I just came across this youtube clip from last summer. It is about our congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and her performance at some sort of “prayer vigil” organized last August, ostensibly to supplicate the Good Lord for the provision of universal health care.
As you can see, Loretta’s not real interested in praying, or even in keeping her big bazoo shut, but rather in the worst kind of political self-promotion. But Ms. Motormouth and her relationship with the Almighty is not the main topic here.
Instead I direction your attention to the promoters of this alleged “prayer vigil,” the Orange County Congregational Community Organization, known as OCCCO.
FYI: comments found on T. Bushala’s Blog
#1 by Rogue Elephant on December 28, 2009
Great catch!
#2 by Observer on December 28, 2009
either Sanchez has a hangover or she’s tipsy or both.
#3 by Diosmio on December 28, 2009
OCCCO is a godless organization and this video is typical. They love to hold tacky candidate forums in churches. They are about as Christian as the “Emily’s List” group.
#4 by Hollis Dugan on December 28, 2009
Is it just me? Pam Kellar has these middle aged women drunk on her supposed desire to help the world and, like this Loretta piece, all I see is a shake down.
ACORN anyone?
#5 by Been there on December 28, 2009
Who is this new “Desert Rat”? He is off to a great start.
#6 by admin on December 29, 2009
Click on the name under “OUR BLOGGERS.” All will be revealed.
#7 by New Fringer on December 29, 2009
Just another whack-job fringer at FFFF.
#8 by junior on December 28, 2009
OK – at St. Callistus Catholic Church.
This is blatently political – I am a Catholic – but this is bullshit.
That guy in the pointy hat is a BISHOP for god sakes.
This is the reason I do not attend mass or contribute.
#9 by Gustavo Arellano on December 28, 2009
Geez, junior: I wish you’d get as upset at the Church for coddling pedophiles at Mater Dei as you would their social activism, about the only good thing they offer…