Should President Obama fire Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano?

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Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the system worked, when a terrorist tried to blow up a jet, in Detroit, but failed.  Evidence has turned up indicating that the father of the terrorist tried to warn U.S. officials.  The Obama administration did nothing.

Is it time for President Obama to fire Napolitano and replace her with someone who knows something about law enforcement, such as a career cop?

The New York Daily News is recommending former L.A.P.D. Chief William Bratton.  That would surely be an improvement over Napolitano!

And the pressure is building in D.C., where “three committees in Congress announced hearings on the incident in January; the House and Senate Homeland Security committees and the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee,” according to the Chicago Sun Times.

The Obama administration dropped the ball.  Napolitano would be a handy scapegoat…

About Art Pedroza