was legally barred from lobbying at the time; that the County Counsel, Nick Chrisos has written a letter to the State Attorney General’s office (a facsimile of which was posted on this site) questioning the above mentioned activities;and that the AG has dumped the business into the lap of OC DA Tony Rackauckas. All pretty interesting stuff, you would think, especially for a blog that’s supposed to be about OC politics.
In his latest post Cunningham claims to be neutral on the sale issue, but nobody is buying that loa.
Read the rest of “Red County Blog Still Kicking Up Dust To Obscure OC Fair Monkey Business”
have posted several time at Matt’s jokey site and he edits them until he likes it by taking out any stuff about his buddies or against his way of thinking. If he disagrees with what you say, he won’t even post it. It simply vanishes! Look at Matt’s little disclaimer once you take the time and punch up your thought Matt decides has no value: “Your comment has been queued for moderation by site administrators and will be published after approval.” This should say IF THE JERBAL LIKES IT THEN IT WILL BE POSTED. What a jerk. Get over yourself you weenie.
Matt, as is his wont when questions or comments make him uncomfortable, does not respond to me about the Fair sale (will that change now?) and my recent comments at his blog have not been approved. I think it all comes down to the fact that you can’t be both a paid political consultant and an honest journalist or blogger. Here are two interesting facts I haven’t reported on this blog yet:
1. OCfairfoundation.org – the website-in-progress for the Fair Board members’ “foundation” which paid Dick Ackerman to lobby to get the Fair sold to themselves – was registered by Scott Graves, the founder and president of Matt’s Red-faced County blog.
2. Helping to explain WHY our OC legislators voted to sell our Fairgrounds (when legislators from everywhere else in the state fought tooth and nail to hang on to their state properties) – they were LIED TO. They were told, totally falsely, that the Costa Mesa City Council wanted the property sold and wanted to entrust it to “a nonprofit foundation.” Sources in the State Senate tell us this; I’m still getting documentation and more details. Obviously the lie was from Dick, who was in the pay of the “Foundation,” although they won’t say that. The FACT is Costa Mesa CC had voted twice (and now thrice) AGAINST selling the Fairgrounds.
The sheer reward of confounding the fond hopes and dreams of a gaggle of crooks and liars, and covering them with shame, is but one of many compelling reasons to Derail this Sale!