More pictures of Loretta Sanchez and her alleged federal lobbyist boyfriend emerge

John Saylor and Loretta Sanchez

When the photo above emerged, it got tongues wagging.  The story was that the man with his arms around Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez was John Saylor, a federal lobbyist who has had business with one of Sanchez’ congressional committees.  He has also donated money to her political campaign account.

Now new pictures have emerged depicting these two at a conference. 


Another blog, “was able to obtain these pictures of the Congresswoman and Mister Saylor (possibly taken at this conference where they were both on the agenda). Note the name badge on Saylor’s lapel. Sanchez’s allies have been commenting at the various blogs linking the Italy photo. They have been accusing everyone of working for Ceci Iglesias, as if an ad hominem attack is supposed to deter people from the truth. They also have been insisting that the guy in the Italy pic is not Saylor. Let’s see what they have to say about these pics.”


Can there be any question at this point about Sanchez being the new Mike Duvall?


Click here to see the federal contract that Saylor and his company won.  It is worth almost a million dollars.  The project site is in Long Beach, for the Corps of Engineers, via the Department of the Army.  Long Beach is not far from Sanchez’ old digs in Palos Verdes.

According to Sanchez’ website, “Sanchez is also the ranking female member on the House Armed Services Committee and sits on the Oversight and Investigations, Strategic Forces, and Military Personnel Subcommittees.”

Can you say conflict of interest?

If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you will see that Saylor has an office in Santa Ana, at 2020 East First St., Suite 400.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.