America is a special place. Anyone, from anywhere or any background can grow up to become rich and famous! The world of elite golf is rarified air where just a few people can make millions and millions or dollars. From simple roots one can become a billionaire! They can sweep to success on the heels of great monied interests that want to sell their various products.
Tiger Woods was such an individual. He rose to Professional Golf stardom with an attitude of competitive advantage. He took chances to beat the likes of ViJay Singh or Phil Mickelson with final putts and drama based on Sudden Death playoff wins! His stock rose and rose…..soon his millions became almost unruly to control and his list of endorsements skyrocketed. The great Golden Bear Jack Nicklaus was ready and waiting to step aside and bring Tiger Woods to the top of the mountain. The amazing ability to come from behind and win had become legend.
Tiger married well beyond his meager upbringings to find the beautiful Swede with an ability to create beautiful babies and remain beautifully supportive. Everyone kept pulling for Tiger! They were pleased that he had accomplished such great things! “The people…” believed in Tiger’s work ethic, with his serious purpose to win, train and establish grand standards for “the people’s” children, and for their love of the game – golf. His fierce comeback from knee surgery. His beautiful wife, kids and fans were all beaming with pride!
Then came that embarrassing Escalade accident in his own drive-way. Then came the obfuscation, the duplicities, the dodge-ball comments that didn’t ring to anyone. Then came his self loathing shame, that refused to allow him to attend his own Annual Charity Golf Tournament in Los Angeles. Then came more dodge ball, more pleas for privacy, more semi-apologies for his despiciable conduct. He didn’t even have the guts to show up on ESPN, the Golf Channel, Bill O’Reilly or Larry King! Even Jack Nicholson had to explain his use a Golf Club for the Paparazzi! Hey Tiger, you think you are bigger than Jack Nicholson?
Finally, Tiger tried to cop a plea…..tried to demand that he be given some privacy and just be left alone. Tiger the wimp! His wife had probably beaten him senseless, because he was fooling around on her and is exhibited that he is just a typical rich guy with an ego bigger than his IQ! Our great hero has proven to have feet of clay. Woods now complains bitterly “on his website”. Woods hasn’t had the balls yet to show up on radio or by audio comment on his website to make a simple statement. He has taken billions of dollars of easy public money from GE, AT&T and others. Well Tiger, we want our money back. Tiger has failed to deliver as a role model for our kids, our friends and as our Golf hero.
Tiger can demand his privacy all he wants, but he had better return all that money – before we give it to him: The Privacy, that is! Since Woods is just one of those guys that has enough money to bang cocktail waitresses, two at a time – like Fredo in Godfather II – “Tiger you broke our hearts!” Tiger had one time to get it right….and this was a putt that he missed by a mile!
Tiger could have come clean on the night that it all happened. Tiger could have said: “My wife and I had a terrible agrument and I got very upset and drove crazy in the drive-way. I am an idiot!” Tiger could have taken his medicine then – coming clean and saying that he had made a variety of dumb mistakes that he now has realized were worthless, terrible decisions. Tiger you could have said that you loved your wife and family more than your own life and will spend the rest of your days making up for your own stupidity.
But then, you would have had to be a Tiger….and a Tiger with balls. Well, next year is the Chinese year of Tiger…..and you will have to pay back for several strokes of bad karma and for all your former indiscretions. If we ever turn on another golf toruament again, it will be too soon! The Public is not going to pull for you….either on the Golf Course or in life..with your present attitude. You have ruined not only your own reputation but by inference that of every Professional Golf Player on the PGA tour! Nothing better than a cheeky, gross ego maniac that fools around on his wife and family while he throws his money and power around. Not attractive, Tigger! Your last shot went into the rough, you have seemingly lost your balls and now will have to take a drop and a lost stroke!
Maybe people will start to learn how foolish it is to place folks like Tiger on a pedestal, or pretend like they know him, and just focus on what he does on a golf course.
“Tiger married well beyond his meager upbringings to find the beautiful Swede with an ability to create beautiful babies and be beautifully supportive.”
SAY WHAT???????
It’s just the old, quaint Winships, Doc. They are from a whole other time. Plus I think Anna is Swedish or something.
I agree with Vern. I bet even guys like the Doc have had a few sweet young thangs throw themselves at him while he drilled their teeth. You just gots to be strong and say no right Doc? What advice would Vern and Doc give to Tiger now?
“Tiger married well beyond his meager upbringings to find the beautiful Swede with an ability to create beautiful babies and be beautifully supportive.”
Chicks dig this hombre! Tiger is of course medio China and medio Negrito. If you believe in the stereotypes, I guess we now know which parts he got from his Papi! Orale!!!
What advice would Vern and Doc give to Tiger now?
Marriage is not for everyone. A blonde trophy wife is not your possession and doesn’t deserve to be lied to. Man up and divorce. America still loves you.
Anon, right on!!!
*Well, we hear they are having a ticker tape parade for Tiger and all his part time lovers!
“Hey Tiger, you think you are bigger than Jack Nicholson?”
Let me answer that question for him, YES! Tiger Woods is bigger than Jack Nicholson. Tiger Woods is one of the most recognizable faces on the planet, much more so than Jack Nicholson.
As far as your crack, “Tiger married well beyond his meager upbringings to find the beautiful Swede with an ability to create beautiful babies and remain beautifully supportive”, all I can say is WOW!!!
Most married men usually land women better than they. I know that most of my girlfriends are way out of my league. And I love Dr. Lomeli but even he would have to admit he married way over his means. Raquel is the greatest and way out of Doc’s league. 🙂 Just kidding.
“As far as your crack, “Tiger married well beyond his meager upbringings to find the beautiful Swede with an ability to create beautiful babies and remain beautifully supportive”, all I can say is WOW!!!”
When Tiger met his wife she was the nanny of a fellow golfer friend and Tiger had just started his professional golfing career.
So what do the Winships mean by meager upbringing….is it that he is Chinese/Afro-American and his wife is Swedish???
The meager upbringing comment can’t be economic …. she was a NANNY and he was a professional golfer.
Tiger Woods has exposed his infidelity. The Winships have exposed their racial prejudice. Just my opinion.
“Most married men usually land women better than they. I know that most of my girlfriends are way out of my league. And I love Dr. Lomeli but even he would have to admit he married way over his means. Raquel is the greatest and way out of Doc’s league.”
Sean, my friend, you are 100% correct. But it has nothing to do with anyone’s meager upbringing of any sort.
“The Winships have exposed their racial prejudice. Just my opinion.”
Glad someone finally noticed!!!
You have to admit that their posts are a good intermission,
kind of like the
“Silence is Golden” at the show or even
the stooges smacking each other, or chicken little screaming “the sky is falling, its fallin- the sky…
or huh???
without them this blog wouldn’t be the same.
Even though my bigot-radar goes crazy everytime I read their posts…LOL
#10 and #11
Right on!!!!
*Well, if you lovely guys mean….people like yourselves and Donny Deutsch who are apologize for “Womanizers that over use their power and position!” Then I guess we are serious bigots….
No doubt your eyes were blinking away as you wrote your ridiculous tripe!
Flub off fellas! And don’t forget to wipe!
#13 Ron and Anna
Give it up, seriously, you totally F#kd up in your post. The post was incredibly insulting; full of racist undertone. Maybe you didn’t mean it, maybe you did… I can’t read your heart.
Please, you should either shut up or apologize. But don’t try to cover it up, there is no way to spin yourself out of it.