About one week ago I received information indicating that Mission Viejo recall candidate Dave Leckness had hired an undocumented worker in his Kwik Kopy printing business. This individual also stated that this employee’s wife served as a baby sitter for Dave’s two daughters prior to them becoming teenagers.
Folks. This is a serious allegation relating to someone running for our city council where we as a Contract City, approve million dollar, multi-year contracts for services.
After a breakfast meeting last Thursday I dropped by Dave’s (closed) office and waited for him in the parking lot as he arrived at 7:25 a.m. He commented that someone should have been there as they advertise being open for business starting at 7 a.m.
After a quick salutation I repeated the allegation to his hiring a man named Gilberto and the charges that he was not a documented resident to which Dave responded “how would I know?” In fact Dave said he (Gilberto) still works for him.
On July 1, 2007 the city of Mission Viejo’s E-verify Ordinance went into effect in which all contracts in which all city sub contractors and employees must be enrolled in the e-verify program to be employed in our city.
“E-Verify is an Internet-based system operated by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration.”
With that thought I am sending a copy of this post to our chief of Police Services for him to investigate the allegation.
This is a serious issue. I was surprised that Dave did not indicate his concern about the legal status of Mr. Gilberto during our brief discussion other than saying he’s OK.
If you think back to president Clinton when he tried to have Zoe Baird confirmed to serve in his cabinet as Attorney General we discovered that Zoe had employed undocumented workers which killed that appointment. More recently we read about president Obama’s choice for Secretary of Commerce, billionaire Penny Pritzker, who removed herself from consideration due to the standard background check. As she declined the offer we do not know if this issue resulted in her walking away from a very prestigious and powerful government position offered to her by her close friend president Barack Obama.
I will be sending copies of this post to both Dave Leckness and Lt. Gavin, our Chief of Police Services.
In addition, earlier today I tried to contact the person who first provided this tip and will be adding that reply, whatever and whenever it is received.
It is important to note that I did not run with the tip until I had a face-to-face meeting with David Leckness who did not deny a Mr. Gilberto in his employ or his wife baby sitting his daughters.
RECALL– 48 days and counting.
One bit of good news for Mission Viejo residents is that there will not be a council meeting on Monday Dec 21st as we are dark for the Christmas, Chanukkah and Kwanzaa break. The next council meeting will be held on Monday, January, 4th.
Considering the problems Mission Viejo has had with the loitering/soliciting/impairing of traffic by day workers (some being illegals) on the corner of Los Aliso and Jeranimo One can not support a candidate that blatantly employs illegals in his business, or his household. I wonder if the first signers of Dave Leckness’s election papers endorse this the employment of illegals. As I recall they included such former city politicians as; Susan Withrow, Sherri Butterfield, and Sharon Cody. Also included was the insufferable Dan Avery.
How would he know? Was that really his response? And his main concern is businesses in the city? Most businesses know that they have to comply with federal, state, and city laws….
Erin. Are you serious. How would he know?
I have interviewed, hired and terminated employees in our own firm. You ask them.
Larry, If this guy gave Dave false documents would Dave know that. I know a lot of employer’s get the required documents but don’t necesarly do a background check. Esp. small businesses. Is the E-Verify a public document. Can you check it out. I do not think Dave would knowing hire an illegal. These guys are really good at getting fake documents. Its a problem that our state government has really done nothing about. Its a shame, esp with the bad economy when citzens are strugling for jobs.
At times we find ourselves in a no win position. One one hand I get accused of failing to follow up when it relates to Connie Lee’s recall petition process. Then I receive comments from another person with allegations that Dave Leckness hired an illegal worker in his print shop whose wife previously baby sat for Dave’s children. As stated above I did not react to those two comments until I had the opportunity to confront Dave directly. If I ignored it I would be accused of failing to investigate the charge in giving Dave a pass.
With regard to the individual who alleges an improper Petition process by Connie the chief of police services commenced his investigation before I had a chance to contact that man. At this point I doubt that the petitioner will provide any credible data to me.
The issue of city vendors employing undocumented workers became an Ordinance by our city council who feel that this is an important issue. Having used Kwik Kopy for myself and other political candidates printing I have been in the back area of his shop, walking by the presses and the artists who design and layout customer orders. On the basis of that first hand exposure I can report that he does not employ that many workers. I cannot speak for his hiring practices nor how many employee interviews he has conducted over the past 25 years. The fact that Dave acknowledged the name Gilberto and his wife, followed by stating that Gilberto still works for him might be perceived that he doesn’t comply with the law as it relates to his own business and may not feel that it is important even though we currently enforce the E-Verify Ordinance as it relates to all of our City contracts.
At this point my only comment on this area of this post is that our chief of police services has responded to me by e-mail. I will not divulge any further information until his department can take whatever action, if any, is deemed appropriate.
As to fake documents. My sense, after speaking to Dave last week, is that he never bothered to ask if the applicant was a citizen or his having a Green Card. Truth be told I wonder how many small business owners have asked that very question.
This is the best you can come up with? You are truly amazing! Anybody is better then a person who signs a petition to recall someone and is the treasure of that committee and then is the first person to pull papers for the very office (kind of self serving wouldn’t you say) and now we find out he might have committed unlawful acts and files reports after deadlines (if he even files it! Maybe not because of all the challenges before their group). Doesn’t sound like the kind of City Council person I’d want representing my city! Make sure you cover the DT story as well as the CL story with the same vim and vigor as this DL story. I’m sure I can come up with reasons why DT is not married, etc……… Just like the claims you are attempting to make as a “reporter” on DL. Most peole like well rounded stories and not one sided ones!!!
Sorry, I guess it’s hard to read my incredulity in the written word, at his indifference to the question.
Erin. I wish you or another person had witnessed our exchange last Thursday
Give me a Break.
Let’s begin with a few facts.
First. This is a blog. As such we post news “and opinion” which is what opens the door for readers to join in.
Second. This story is about an allegation from another Juice reader, whom I do not know, on Mr. Leckness’s failure to verify the legality of one of his employees who Dave admits still works for Kwik Kopy.
Unless you have something to add or detract from this post I will not entertain your efforts to pull this story off the thread.
This is my final warning.
While other Juice bloggers may have a different position on this point I will enforce it on my personal writings. If you continue trying to divert attention from my stories I will delete your comments.
Erin, let me help. You are dealing with Brother Larry here.
Brother Larry, I don’t think Erin is saying she doesn’t believe you, but that she finds it shocking that Leckness responded that way. Right, Erin?
Brother Vern. I got it and did get it.
At this time I am working with our chief of police services and can say no more.
PS: You need to let us know what gig’s you have lined up for the Holidays!
Larry , you need to get another job!
Why get a job when I can collect Social Security checks every month