Supervisor John Moorlach votes against Janet Nguyen

Janet Nguyen

“Implying he lacks confidence in Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s management style, Supervisor John Moorlach cast the sole vote to oppose her appointment as chairman of the county Board of Supervisors next year,” according to the O.C. Register.

Unfortunately, Nguyen’s fellow Supervisors voted her in as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, for 2010.  Moorlach was the only no vote.

The always squishy Bill Campbell will be the Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors next year.

Supervisor Chris Norby won’t be there.  Sometime in January he will easily win the run-off election for the Assembly seat vacated by pervy Mike Duvall.  At some point he will be replaced by Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson.

As for Nguyen?  She endorsed carpetbagger Linda Ackerman against Norby.  But, like Campbell, she hedged her bets by backing Norby too.  Now she is co-chairing the campaign of carpetbagger nutter Sue Perez, who is challenging State Senator Lou Correa.  Yep.  That would be the same Senator Correa who convinced the local unions to pay for the recount that put Nguyen on the Board of Supervisors.

It is hard to believe that while we are still mired in the Bush Depression, we now face the prospect of the very inexperienced Nguyen heading up our Board of Supervisors.  That surely cannot bode well.

Kudos to Moorlach.  He got this one right.  Shame on Norby and the rest of this bunch.  At least Norby won’t have to suffer through her chairmanship, but Nelson surely won’t like getting dictated to by the petulant Nguyen.

Moorlach has never forgiven Nguyen for endorsing his lame, racist opponent, Dave Shawver, os Stanton, when Moorlach ran for the first time, for the Board of Supervisors.

Nguyen continues to maintain ties in Stanton, where her husband, Tom Bonikowski, and her Chief of Staff, Andrew Do, own and operate a Lee’s Sandwiches franchise that has been issued numerous Orange County Health Department violations.

Nguyen was the decisive no vote against letter grade restaurant ratings last year.  We outed the fact that her husband and Do owned a restaurant that was often cited by the Health Department.  We also outed the fact that Nguyen has received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from other restaurants that have been similarly cited for health violations.

Nguyen also courted controversy over the past year when she voted to remodel the lobby at the Board of Supervisors’ office, despite the recession.  And she opened a satellite office in Westminster, even as the County was laying off workers.

It is highly unlikely that Nguyen will hold on to her seat on the Board of Supervisors, past her first term.  Mark my words – the voters will oust her.  The Democrats never should have lost this seat.  I think they might have hung on to it had they stuck with Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez instead of going with the pervy carpetbagger Tom Umberg…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.