Does Claudia Alvarez have what it takes to be a Judge?
It’s no secret that Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez wants to be a judge. While she effectively runs the Santa Ana City Council meetings, she showed us a glimpse of her true self last year when she derisively called her fellow Council Member Michele Martinez a drug dealer.
Now Scott Moxley has shown us yet another glimpse of what Alvarez might be like as a judge. And it is no bueno!
Moxley posted an article today over at the O.C. Weekly about a drug bust gone wrong near Disneyland.
On Nov. 8, in 2007, At 3:15 p.m., an undercover narcotics unit led by Investigator Christopher M. Catalano decided to end surveillance on 58-year-old Danny Stephen Simmons. Catalano ordered a patrol unit driven by Deputy Gino Rodriguez to stop a 2007 Dodge truck driven by Simmons on Harbor Boulevard.
Simmons was arrested, and the case ended up in court, where a rookie public defender defender named Case Barnett told the Judge, Sarah S. Jones, that he had been provided audio tape that would show that the officers were lying in court about what happened the night they arrested Simmons, who ended up with missing teeth during that arrest.
But the prosecuting attorney would not allow Judge Jones to listen to the tape. And who was that prosecutor? You guessed it. Deputy District Attorney Claudia Alvarez.
Alvarez made six objections as to why the Judge should not listen to the tape, including that it would take undue time.
As a Council Member in Santa Ana, Alvarez was more than happy to move half the City Council meetings out of the Council Chambers so the public would not see those meetings on T.V. She also has blocked putting the meetings online as archived video. So it is not surprising that she also tried to stop a judge from hearing evidence that would clear a defendant.
What was on the tape? Apparently it showed that Catalano had threatened to fabricate evidence prior to Simmons waiving his constitutional right to remain silent.
In the end, the Judge never listened to the tape. Eventually District Attorney Tony Rackauckas had to write a letter to Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, who in turn did not care at all. In fact she gave a medal to Catalano for another drug bust he conducted on the same day he arrested Simmons.
According to Moxley, the “letter to Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, which detailed the impact of the fabrication threat and, based on an interview with a top-ranking OCSD official, identified Catalano as the likely culprit. “Since an officer threatened that Simmons was going to prison and that he would ‘make somethin’ up,’ a court could reasonably find Simmons’ statement was a product of this threat,” wrote the DA, who also noted the public’s confidence in the sheriff’s department would erode if the incident became known beyond the two law-enforcement shops. The DA apparently never received a reply from Hutchens and was forced to drop all of the charges that relied on the investigator’s word.”
Think about that. Rackauckas had to undo what his Deputy District Attorney, Claudia Alvarez, did. She botched this case. As an attorney she had a responsiblity to allow the court to hear all the evidence, even if it blew her case. And instead she refused to allow the audiotape to be heard by the presiding Judge.
Remember this story the next time you hear that Alvarez wants to be a judge. And remember this story when Sheriff Hutchens asks for your vote. According to Moxley, Hutchens never responded to his inquiries. Like her predecessor, Mike Carona, Hutchens loves to cover up for dirty cops…
Is this the same Claudia Alvarez that according to Santa Ana gossip dated Paul Freeman (former mayor laguna beach), Tony Rackauckas (OC District Attorney), Paul Walters (SA Police Chief) and Brion May (Paul Freemans best friend)?
If her list of purported paramours is correct, who can trust her?
“Is this the same Claudia Alvarez that according to Santa Ana gossip dated Paul Freeman (former mayor laguna beach), Tony Rackauckas (OC District Attorney), Paul Walters (SA Police Chief) and Brion May (Paul Freemans best friend)?
If her list of purported paramours is correct, who can trust her?”
I’m just glad she’s dating men!
Now THIS is the Clownia I know! Petty, vindictive, loud-mouth, over her head. Heaven help us all if she ever advances past her city council seat…
It sounds to me like Claudia was just doing her job and trying to make the best out of the hand she was dealt. The problem seems to arise from the Sheriff’s Department and Sheriff Hutchens. Claudia is charged with prosecuting cases and her cases are only as strong as the evidence she has been given.
Claudia has my full support and I will gladly vote for her should she seek higher office. I only wish more of the city council was like Claudia. If it were I am sure this city would be in much better shape and the “usual suspects” would be running for the hills.
“I only wish more of the city council was like Claudia.”
Hey Boo Berry,
Maybe we should add Sean to your ever growing list!
Hey TMZ. It appears someone is tossing Ms. Alvarez’ salad.
This is such a schizo blog. First, Claudia Alvarez is the devil. Then, she’s the great hope for Santa Ana. Now she’s the devil again.
Make up your mind, Art. It’s tough to take you seriously anymore.
She’s still the devil, but the lesser of two evils (Her and the Usual Suspects).
How can a person get a fair trial? How can a prosecutor suppress evidence? If she becomes a judge, how can she be fair and impartial?
WOW this is a shock …Claudia believes in Fake it until you make it. Claudia has coatailed the coat of several others to get this position on top. Ask her to say Educated. Coming fromthe mouth of her sister she treats people like their worhtless and she is better than everyone esle. Barbara cant stand her sister Claudia because she not as developed as her and her sister barbara would be a better judge with out a law degree. Has Claudia every taken a lie detectors test. May be we should start a talk show about judges whom never lied…Ha Ha. Judge judy says there have her for her brains not her beauty.
Alfaro ……Good Job Claudia You finally made it…I’m proud of you it took you 19 years since our conversation at you BF law office.
Alfaro Tu Amigo …………………. Dont under estimate the best Claudia would say HVD
This is in reference to the comment about MRS. Alvarez calling Ms. Martinez a drug dealer. claudia is a TWOFACE I personally know of specifics MICHELLE JUST IGNORE HER. Cladudia is full of sh*t ask her sister Barbara she know what’s up Girl…. you know what I mean… Yep that’s it! Got it! Claudia is also from The OLD school HER stomping grOUndS ARE FROM WEST SANTA ANA y tiene los contactos. The whole truth and nothing but the truth! Claudia is in her insecure zone and willl hide out! A recluse and it time to call her out and keep her busy. HEr mind is trained to bully and act like the victim its her way of winning but deep down inside she lonely. This is why! she seeks out men and victimizes people. There are some deep seated issue’s It’s confusing because her sister is a psychologist go figure. She gets these ideas from her mother Ana Maria. She doesnt give a shit, its about money this is the only way she will be forfilling of herself and actions. It really matter’s what peeeeeople think of her.
When she is not a judge and no longer in office will see the results. However , I know that she is going to be a judge with rubber Stamp. How do I kn ow this ….I’ll leave it to you imagination.
Hasta Despues
Sean I don’t mean to bust your bubble, But here one bellow my belt, Hold on let me eat another burger or have a case of beer first. Does that ring a belt. You have intentions in running for city council and your playing kiss up to here. Be a man and throw your hat into the race. If I recall you have no support from the party. So, do us all a and stick to what you know. I wonder, other wise you seem healthy and a nice judge of character but in relation to your close friend, CA your both off the A list.
OMG, This is interesting that People actually write about Claudia Dating Mr. Freeman. I have a question! Did she graduate from a catholic law school! This would actually be in violation of Catholism and the beliefs she believes in so is Ms. Alvarez a FAKE, and says what ever she want to get bye. Once again, her actions validate that she is faking it till she makes and if it takes dating and laying low hat off to her. oops that was mentioned by Teresa Parker who works for the District Attorney’s office.
Gustavo what do you have to say about this!
ART I need to speak to you. Please give me a call!
Now the whole world knows. You have my information. It would great to speak to you.
Why do you all pick on Claudia and try to kill her suenos? She will be a judge some day and the world will be a better place when she is one. Why must Latinos be so jealous of Latinas who do well in life?
I think she will first have to get elected to the State Assembly before she can get appointed to a judicial bench.
I also think she could easily follow Solorio after he terms out, in the 69th Assembly District. She has run twice before, has great name I.D., and currently is in charge of the City Council majority coalition.
And I think she has learned to temper herself over the years. She can be charming when she wants to be.