Amazing. One disadvantage of being an incumbent is your voting record.
In the Lance MacLean, Mission Viejo recall election hit piece, which I received on Nov 20, it alleges “a small faction of residents” want to take over our city. In that document it states that they want to “eliminate funding for School Resource Officers.”
Let’s now look at Lance MacLean’s recall rebuttal statement where he writes that a “small faction of political malcontents” want to “reduce or eliminate funding for Sheriff’s deputies” when in fact that is exactly what Lance did as confirmed below.
Proof. You want to see proof? Simply look at the Minutes of his July 2, 2007 city budget public safety vote.
July 2, 2007
21. Adoption of the 2007-2009 City Budget (0330-30)
Assistant City Manager/Director of Administrative Services Irwin Bornstein presented the staff report.
Motion made by Council Member Kelley, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Ledesma, to increase the 2007-2008 budget by $425,000 for two School Resource Deputies, two fully-equipped patrol cars, and two portable radios.
On roll call, said motion carried by the following vote:
Council Member Kelley, Council Member Ury, Mayor Pro Tempore Ledesma, and Mayor Reavis
Council Member MacLean
Readers. Yes. One drawback to being an incumbent council person is that your voting record is out there for anyone to see and comment on.
These school resource officers, SRO’s, are sworn Deputies of the OCSD that are assigned to our high schools. Look at the conflict between his voting record and his charges against recall candidate supporters.
Voters in every race should spend a few minutes researching what incumbent candidates say and compare those comments with their voting record as illustrated above.
As to challengers. They should use caution in what they claim they will accomplish when they only have one vote.
When elected more often than not they will find themselves in the minority. The key is to see if their proposed issue has merit and, can he or she get the majority of that elected body to support the idea.
My only advise is that they should not abandon their core beliefs for the sake of getting support on your major issues. It’s OK to end up in a 1-4 or 2-3 losing side. When you lack council support bear in mind that your role is to represent the voters, not the other four or more members on the office you hold.
Geez, what a hypocrite. Thank you for the information. I had no idea about MacLean.
Lance’s record is going to sink him in the recall election. It’s amazing to hear all his b.s. rhetoric and posturing and then learn about how he voted.
This is a reverse on saying one thing and doing another. How about doing one thing and saying another? Oh, I guess it would be lying in both cases.