Loretta Sanchez’ website overlooks Latinos and hints at corruption

Loretta Sanchez is corrupt

“Uh, oh!  They’re onto me…

I was checking out Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ website today and found some disturbing language in the “About Loretta” tab.

In the 111th Congress, Sanchez is a leader in securing America’s border with Mexico.  A strong advocate for Southwest border security, she frequently appears on CNN, C-SPAN, FOX News, and MSNBC to discuss the importance of economic development and trade along the U.S.-Mexico border and ports of entry.

A leader in securing America’s border with Mexico?  Is it just me or does that sound like Minuteman language?

Then I noted that Sanchez listed some of her past jobs, including gigs at Fieldman, Rollap and Associates, and an Booz, Allen, and Hamilton.

Fieldman, Rollap and Associates invest money for public agencies.

Booz, Allen and Hamilton is a consulting firm that works with the intelligence community, according to their website.

Now we know why Sanchez really ran for Congress.  It had nothing to do with helping Latinos.  She had dumped her Latino surname and run for the Anaheim City Council as a Republican.  She only remembered she was a Latina when it became convenient.

Sanchez ran for Congress for her own self-interest.  She was already making money off the government.  Getting elected meant, ostensibly, raking in even more money – from people she already knew.

It would be interesting to see her financial reports.  I wonder what sort of investments she has and what companies she owns stock in?

And is she now tipping her old pals off when they bid on Army contracts?


Isn’t this what we slammed Dick Cheney for?  Remember Haliburton?

By the way, Booz Allen also works with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  Sanchez serves as the Vice Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Conflicts of interest abound.

The problem with Sanchez is that few people ever truly scrutinize her.  Latinos in particular give her a free pass.  But they shouldn’t.  She has used them from the start.  Now what, exactly, is she doing for Latinos?  She won’t support the Dream Act and she sounds like a Minuteman when it comes to our border.  Why should Latinos support her now?

Check out her position on our Armed Services:

Representative Sanchez has been a member of the House Armed Services Committee since becoming a member of Congress in January 1997. As a member of the this Committee, she works hard to ensure that the United States maintains its position as the most powerful and best-equipped military force in the world.

Huh?  She sounds like a Republican.  I have no interest in having the best military in the world.  In fact I would expect progressive Democrats to want to bring our troops home and stop interfering in other countries’ business.

Here is Sanchez’ position on Homeland Security:

Representative Sanchez has been diligently working to assure that our most critical national security needs our met. She has been fighting to make sure that our airports are safe, to assist the victims as they recover and rebuild from the events of September 11th, to strengthen the economy, and to win the campaign against the evil of terrorism.

We known the truth.  She has been working hard to enrich her friends with federal contracts.

Loretta Sanchez Tet Picture

Loretta Sanchez panders to the Vietnamese, but has forgotten about her fellow Latinos

And here is her position on Human Rights:

Learn about Congresswoman Sanchez’s strong advocacy for human rights, especially freedom of religion in Vietnam.

Isn’t that interesting?  She worries about Vietnamese rights, but apparently is not concerned about Latinos. Go on YouTube and search for Loretta Sanchez and immigrants.  You will find loads of videos about the Vietnamese.  Zero about Latino immigrants.

And be sure to check out her “Community Resources” page.  You will find zero Latino community organizations, but yes, there is a Vietnamese organization listed.

Linda Sanchez and her lobbyist

Let’s not forget that Loretta’s sister, Linda, married a lobbyist!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.