Wayne Quint has an expensive crush on Lance MacLean
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Amazing. I have just reviewed the Mission Viejo Feb 2nd recall election candidate filings for the period ending Jan 16th. After adding a late contribution by the OCSD union, dated Jan 20th, it raises their total expenditure to $63,432 to support Mission Viejo Mayor Lance MacLean and opposing the citizen recall.
UPDATE: In contacting the union PAC Treasurer in SAC today, Jan 27th, I was told that they had another Late Contribution of $7,454 on Jan 22nd.
Some facts have been completely ignored by union president Wayne Quint who is also a close friend of councilman Frank Ury. Frank publicly stated they would be fighting back to block the recall and Wayne Quint has provided the deep pockets.
Let me introduce some older facts that are not related to the recall but do impact the OCSD.
On Sept 20, 2002, motor officer Sgt. Matt Davis was killed in the line of duty while riding south along Marguerite Parkway towards Crown Valley Parkway. I was at Mission Hospital that night and saw former sheriff Mike Carona enter to meet with and pay his respects to the family.
In memory of that fallen officer the city wanted to honor Matt by renaming one of our parks in his name. On Nov. 21, 2005 “Camino Largo” park was renamed “Sergeant Matt Davis Park.”
Note: The union supports Lance today while he turned his back on the rank and file as documented below.
Renaming of the park. Voting was as follows:
AYES: Kelley, Ledesma and Reavis
NOES: MacLean and Ury
After that rejection Lance MacLean voted NO during the July 2, 2007 budget meeting to add two “dues paying” OCSD deputies to serve in our city.
I wonder if Frank shared that information with president Quint.
With regard to the first charge in recall election. It took four police to get Lance to take his hands off the neck of a fellow UCI Director, wrestle him to the ground, and place him in handcuffs as he swore to get their hands off of him.
This documented charge relates to his anger management problems. In addressing this issue in the Register Lance would only say that he “paid a dear price for the mistake” yet failed to elaborate on what occurred or the “price paid” which I believe was his early departure from UCI after 27 years.
Another episode resulted in councilman Frank Ury calling the police to take a report relating to a MacLean confrontation with Diane Greenwood, Frank’s protege in the 2006 election where Frank the chameleon tried to remove Lance MacLean, John Paul Ledesma and Trish Kelley.
The good news is that this should all be over in 12 days.
Where does Larry stand on this Special Election?
I thought you would never ask.
Knowing all of the players for many years, and looking out for the best interests of our city, I have voted to recall Lance and cast my Ballot for Dale Tyler, a conservative Republican endorsed by the California Republican Assembly over Democrat Dave Leckness based on our long history and supported by my challenger interviews that were posted back in November.
One other factoid from today’s 460’s. Lance MacLean has accepted a $4,000 contribution from the Apartment Association of OC PAC at a time when our building Moratorium to protect and preserve one of our golf courses is about to expire. A developer has expressed interest in converting all or part of that public golf course into some form of housing.
We will be voting in the June election on a Ballot Measure called the “Right to Vote” Initiative which gives residents a say in controlling major planning and zoning decisions.
What is the “quid pro quo” for the OCSD deputies union for this massive outlay to protect a man with acknowledged anger management history. And the $64,000 question for MV voters is quite simple. Who can say if or when Lance is unable to control his anger while performing a city function that could result in a massive lawsuit against our city in which the council and staff are well aware of his history.
We can’t afford to take that risk.
Mission Viejo for sale. Just line up and anti up to Lance MacLean. So what do you call a person that sells themselves—??
Pres. Polk.
There may be a problem relating to the sheriffs union expenditure filings. The Mission Viejo Dispatch has a higher sum in that my report only covers the current filing. Is it possible that the union missed a report or did they make an error in the 465? I have left a mesage for Karen Hamman, our city clerk, and will confirm the actual totals if an error has been made. The amount in question is an additional $14,908.
Check out this video, it explains everything.
Wow, you voted for Dale? Isn’t he being investigated by the D.A.? And did he get his 460 filed on time?
I’m curious about this issue. I stumbled upon a site called theinsufferabledanavery and some very harsh things are being said about Tyler and someone named Francis on that site.
you don’t really seem to have very specific reasons for why you voted for Tyler.
Condor watcher.
I have 15 years of experience with both of the recall candidates. As such they are each known to me personally. Let me also point out that Dan Avery’s wife Victoria is the treasurer for Dave Leckness. As such where do you think his loyalty lies?
Let me remind you of the title of this post. Instead of questioning the massive expenditure by the OC sheriffs union to protect a violent man, you question my vote?
And on the topic of 460 campaign filings. I am still awaiting a response from our city clerk. There is a possibility that the sheriffs union failed to file required campaign documents yet everyone else is silent when it doesn’t refer to the recall proponents.
Larry, these recall shenanigans that you and your ilk subject all of us to are a complete waste of our time and tax dollars. It is downright shameful, especially when all of the council wannabes on the ballot tout their so called conservative Republican credentials.
This recall will fail. I have seen the NO campaign stuff and I have yet to see anything supportive of Lance MacLean. This recall is bad government on display and you know it. Since you and your comrades thirst for political power clouds this fact you aim your sights on the deputy sheriffs.
How convenient and Republican of you.
Help me out here. What is the hidden agenda of the sheriffs union in spending around $75,000 or more to protect Lance MacLean?All of the council Wannabes on the ballot?
There are only two names on the ballot Dave and Dale. One letter sets them apart.
The same is true as it relates to their party affiliation. Dave is a “D” and Dale is an “R”
I would say the Sheriffs union made it very clear that they are supporting no on the recall, nothing “hidden” about that. It looks like you are trying to refocus on everything except the comments sent in here. Is Dale being investigated by the DA? Did he file his papers on time? And what about the recent allegations of having his cars registered in another state? You seem to think this is a better choice than someone who will come up for election anyway in November. Why are we spending all this money? I am very confused….
Confused. Now that’s an appropriate name whomever you are.
I see that OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh just told Central Committee Republicans to distance themselves from organized labor. You can find his speech on the OC Register.
Perhaps you can respond to the justification of spending around $75,000 supporting someone with a Police report confirming violance by Lance MacLean at UCI and a second report prompted by Frank Ury relating to the 2006 council race.
How about a member of the OCSD killed in the line of duty on Marguerite Parkway where the council wanted to name one of our parks in his honor. The vote to make that change prevailed 3-2 even though Lance MacLean and Frank Ury voted NO. Thought you might like that bit of trivia relating to the OCSD rank and file.
Investigations. I was holding back on this charge but you have opened the door.
In follow up to another comment by someone on this blog I contacted ICE this week to see if in fact Dave Leckness has or had an employee at Kwik Kopy Printing who is here illegally. Thanks for opening that door.
As you might be new to the Juice blog let me simply advise you that for the benefit of our other readers, you stay on topic.
Someone once said, “there’s two ways to have the tallest building in town” one is to tear all the other buildings down but then your not known as a builder your known as a wrecker. Larry, you put everyone down to try and make yourself look good.
Larry, my favorite story and one every business leader should learn is the “Frog and the Scorpion” In this short and simple Aesop’s fable, a scorpion, who couldn’t swim, asked a frog one day to carry him across the river on his back. The frog hesitated, saying, “I’m afraid you will sting me and I would die”. But the scorpion pointed out that the frog is not thinking with his frog brain, because, since he is a scorpion and can’t swim he would die. So the frog thought about it and said “that makes sense, hop on”.
Sure enough, as they were half way across the river, the scorpion stings the frog. As the frog is dying he says, “Why? Why did you do that, yes I’m going to die but now so are you”
“Because,” the scorpion replied, “I am a scorpion” The moral of the fable Larry is that we can’t overcome our nature. You Larry are a scorpion.
What I have learned in business in the past 25 years is it’s easy to get along with people who are like yourself. Where the difficulty and testing comes is getting along with people who are not like yourself. Larry, I will continue to try and get along with you. But it aint easy.
While I am familiar with fables this story is a true account of union dues being spent to defend a violent man whose history has been well documented.
Your comments have zero to do with this story but, while you still want to jump in and attack the messenger, let me ask a simple question.
Dave. Do you support the union expendidute as documented and; does the city council control how either of our two school districts establish budgets for “Music PE and art classes” in our schools?
The union is lying to parents as they try to derail the recall effort.
That’s the only feedback I wish to get from you on this story. Simple request.
And one final point. As I am not mentioning your campaign or you personally in this post please explain your comment about “getting along with me.’
Update: I just called the union PAC treasurer in SAC and was told that another Late Contribution was made on Jan 22nd. So we can add $7,454 to the ever increasing total.
In discussing this massive outlay with a Register reporter earlier today neither of us could put our finger on what is driving this blank check from Wayne Quint. Perhaps he can chime in with his rationale. According to my calendar Ground Hogs Day is the same day as the recall election. Feb 2nd. Hopefully he will surface before that date.
I just checked to see how many ballots have been received at the ROV web site. Through today the number is 9,043 out of our total of 62,298 (2008 General Election).
Early on in the recall election I had projected a turnout of 13,000-15,000 ballots. However, unless we have a large election day turnout at the polls, we may see around 12,000 votes. At this rate the voter turnout may be under 20 percent.
Let’s see how much money the OCSD union president will spend per vote opposing the recall. Who knows, it might be close to $15-$20 per vote in a losing cause.
Mission Viejo voters AND the local Register reporter cannot understand why the union is spending so much money opposing the recall. While I have a theory, that question can only be answered by president Wayne Quint.
Note: We received another union mailer today with the same messages. What a waste