House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not very popular in Orange County!
(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave her strongest endorsement yet of a global financial transaction fee Thursday after raising the issue directly with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in a conversation this week” according to
Has Pelosi lost her mind? Our nation is reeling in the worst economic depression of our lives. Jobs are being lost every day. And now she wants to impose a global tax on financial transactions? She must be crazy!
No wonder hundreds of protesters showed up to this week’s Democratic Party of Orange County Harry Truman Awards Dinner. The keynote speaker was the dreadful Pelosi.
While the DPOC sold out their dinner, that is by no means a referendum on Pelosi. Recent polls indicate that Pelosi is about as popular as a bowl of warm barf.
“Moreover, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s favorable rating is still in the doldrums, with a 28 percent minority of Americans saying they have a positive view of her and 50 percent holding a negative view. While half of Democrats (50 percent) have a favorable opinion of Pelosi, majorities of Republicans (77 percent) and independents (58 percent) view her unfavorably,” according to Fox News.
President Obama is down to a 46% approval rating. And Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid is losing to both of his Republican opponents, according to recent polls in Nevada.
Despite all of that bad news, the Democrats want to raise taxes – not just here but globally. They must truly want to lose control of the Congress in the upcoming 2010 mid-term elections.
How is the business community reacting to Pelosi’s harebrained tax-raising scheme? “Weakening our capital formation system is not a better outcome,” said David Hirschmann, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness,” according to
The kids see thru this- just say no to racism! Back to burning crosses, Aleister!
and all the OC Democrat followers dined with this “warm bowl of barf”!
global financial transaction fee–
congress has been trying to tax eBay for years- –example of this idea of a global financial transaction fee related series of events that these ignorant dinosaurs are trying to work up!
now let’s just hope we are ready to oppose this aggressively with mass protest-“globally” if need be!
But notice how the masses and countries who are fetched a bone can easily fall into any new stupidity that arises.
Pelosi– poor lady- I really do feel sorry for her.
On Pres.Inaugration Day, as she stepped into the reviewing stand on Pennsylvania Ave. to wait for Pres. Obama, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as she found her place along her grandchildren. I thought to myself, “nice family, why don’t they do us all a favor and send her back home?”
No offense. Pelosi just isn’t cut out for politics–
how did she make it this far?
Exactly. This shows how lame the DPOC is. Bringing Pelosi to our county was a STUPID idea. This will only hurt the Dem candidates.
This was the last gasp of Melahat Rafiei, the now former DPOC Executive Director. Nice job there Melahat. This was yet another black eye for your party!
Now Melahat will be focusing on running the Beth Krom congressional campaign. When Krom loses, remember this poorly conceived Truman dinner…the Pelosi effect will surely cost Krom a lot of votes.
Is this the so-called daytrading tax that will affect market players like hedge funds the most?