“Uh, oh! They’re onto me…“
I was checking out Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ website today and found some disturbing language in the “About Loretta” tab.
In the 111th Congress, Sanchez is a leader in securing America’s border with Mexico. A strong advocate for Southwest border security, she frequently appears on CNN, C-SPAN, FOX News, and MSNBC to discuss the importance of economic development and trade along the U.S.-Mexico border and ports of entry.
A leader in securing America’s border with Mexico? Is it just me or does that sound like Minuteman language?
Then I noted that Sanchez listed some of her past jobs, including gigs at Fieldman, Rollap and Associates, and an Booz, Allen, and Hamilton.
Fieldman, Rollap and Associates invest money for public agencies.
Booz, Allen and Hamilton is a consulting firm that works with the intelligence community, according to their website.
Now we know why Sanchez really ran for Congress. It had nothing to do with helping Latinos. She had dumped her Latino surname and run for the Anaheim City Council as a Republican. She only remembered she was a Latina when it became convenient.
Sanchez ran for Congress for her own self-interest. She was already making money off the government. Getting elected meant, ostensibly, raking in even more money – from people she already knew.
It would be interesting to see her financial reports. I wonder what sort of investments she has and what companies she owns stock in?
And is she now tipping her old pals off when they bid on Army contracts?
Isn’t this what we slammed Dick Cheney for? Remember Haliburton?
By the way, Booz Allen also works with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Sanchez serves as the Vice Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Conflicts of interest abound.
The problem with Sanchez is that few people ever truly scrutinize her. Latinos in particular give her a free pass. But they shouldn’t. She has used them from the start. Now what, exactly, is she doing for Latinos? She won’t support the Dream Act and she sounds like a Minuteman when it comes to our border. Why should Latinos support her now?
Check out her position on our Armed Services:
Representative Sanchez has been a member of the House Armed Services Committee since becoming a member of Congress in January 1997. As a member of the this Committee, she works hard to ensure that the United States maintains its position as the most powerful and best-equipped military force in the world.
Huh? She sounds like a Republican. I have no interest in having the best military in the world. In fact I would expect progressive Democrats to want to bring our troops home and stop interfering in other countries’ business.
Here is Sanchez’ position on Homeland Security:
Representative Sanchez has been diligently working to assure that our most critical national security needs our met. She has been fighting to make sure that our airports are safe, to assist the victims as they recover and rebuild from the events of September 11th, to strengthen the economy, and to win the campaign against the evil of terrorism.
We known the truth. She has been working hard to enrich her friends with federal contracts.
Loretta Sanchez panders to the Vietnamese, but has forgotten about her fellow Latinos
And here is her position on Human Rights:
Learn about Congresswoman Sanchez’s strong advocacy for human rights, especially freedom of religion in Vietnam.
Isn’t that interesting? She worries about Vietnamese rights, but apparently is not concerned about Latinos. Go on YouTube and search for Loretta Sanchez and immigrants. You will find loads of videos about the Vietnamese. Zero about Latino immigrants.
And be sure to check out her “Community Resources” page. You will find zero Latino community organizations, but yes, there is a Vietnamese organization listed.
Let’s not forget that Loretta’s sister, Linda, married a lobbyist!
Are you sure these are not photos of Linda?
Connect the dots, guys–major CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
look at Richardson— he didn’t even want to open up a can of worms as there were grey areas with contracts out of his office with L.A consultants. He gave up that nomination for Obama’s Cabinet. Now that is having some sense…
Excellent post.
Don’t let me down, DOC L. — if you intent to clean house —you have to be just and honest with yourself. Or is Santa Ana an island out here????
don’t look the other way on this one- Art jumps the gun sometimes but he’s right on target on this one, and I know he’s not going to leave Adriana and Gus unsupported on this one. Good going.
it is not easy to set it straight when it comes to
our sister here! But latinos are disenchanted with Loretta.
Border security– damn she’s lame and has the IQ of a nopal and to top it off she is ashamed of that.
We need a good Latina/o candidate ASAP!
Still evaluating Cece Iglesias- but please…- Loretta needs to become a lobbyist herself– she’ll have to wait a while after losing this coming election– but hey this will give her time to further her education, and possibly somehow – refine herself.
Hey Art, why don’t you stop pretending to care about Latinos and just admit that you work for Van Tran?
Preach, Art: PREACH!
Ana: Your comment is quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever said—and it took me quite a while to read through the dozens of stupid comments you’ve made to reach this conclusion!
No, Loretta wants to work for Van Tran- Loretta is scared crazy – of the Viet-power that is why she brown noses the vietnamese voters all day long—no offense to the vietnamese but she neglects latinos.
She doesn’t neglect Latinos, give me a break. You guys are like children.
re: “She has been working hard to enrich her friends with federal contracts.”
Do you have any proof? Is she even on the Approriations Committee? Is she in a position to award contracts? (No, she’s not.)
We hardly have any Latinos in Congress and you are trying to tear down one based on nothing but blatant lies. Chicanos always tear down their own. Never fails.
I agree with Sr. Dillwad. Photo #1 looks like Linda.
“Chicanos always tear down their own. Never fails.”
I don’t think you can say this of Cesar Chavez and maybe even Bill Richardson, who did have his own ethics issue, but the Latino community wasn’t jumping all over him, probably because Richardson doesn’t open his purse and rummage through it on camera or doesn’t bother sending out stupid holiday cards.
I’m beginning to think that Anna/Bubbles/Sunny has some sort of attention seeking fetish with the Loretta Sanchez posts. She has jumped all over them on all of the blogs, yet doesn’t comment on other posts here at the OJ or on the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing. It’s like she’s a one trick pony, all Loretta, all the time. Come on Anna, this is unhealthy, go outside and enjoy the holiday lights or something. While I will admit that I get a lot of information about Loretta Sanchez from a variety of sources between OC and DC, I don’t only write Loretta-related blogs. There are other players in the game.
Any decision you make in congress someone will think it was because of donations or corruption.
The system needs changed.
i never liked loretta because i figured she was just another mexican into helping mexicans and focusing on bashing whitey. after reading this, i may have been wrong. strong military? check! secure our borders? check! sounds like a founding father, one of many deadwhitemales
Ah, the usual liberal phony masquerading as the left’s caricature of a white conservative.
News flash: ethnic identity politics is a tool used by race hustlers who have no interest in helping latinos (or anyone else).
Loretta Sanchez is a race hustler and a tool for extreme left-wing government worker unions – card check proves that. She would sell out latinos to the very SEIU that is using intimidation and coercion against them.
U Hit the nail on the head Mr. Elephant. I’d guess deadwhitemale is really lorrettastafferafraidoflosingjob posing as Archie Bunker.
Look how your allies turn on you, deadwhitemale, the minute you show a little open-mindedness. You’re right that Loretta is somewhat conservative in a a lot of ways, progressive in ways that are important to me. Good job seeing things in more than just black and white (for once)
“admin.” who was not confident or brave enough to post his/her own name, wrote one of the weakest diatribes ever seen on a third-rate blog. Empty, far-fetched, undocumented claims about conflicts of interest, for example. Name them, provide some specifics, don’t just blab about guilt by association. Facts appear to be a challenge for you, eh?
And we are supposed to believe that “Jawaralal Schwarz” is a real name? Right.
We have provided links to everything in the post above. The real question is when is Sanchez going to step up and either refute or acknowledge these claims?
Sounds like there may be a fun election next year.
I’ve been hesitant to take a position one way or the other on Loretta since I haven’t really had the time pero this is disturbing but also doesn’t shock me. When I was at the DNC last summer, Loretta was speaking and one of the largest ICE raids went down. Since she had been talking about immigration, I asked her to make a comment and she was very dismissive.
Just in Time,
The USA is a Democracy……we have the choice to vote for who ever we feel best represents us.
The USA is a melting pot of cultures, nationalities and interests groups. A responsible political representative needs to be able to protect and represents this diversity.
The citicism here is OK for a activist. A activist is some one with a single minded agenda.
Clearly Loretta is not a activist as she is concerned with representing her constituents which are diverse in: cultures, nationalities, genders, special interest groups and political parties.
If one feels a public servant is not producing then trough the Democratic process one can vote his/her conscience to express support for a particular candidate.
Ideally support should be based on the candidate’s ability to deliver and not based on allegations, lies and demonization of the opposing candidate.
In particular I see no evidence of Loretta doing damage to the Hispanic community.
Yes, Jawaralal Schwartz is a real name. Not that it is any of your business, just imagine–a mother who was Islamic and a father with a German Jewish name. Too complex or is it just not an acceptable marriage? Am I supposed to believe that Art Pedroza is real name? Art, fella, having links does not mean there is any (good, accurate) reporting or analysis going on. There is nothing to refute. The ball is in your court. Say, just try one: prove that there is a conflict of interest that violates any fedederal statute or House Rule that Ms. Sanchez has not complied with. Or that she hid prior employment. Or delivered anything to former employers. You know the answers to all of these, so why not just come out and admit it, eh? I will not be surprised if this post never passes moderation, but the points made will do you good anyway in your quest to become a journo, eh?
“Not that it is any of your business, just imagine–a mother who was Islamic and a father with a German Jewish name.”
The name sounds phony. The explanation makes it even worse. “Schwartz” is not “German Jewish.” It is the German word that means “black.”
Schwartz is also a German surname. Thus, someone who also has jewish heritage could then be a german/jew with the last name Schwartz. Duh.
Hi Doc:
Que politico el hombre con todo el respeto que te tengo, doctorcito-
Loretta is no activist — OBVIO
FUERA LORETTA. We don’t necessarily need an activist in this position– we simply deserve someone that represents the voice of the majority of his/her supporters-
and Loretta is not it.
We don’t care who she dates- that is irrelevant
common sense though- hanging out with lobbyists and all the extra details we have read about on the O.J, LatinoPoliticsBlog, and OCWeekly-Gus—-how the contracts seem to be deriving from committees where this lady has a say in what is done and etc. everyone will connect the dots –we learned that as toddlers- well preschool or whatever.
WE don’t expect Ms.Sanchez to be a die hard
si se puede/former Mechista/viva la raza- but come on!!
This lady thinks that by avoiding the issues that matter to the majority of her supporters, she will always have their support– I don’t think so…
“Schwartz is also a German surname.”
Schwartz is a German word and a German name – not “German Jewish” whatever that means. The addition of the discriptive “Jewish,” especially as an exclusionary term, was ignorant, gratuitous, and struck me immediately as fraudulent – an incitement, in fact.
I believe this person is pretty evidently using an alias, which is okay by by me.
Not that any of it matters. Please return to bashing Loretta.
This lady thinks that by avoiding the issues that matter to the majority of her supporters, she will always have their support– I don’t think so…
Just in time
What does her supporters want?
Please let the the rest of us sideliners know what you hispanics want.
Do you want:
less gangs?
less teen pregnancy?
less drop outs?
less illegal immigration?
Less welfare users in the community?
If you can take the time, why don’t you tell us all what you want?
In English please, if you would be so kind:)
I agree. That name and the background info seem implausible. I wonder if this guy even lives in the district? Kind of doubt it…
I agree. That name and the background info seem implausible. I wonder if this guy even lives in the district? Kind of doubt it…
Is this not what you said about me? And God help you all, i am as real as my white pasty Irish face:)
How, why don’t you answer Mr. Schwartz questions? If he is not real why would you decline to answer?
Schwartz asked, “prove that there is a conflict of interest that violates any fedederal statute or House Rule that Ms. Sanchez has not complied with. Or that she hid prior employment. Or delivered anything to former employers.”
It is one thing to break the law – some actions are simply unethical. But it is worth noting that both Loretta and Linda Sanchez have been investigated by the House Ethics Committee.
The bottom line – it appears that Loretta has been dating federal lobbyists who give her money and who have business with the government – specifically with agencies she is involved in on various congressional committees. Is that legal? I don’t know but it sure stinks of conflict of interest.
And Loretta worked for companies that have a lot of business with the feds, before she ran for Congress. Did she hide that? I don’t recall, but now that she interacts with the Army and Homeland Security it sure looks questionable.
Has she delivered any contracts to former employers or other allies? I don’t know. But would you be surprised if this turned out to be accurate?
Stay tuned. I am putting up a new post tomorrow about who has funded Loretta’s campaigns over the years… Hint – the working families in her district do not giver her money.
Okay, it’s been almost 30 years since I took German. Disregard ignorant pontification in comment #25.
Still sounds phony!
Zenger and Pedroza are so very entertaining. Silly argument between them re the origins of my name and their vast knowledge of German and Jewish names, or, dare I say, German Jewish names, or is it Jewish German names? Any odder than, say, Barack Obama, or Jason Barfonme, eh? Their responses to the questions I raised suggests–and this is more than a shadow of a doubt–that they don’t have one scintilla of fact to pin conflict of interest on Ms. Sanchez. Note: I hold no brief for her, but the the mind-bending idiotic comments of Messrs. Zenger and Pedroza has grabbed our attention, no?
What we have are some damning pictures and plenty of evidence as to the contract that Saylor got from the US Army.
The question is, should Sanchez be dating federal lobbyists who have business with her committees and federal agencies that Sanchez interfaces with regularly?
She has a lot to answer for, but so far she is not talking. That’s OK, next year the voters will be able to have their say.
I can’t wait to hear the “plenty of evidence,” as the, er, “standards of evidence” used by the prosecutors are, shall we say, higher than that used by super-sleuths Z and P. It is higher than “we have links!” By all means, refer any criminal evidence to the US Attorney for the So. District of California, House Ethics Comittee, or any other party that can investigate and prosecute. Or just cite accepted ethical standards; you know, what will make sense to Joe and Sally SixpackBut short of that, why smear her unfairly, or are you working for one of her upcoming primary opponents? Oh, I get it, your are working for her most likely Republican challenger. Or is it just: working for World Peace (as I do) and the American Way of Life?
Do you even live in the 47th Congressional District? I am thinking not.
That aside, we already went over this. Sanchez, and her sister, have indeed been investigated by the House Ethics Committee, that is a fact. I don’t know if she has since broken any laws, but dating federal lobbyists that her Committees do business with doesn’t pass the stink test.
As for working for Republicans, no. I am not a Republican. I am a Libertarian. I do support two of the candidates who are going to be on the primary ballot. I support independent Ceci Iglesias and Republican Quang Pham.
I do not support Republican challenger Van Tran. He is a Mexican hater. Pham is not. Nor is Iglesias.
If Tran wins the primary I will support Iglesias in the general – and would consider voting for Sanchez if she co-ponsors the Dream Act and the Gutierrez Immigration Bill.
I do hope Sanchez will see the light and stop mucking around with lobbyists with whom she has a conflict of interest.
I admire your studied participation in the electoral process. I wish all Americans would be that way, regardless of their place on the spectrum. And, though it may not seem so to you, I detest–at least as much as you!–unethical or crooked members of Congress. Sanchez’s alleged ethical skating is about average, I would say. It may look bad at some time to some people, but she is not a crook. And she is quite smart and on the right side of more issues than not. A replacement could be much, much worse. And, no, I am not a resident of her district, but in a good position to observe people in Congress.
I do not support Republican challenger Van Tran. He is a Mexican hater. Pham is not. Nor is Iglesias.
She does not do enough for Mexicans and Tran is a Mexican hater!
Art, your culture, race is not that important in this country. If we were living in Mexico, i could understand your ethnocentric bias. This county, state, country is made up of so many. Hispanics either start getting in the boat with the rest of us, or start swimming back to Mexico.
I don’t think Ms. Sanchez is a great leader, nor do i think she has did much for the community. But i really hope she is not like you Art, so consumed with her own culture and race, she forgets that she represents all, not just some.
Securing the border will prevent more poor, uneducated and unskilled labor coming into this country. The taxpayers of this country cannot and should not pay for another countries poor. Ms S. I hope is learning that Santa Ana is the prime example of an open border and lack of leadership!
Just thought I would check in and see if Maestro Arturo Pedroza has followed through with his mega scoop. Recall, Art said yesterday “Stay tuned. I am putting up a new post tomorrow about who has funded Loretta’s campaigns over the years… Hint – the working families in her district do not giver her money.” Brilliantissimo, Maestro. Working families often have no spare change to give to the candidate of their choice. But make your point any way, you fox.
JS. i am loving your humor, there must be Irish in you some where:)
Quinn, ya think? Jawaralal a Muslim Irish German Jew? Alert the Zenger-Pedroza patrol!
Ms. Quinn: Probably is some Irish. BTW, you won me over two days ago with: “How, why don’t you answer Mr. Schwartz questions? If he is not real why would you decline to answer?” I like this concept.
Maestro Pedroza: are you a SF lawyer? If so, we may have shaken hands in court.
Quinn, ya think? Jawaralal a Muslim Irish German Jew?
He might be a mut, but muts are smarter that pure breeds:)
Well not all pure breeds..ie..ME:)
Happy New Year, everyone. I am surprised you are all so uncommunicative–without me. No news is good news, eh?
Dude, we’ve written like 50 stories since this, and you’re welcome to comment on any of them. In fact I was glad these old Loretta stories were dying and forgotten!
Vern-dude: take two xlax and call Loretta in the morning, eh?
Let’s all not forget that she sued Booz Allen for sexual harassment to squeeze money out of Booz Allen to fund her campaign. Which I will add she had done the sexual harassment herself. Booz Allen just wanted to settle the case out of court to protect them from the negative publicity.
LOL. Loretta, sexual harassment. before her marriage she WAS the incorrigible flirt.
But we were grownups, and we were not working for her. Harassment? Bring it if you got it.
No, “you” will not add that because “you,” as an anonymous source, don’t actually exist.
If you have information, you can present it. Otherwise, you have only malicious gossip.