the food wasn't really all that great
Here is a very good column we came across today by Barbara Venezia. in light of some of the non-conversations we’ve been having here lately with a Fair Board supporter, we thought we’d share it.
Venezia: OC Fair Board should be removed
Barbara Venezia
Why isn’t anyone calling for the removal of the current Orange County Fair Board? Doesn’t personal responsibility matter anymore? When you take into consideration the collateral damage they’ve caused with this ridiculous self-serving shell game of buying the fairgrounds, every single one of them should be held accountable, including the two who were not part of the nonprofit shenanigans. Read more of “Get Rid of The Fair Board”.
It’s not lost on me that the “OC Fair Foundation” works out of a Mail Drop in Costa Mesa.
The same shitty stripmall as Stater Bros. and Star Nails.
How the RED COUNTY BOYS (Why no girls?????) obscure this is not surprising. This is a scam, Matt and company turn their heads (hopefully in disgust) to preserve thier financial interest.
Funny how these guys wives protest sodomy, while the husbands promote it. THE FOUNDATION IS A BF of taxpayers.
LOL LOL LOL… Attorney General Jerry Brown, who still remains unable to investigate/prosecute the Fair Board Crooks as his Department HAS technically represented them thus far, HAS JUST CUT THEM LOOSE and told ‘em to go find their own damn counsel. I guess he knows an investigation from some other quarter is just around the pike, and he finds their actions indefensible, not something he wants to dirty his hands with.
Yeah actually I was supposed to “keep this under my hat” but it was starting to get too hot under there, so I’m glad this article came out tonight.
If we want to focus, the two biggest villains on the board – the brains behind the malfeasance – are Vice-Chairman Dave Ellis and CEO Steve Beazley. The others are sort of go-along followers. I’ve heard Board chairman Christina Dodge is a really nice lady who gives millions to charity and had been thinking they were doing a good thing to take over the Fair, she’s just in over her depth. If we could get Ellis and Beazley off the board we’d be making good progress.