Unplug the Political Machine

The public employee unions have corrupted California state government.  The public employee unions have become the most powerful special interest group in Sacramento.  As a result, California’s state and local employees are the best compensated in the country.  Californians pay ever higher taxes for ever worse services.  Now, taxpayers are fighting back by launching the Citizen Power Campaign to restore taxpayer power and end corruption.  California cannot be fixed without this reform.

The public employee unions have become the most powerful special interest group in Sacramento.  They “spent millions of taxpayer dollars in 2009 to support Proposition 1A last May, which would have increased taxes on the citizens of California by $16 Billion”.  They can do this because they have “special powers” that no other special interest group has – “the power to automatically take hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars every year out of the paychecks of government workers for “special-interest”politics – without having to ask for it”.  The results speak for themselves.

California’s state and local employees are the best compensated in the country.  Claremont Review of Books Contributing Editor Bill Voegeli points out that “Local government employees make 11.5% more in California than Connecticut, and 21.4% more than those in Massachusetts.  State workers in California make 13.1% more than New York’s and 19.9% more than those in Massachusetts.”

Californians pay ever higher taxes for ever worse services.  Law professor Eugene Volokh has written how Californians pay high taxes for poor services because “California spends far more of its tax dollars on transfer payments to particular groups with political clout” – notably “public employees, public employee pensions, public sector unions”.  Volokh is shocked that (low tax) Texas enjoys better “education, liveability, transportation, quality of life” than California.  This is because “scarce tax dollars in Texas are spent on priorities that have broad appeal”.  California, however, “[provides] increasingly poor services at an ever increasing cost” because “the state’s public sector is not holding up its end of the bargain.”

Now, taxpayers are fighting back by launching the Citizen Power Campaign.  The Citizen Power Campaign has filed an initiative for the November 2010 ballot to end public employee union corruption and restore political power back to its rightful owners – taxpayers and voters. Their initiative will stem the flow of corruption money by prohibiting the use of any portion of state worker’s paychecks for political purposes.  State workers will regain the right to make their own decisions about their political donations.  Public employee unions must ask for political donations – just like everyone else.

California cannot be fixed without this reform.  Without it, these unions will stop needed reform.  Without it, Proposition 13’s Great Wall of Taxpayer Protection may crumble under the endless siege being waged against it by the public employee unions and their political cronies.  Taxpayers must join in this fight because California’s future hangs in the balance.

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