Shouldn’t the DPOC focus on Bill Hedrick’s campaign, instead of Beth Krom’s?

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Democratic congressional candidate Bill Hedrick got 48.2% of the vote last year, against Republican Ken Calvert over in the 44th Congressional District, according to Smart Voter.  Calvert beat him with 51.8% of the vote.

Last year, perennial Democratic candidate Steve Young tried mightily to take out Congressman John Campbell.  In the end, Young got just over 40% of the vote – with Barack Obama atop the Democratic ticket, according to Smart Voter.  Campbell came in at over 55% of the vote.  Campbell got 171,431 votes to Young’s 125,351 votes.  That is to say that Young lost by over 45,000 votes!

Hedrick only lost by about 9,000 votes.  And he had no money and virtually no support.

So why is it that the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) is betting the house on Beth Krom this year, against Campbell, instead of pouring all of their money and energy into Hedrick’s campaign?  Doesn’t Hedrick stand a better chance of beating Calvert?

It just doesn’t make any sense.  Krom has almost no chance of winning.  Hedrick could do it with some help.  Why gamble on Krom?

It’s no wonder the DPOC never wins in Orange County…

About Art Pedroza