When the photo above emerged, it got tongues wagging. The story was that the man with his arms around Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez was John Saylor, a federal lobbyist who has had business with one of Sanchez’ congressional committees. He has also donated money to her political campaign account.
Now new pictures have emerged depicting these two at a conference.
Another blog, “was able to obtain these pictures of the Congresswoman and Mister Saylor (possibly taken at this conference where they were both on the agenda). Note the name badge on Saylor’s lapel. Sanchez’s allies have been commenting at the various blogs linking the Italy photo. They have been accusing everyone of working for Ceci Iglesias, as if an ad hominem attack is supposed to deter people from the truth. They also have been insisting that the guy in the Italy pic is not Saylor. Let’s see what they have to say about these pics.”
Can there be any question at this point about Sanchez being the new Mike Duvall?
Click here to see the federal contract that Saylor and his company won. It is worth almost a million dollars. The project site is in Long Beach, for the Corps of Engineers, via the Department of the Army. Long Beach is not far from Sanchez’ old digs in Palos Verdes.
According to Sanchez’ website, “Sanchez is also the ranking female member on the House Armed Services Committee and sits on the Oversight and Investigations, Strategic Forces, and Military Personnel Subcommittees.”
Can you say conflict of interest?
If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you will see that Saylor has an office in Santa Ana, at 2020 East First St., Suite 400.
wow, pretty compelling.
Am I missing something? Where’s the beef?
Seems Vern’s been drinking the Kook aid again! What you are missing Vern is a willingness to dis Princess Sanchez!
Are you for real? DC… kind of a small place. If he is a defense contractor/specialist, then they are going to be at similar functions. These pictures to me look like, “hey I know you, and we’re at a similar function, how have you been?” Nothing more.
You’re trying to these pathetic photos of Sanchez, to the dude who on the senate floor was talking about how he was ACTUALLY sleeping w/ a lobbyist and talking about her in detail.
Pathetic Admin. I agree w/ Vern, where’s the beef to this story? LAME.
My guess is that Just Me and Vern won’t speak against anyone or anything that might cost them a gig or job as a political staffer. Can’t really blame either one of them given the current economy but it’s something they should admit.
Taking a page out of the Clinton/Edwards playbook, the Congresswoman and her apologists continue to play off the most recent Sanchez sex scandal. They want you to believe that if you don’t have a soiled GAP dress or DNA testing of a baby you don’t have a case. I say explain it to the voters and let them decide. This onion keeps getting peeled back and each layer reveals more incriminating evidence. Photos don’t lie and these seem to prove there was lots of man junk going along on those Sanchez junkets!
Well, if Beefcake is Beef, Meal Ticket, and Man Junk Junkets all agree on this, maybe there is something here!
Kidding. Of course it’s all the same dillwad with the same IP. And especially barking up the wrong tree with #5. I diss Dems & Reps all the time and still get plenty gigs, and I was the one who focused the Loretta nonsense on her refusal to sponsor the DREAM Act. Substance, boys.
yeah keep at it i love it when it happens to a dem . of course vern is asking where is the beef its one of his .
You have entirely missed the point. The new pictures serve to identify the guy who is bear hugging Loretta.
It is unethical for Sanchez to date lobbyists who have business with federal government agencies. Conflict of interest.
OK, the first VERY friendly photo shows possible romance (and someone, I don’t know who, was denying this was lobbyist Saylor) and now these other, very innocent photos, show that it is Saylor. Gotcha.
Maybe the House Ethics Committee should look into this. You’re right that a Congresswoman shouldn’t have an affair with a lobbyist who’s got business before her. If this fellow loves himself so much Loretta, he should get another job or recuse himself from anything that comes before her committee. Or she should find some other committee.
Sunny, where are you? They’re calling me an apologist for Loretta! According to Sunny I am one of her relentless critics.
I think she could do better. (Some cougar!)
Yeah, Vern, while a fan of Loretta, has seen the light on her refusal to co-sponsor the DREAM Act, so he’s no apologist!
Vern: Sorry, but Sunny is now the property of Navel Gazing.
“the Congresswoman and her apologists continue to play off the most recent Sanchez sex scandal. They want you to believe that if you don’t have a soiled GAP dress or DNA testing of a baby you don’t have a case. I say explain it to the voters and let them decide.”
What sex scandal????? There are no facts of a conflict of interest based on any type of investigation.
Yes!!!! there has to be proof of wrong doing in order to have a case. Do you want to get rid of “justice” this country is based on…..innocent till PROVEN guilty???????
Your political attack does explain to the voters that you have no credibility and should ignore these types of attacks.
An apologist defends some one’s proven failings. No facts are present here. No one here is defending the unproven accusation. The argument is, were are the facts? This is not the definition of a apologist.
You and your supporters are political attacker’s with associated political agendas. There is no story here unless an investigations proves otherwise.
We can from now on refer to you guys as Loretta attackers. Counter to the previous erroneous label “apologist”.
I’m simply saying, that this picture, and the picture before is not proof of a sex scandal.
Focus on real news kiddies. No one gives a crap if Loretta Sanchez is hugging an old dude.
Call her out/praise her on substance… legislation… votes…. real stuff!
Until you can prove that this gentleman had business before Sanchez’ committee, and until you can prove that it happened WHILE they have been an item (if they even really are), then this is a non-story.
And as for contributing to her campaign, there’s nothing illegal about that.
They can’t prove any of it because it isn’t true. They are throwing any false allegation against the wall to see what will stick.
Sanchez has a good voting record, and she has done work on behalf of US service women who have been the victims of rape.
You liberals are such a bunch of insincere phony hypocrites! It’s ridiculous! If this were a Republican, you’d be wringing your hands, “It creates the appearance of corruption [gnash teeth]”.
Only now, it’s “Until you can prove it…” Hogwash! Hypocrites!
“You liberals are such a bunch of insincere phony hypocrites!”
Hate to break it to ya, but there are liberals out there (as well as conservatives) who are capable of being objective, non-kool-aid drinking observers.
But thanks for that insightful overstatement!
If these allegations were made against a republican, I would also want proof. These pictures don’t prove anything.
Saylor is a pathetic loser who has claimed to be Loretta’s lover, but is only a wannabe.He is a liar. Jack Einwechter is and always has been Loretta’s one and only.The whole Saylor fable turns out to be a red herring. Just ask Loretta. For that matter, just ask Saylor. He’s in the phonebook.
I have an idea: if you want to know if Saylor’s tall tails are true, just ask Loretta who she’s spending the holidays with. I’ll bet a c-note it’s not a Saylor, but a soldier, named Jack. Saylor was never even in the game, even though he claimed to many that he scored with the congresslady. Total nonsense. Jack is Loretta’s one real dude. They have been steady for years.
Connect the dots, guys–major CONFLICT OF INTEREST
look at Richardson— he didn’t even want to open up a can of worms as there were grey areas with contracts out of his office with L.A consultants. He gave up that nomination for Obama’s Cabinet. Now that is having some sense…
Excellent post.
Don’t let me down, DOC L. — if you intent to clean house —you have to be just and honest with yourself. Or is Santa Ana an island out here????
don’t look the other way on this one- Art jumps the gun sometimes but he’s right on target on this one, and I know he’s not going to leave Adriana and Gus unsupported on this one. Good going.
it is not easy to set it straight when it comes to
our sister here! But latinos are disenchanted with Loretta.
Border security– damn she’s lame and has the IQ of a nopal and to top it off she is ashamed of that.
We need a good Latina/o candidate ASAP!
Still evaluating Cece Iglesias- but please…- Loretta needs to become a lobbyist herself– she’ll have to wait a while after losing this coming election– but hey this will give her time to further her education, and possibly somehow – refine herself.
It may be time to remind ourselves exactly what happened with DUVALL.
He didn’t get in trouble for having an affair with a lobbyist(s), as unethical as most of us here consider that behavior. He didn’t get removed or disciplined.
He had to resign because it went without saying that he could no longer represent the “family values” Party after publicly boasting in sordid detail about multiple extramarital affairs.
There are more dissimilarities than similarities with Loretta’s case, EVEN ASSUMING she’s having an affair with a lobbyist. Just saying…
Hello? Loretta is not having an “affair.” She’s been in a committed relationship with her long-time partner, Jack Einwechter, for years. There is no evidence that she has been unfaithful to Einwechter. A few innocuous photos with Saylor do not suggest otherwise.
Oh, and by the way, Einwechter is a lawyer, not a lobbyist. So, there is no “affair” and no conflict of interest. These are the facts. If you want to criticize Loretta, keep it focused on policy. There is nothing to criticize about her personal life.
Sanchez and Einwechter actuallly live together now. They are what you call “domestic partners” or something like that. The deal is sealed. I’m sure we’ll be hearing wedding bells soon.
John Saylor, the moron in the picture with Loretta, is a known liar. He’s one of these Washington name-droppers who managed to snap a few photos with a congresswoman and then claim he had an affair. He is just like the balloon boy father or the White House gate crashers–professional attention hog.
Why? Why are we talking about this here? What does it matter? Does she go to work? Does she do her work? Does she go home and bang an old dude later? If you answered yes or no to any of these questions then congratulations. People voted, this is who they want. If you want something else…VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE! If your vote loses, then get over it or die from it.
How did you come across this ancient post? This is from back when our blog was a lot lamer. They had the wrong guy anyway. Loretta’s married now to her lobbyist boyfriend, and he’s young and cool and smart!
“Why are we talking about this here,” indeed!
And when *isn’t* “get over it or die from it” great advice?
Aw c’mon Vern. He ain’t that young. He’s already got a complete family he ditched for Sanchez.
Not that it’s our affair.
I should add that he popped up on FFFF a while back apologizing for some idiocy of bubblehead.
Younger than her. This was an article putting her, erroneously, in the arms of a silverback.
Oh PS he didn’t ditch them for her, he’d already been separated a long time from his wife and his kids were grown up. They were at the wedding too by the way. One of ’em sang. Sang pretty good. Trying to remember his name… Caleb!