Is Loretta Sanchez the new Mike Duvall?

John Saylor and Loretta Sanchez

Former Republican State Assemblyman Mike Duvall was forced out of office this year when his conversation with a fellow legislator, about supposed sex with two lobbyists, got out.  Now a blog post has surfaced accusing Democratic Congresswoman of having relations with two lobbyists in D.C.  But Sanchez appears to be getting a free pass.

The man allegedly pictured above is John Saylor, the Director of Federal Programs, Maritime Sector for Halcrow, Inc.  Reportedly, Saylor has become romantically involved with Congresswoman Sanchez in recent months. Saylor chaired a conference on “Global Competitiveness and the Impact on US Exports” last month at the Department of Commerce in DC, and the Congresswoman was a scheduled speaker for this same conference,” according to the Latino Politics blog.

The Latino Politics blog post also indicated that Saylor has allegedly “been going around claiming to have slept with Loretta Sanchez and that he vacationed with her in Italy earlier in the year.”

The photo above was supposedly taken in Italy.  According to the Latino Politics blog, that “should come as no surprise, as she was just there with the Semester at Sea program during the summer. Another source close to Sanchez had also revealed to me in the past that the Congresswoman had hopes of becoming the ambassador to Italy had Hillary Clinton won the presidential election last year.”

You can see Sanchez talking about her time in the Semester at Sea program in the YouTube video below:

Remember that there were also allegations in the past year about another lobbyist named Jack Einwechter, who also was rumored to have had a relationship with Sanchez.  He too ad business before the Congresswoman’s committees.

“John Saylor has aldo, like Jack (John) Einwechter did in the past, contributed to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’s re-election campaign fund, dropping $300 back in July of this year,” according to the Latino Politics blog.

Drippy Mike Duvall

Is this the ghost of Loretta Sanchez’ Christmas future?

All of this is happening even as Sanchez is being opposed by two Vietnamese Repbulicans and an independent Latina candidate named Ceci Iglesias.   One of the two Republicans, businessman Quang X. Pham, is a moderate who served in the U.S. Marines.  The other is the corrupt Mexican hater Van Tran.  Predictably, Sanchez’ allies at the Liberal OC blogs are ignoring Tran and attacking Pham. 

If Pham wins the primary he will give Sanchez a real run for her money.  And Iglesisas will definitely have an affect on this race.

Sanchez may be digging herself quite a hole.  She is also holding a fundraiser in Santa Ana today, where she is asking the working families in town to give her at least $240.  To do this just before Christmas, in a city beset by foreclosures, is heartless at best…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.